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@Neptune! J! Buddy how are you? Hows your neck :cheers:

Fine but why pashtun?? why cant you stick with your own ancestor line?

hes right bro! Muhajir is a degatory word! Many 'muhajir' feel alienated!
@seiko whats your religion? :coffee:
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Fine but why pashtun?? why cant you stick with your own ancestor line?

Good question. I can make a thread on this tommorow because the reply will not be short!!! But points to ponder:
1) Our Lucknowi culture is dying for a mega Pakistani culture
2) Karachi's demography-25% are Pashtun, 7% Sindhi.
3) All those who went to Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan and to a lesser extent Punjab merged into the local fabric. They adopted local ethnicity.
3) Pashtuns-well my book badal is about Pashtuns. I was bound to get attracted. I have studied extensively on them.
4) As the post said both can be done. Qouted:

2) Reinforce our past and identify ourselves with our real culture: As stated earlier in the issues with the wider terminology "Muhajir" used for migrants it does not do justice to our rich cultures. There is nothing wrong calling ourselves Bihari or Lucknowi. Pakistan is changing rapidly and these places being in India won't matter which I believe is the worry. We can explain how once our houses hosted the Muslim League. Now note that I haven't given up on my Ansari family despite adopting Pashtun identity... so maybe the two can exist at the same time as well. Of these 2 options however I will believe merger (option 1) is better. Why? Because the process of losing culture, history and language has already largely begun. I can cite many examples. Another thing is those places are in India-some people just appear suspicious about us maintaining links-I noticed this at FIA office when moving people and for naturalization process. However if option 1 is too difficult as it means learning an entire new culture and language this can be done.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...ussion-muhajir-identity-11.html#ixzz2Ljvdin1t
@Talon, @Hyperion anyone else who has doubts about my identity issue should look at this post 153. It explains my entire thinking on the said matter:
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hes right bro! Muhajir is a degatory word! Many 'muhajir' feel alienated!
@seiko whats your religion? :coffee:

He does not have to called himself a "muhajir".. Just look at what Mirzay wrote in that thread

Actually muhajir wants to be call muhajir my grandfather migrated from Pune but my father always said to me beta our grandparents are muhjair but we are Sindhi or just pakistani because we live here. Many muhajir wants to call them muhajir becuase of MQM

He said that he was born in Islamabad, then why he have to think that he is a Muhajir??

I am a Christian mate!! Indian Orthodox(Malakara Orthodox)
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Good question. I can make a thread on this tommorow because the reply will not be short!!! But points to ponder:
1) Our Lucknowi culture is dying for a mega Pakistani culture
2) Karachi's demography-25% are Pashtun, 7% Sindhi.
3) Pashtuns-well my book badal is about Pashtuns. I was bound to get attracted.
4) As the post said both can be done. Qouted:

@Talon, @Hyperion anyone else who has doubts about my identity issue should look at this post 153. It explains my entire thinking on the said matter:

you look like a pashtun?
And sir what is the defination of "nationalist"
what are nationalistic veiws?
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@Talon apna inbox dekh

He does not have to called himself a "mujahir".. Just look at what Mirzay wrote in that thread

He said that he was born in Islamabad, then why he have to think that he is a Mujahir??

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yes sis u have the amazing comforting personality! :smitten:

I have ADD... but when I say I have cognitive dreams... I will sound crazy.

But I do have Attention dificit disorder. Almost every post here has something to do with me or my life somehow. Fun times for everyone...
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