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hullo HRK hw r u bro?:unsure:

I am fine little angel.........How are you little angel...

well then you can simply also ask, why do we have to do something with our lives???

it's not about being famous or wealthy, it's about being at the top of what you want to accomplish. At the end, you don't want to look back and realize you did nothing with your life.

LOL now don't say "whose to say that nothing is nothing" haha

dude, no matter what you think! I like people that atleast have enough sense to realzie all that you do! it's commendable :)

Indeed 'why do we have to do something with our lives' ? :lol:

Isn't it all a mere illusion, an absolute make-belief notion that we, human beings, have created to get through life ! To attach a value to something that, in all logic, has not intrinsic value of its own. And why ? Because we don't 'like' the notion of knowing that 'our lives meant nothing' that there has to be a higher purpose to them; that our very existence was nothing more than a biological blip on the evolutionary scale of things....that the Universe doesn't give a frig about us ? That we are beyond insignificant and that to weave this absolute moronic fallacy even further we associate value to things in life that, logically speaking, have no value at all or that the very notion of 'values' is absurd when there is truly nothing more to life than the very grim truth that we live, we grow old & then we die !
Nah, you're just finding your way like all of us. No one really knows the truth, we are all discovering it :)

The questioning doesn't sit well with a lot of people. :hitwall: I've always been an agent provocateur though, not a single "believer" left among my friends. My best friend himself is Kashmiri, highly religious family but between me and him we managed to turn him into a liberal, atheist and leftist. Last I heard of him he was mourning Hugo Chavez. :partay:
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