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What Pashtun Princess ? :what:

I thought that the Afghans of ages past were a bunch of raiders & mercenaries; hardly a exquisitely developed civilization to speak of ! I've always understood the Pashtuns (Afghans) as the Mongols of the East; disjointed & warring amongst themselves killing all & sundry in an incessant cycle of blood feuds !

Then a leader was born - Ahmed Shah Abdali who galvanized them into One Nation unlike any other Pashtun Chieftain had been able to in the past but like Genghis Khan his posterity or his Nation couldn't live up to his vision & fell back into petty feuding & raiding !

The more things changed the more they stayed the same huh. BTW how could they be mongols of the east when the mongols are the mongols of the east? :D
Yeah something like that; we never had much of a warring tradition on the East of Indus ! I suppose when you've got ample food, are at the cross roads of a couple of major trading routes & have an inclusive society you're not that much into fighting & killing !

Wrong. Read history of your rajputs, jats, sials, awans etc, they were always ready for wars. Hindostan was never peaceful, always engaged in inter-state wars.
Wrong. Read history of your rajputs, jats, sials, awans etc, they were always ready for wars. Hindostan was never peaceful, always engaged in inter-state wars.

I know but tis also true that these areas have welcomed almost every Invader that came from the West whether it were the Ghauris, the Mughals, the Persians or the Afghans - all of them ! Didn't even put up a half-arsed fight.

The more things changed the more they stayed the same huh. BTW how could they be mongols of the east when the mongols are the mongols of the east? :D

:oops: Ooppps ! :D
Yeah something like that; we never had much of a warring tradition on the East of Indus ! I suppose when you've got ample food, are at the cross roads of a couple of major trading routes & have an inclusive society you're not that much into fighting & killing !

Rajputs?? Marathis?? You Kashmiris just got lazy is all, nothing to be ashamed of. For a long time Afghans were sheeps of the Persian Empires. Today Afghans are sheep of Pakistan's military establishment. :whistle:
Rajputs?? Marathis?? You Kashmiris just got lazy is all, nothing to be ashamed of. For a long time Afghans were sheeps of the Persian Empires. Today Afghans are sheep of Pakistan's military establishment. :whistle:

Marathas were from the South of India - that has nothing to do with me ! :blink:

The Kashmiris were a sorry arsed bunch of fair skinned MOFOs who could cook & paint well ! The Punjabis were only just a shade better. The Sindhis - Dunno if they were any good either ! And the Baluch - Dunno much about them to be honest.
So who could be this pashtun princess of havi sultan?
He should write a book on it.

Mate you are something else. :rofl: I agree with some of your points though. Like I do not understand Haviz's ludicrous quest to "become Pashtun". These type of things are based on blood.
I know but tis also true that these areas have welcomed almost every Invader that came from the West whether it were the Ghauris, the Mughals, the Persians or the Afghans - all of them ! Didn't even put up a half-arsed fight.

:oops: Ooppps ! :D

Actually nobody welcomed them, the locals fought with their full efforts to resist invasions from west. Do you know why? Because ghaznavi, ghori, timur, nadir shah, abdali all invaded for purpose of loot and plunder, any local who refused to cooperate was obviously killed.
Marathas were from the South of India - that has nothing to do with me ! :blink:

The Kashmiris were a sorry arsed bunch of fair skinned MOFOs who could cook & paint well ! The Punjabis were only just a shade better. The Sindhis - Dunno if they were any good either ! And the Baluch - Dunno much about them to be honest.

East of the Indus though so they too are warlike ergo proving your statement wrong. IDK about Kashmiris, it may have been the affects of the valley which calmed you guys down but us Punjabis never had a problem fighting. The only thing us Punjabis did wrong which still bites us today is being to open to others and never trying to rise up ourselves. We had no problem with who ran the throne of Delhi as long as they didn't bother us and never sought it for ourselves. The Sikhs of course were the exception however it was not power but revenge and hatred towards the Muslim rulers which caused our Sikh brethren to form their own empire.
Rajputs?? Marathis?? You Kashmiris just got lazy is all, nothing to be ashamed of. For a long time Afghans were sheeps of the Persian Empires. Today Afghans are sheep of Pakistan's military establishment. :whistle:

Yes pashtuns of nowadays are sheeps of punjabis, i agree with you. But hill tribes of pashtuns in old times were never bothered by any invaders, infact hill tribes used to harass passing armies towards hindostan, unless they pay them some fee.

East of the Indus though so they too are warlike ergo proving your statement wrong. IDK about Kashmiris, it may have been the affects of the valley which calmed you guys down but us Punjabis never had a problem fighting. The only thing us Punjabis did wrong which still bites us today is being to open to others and never trying to rise up ourselves. We had no problem with who ran the throne of Delhi as long as they didn't bother us and never sought it for ourselves. The Sikhs of course were the exception however it was not power but revenge and hatred towards the Muslim rulers which caused our Sikh brethren to form their own empire.

Its simple, punjab is a plain area, you cant put up much defence in open wide fields. Pashtuns were living in mountains, so they were safe and also daring.
though kashmiris also live in mountains, but they are genuine sheeps lol
Yes pashtuns of nowadays are sheeps of punjabis, i agree with you. But hill tribes of pashtuns in old times were never bothered by any invaders, infact hill tribes used to harass passing armies towards hindostan, unless they pay them some fee.

Its simple, punjab is a plain area, you cant put up much defence in open wide fields. Pashtuns were living in mountains, so they were safe and also daring.
though kashmiris also live in mountains, but they are genuine sheeps lol

No Afghans are sheeps of Pakistanis, Pashtuns are brother to Punjabis. Go to Punjab our people will welcome you with open arms but I doubt Punjabis would be received the same in Pashtun areas. You are right about the open plains and mountains though. It is because they were in that beautiful valley made them soft lol.
No Afghans are sheeps of Pakistanis, Pashtuns are brother to Punjabis. Go to Punjab our people will welcome you with open arms but I doubt Punjabis would be received the same in Pashtun areas. You are right about the open plains and mountains though. It is because they were in that beautiful valley made them soft lol.

More precisely talibans are your sheeps.
Unlike on internet, real life Punjabi-pashtun relationships are very friendly and warm-hearted. I have some wonderful punjabi friends. And
Our areas are imagined "no go areas" by you people but you would be surprised that there are many punjabis settled in our towns. Unlike balochs we are not allergic to settlers, but outsiders are afraid to come because of gun culture and all that. Otherwise hospitality is part of imaan of our culture.
East of the Indus though so they too are warlike ergo proving your statement wrong. IDK about Kashmiris, it may have been the affects of the valley which calmed you guys down but us Punjabis never had a problem fighting. The only thing us Punjabis did wrong which still bites us today is being to open to others and never trying to rise up ourselves. We had no problem with who ran the throne of Delhi as long as they didn't bother us and never sought it for ourselves. The Sikhs of course were the exception however it was not power but revenge and hatred towards the Muslim rulers which caused our Sikh brethren to form their own empire.

Ain't that cute ! :lol:
More precisely talibans are your sheeps.
Unlike on internet, real life Punjabi-pashtun relationships are very friendly and warm-hearted. I have some wonderful punjabi friends. And
Our areas are imagined "no go areas" by you people but you would be surprised that there are many punjabis settled in our towns. Unlike balochs we are not allergic to settlers, but outsiders are afraid to come because of gun culture and all that. Otherwise hospitality is part of imaan of our culture.

By sheep I mean dependent or being at the mercy of. Afghans are at the mercy of Pakistan in that regard. Since you are Pakistani that means you are on the better side of the equation.
woo brand new news..:D
it was almost 8:am i was with Moghees
Alamdar and Hussain Mehdi my fellows
returning from our Math tusion when we
faced an accident...
Moghees was driving....
i was in b/w Hussain and Moghees...
i heared auto rickshaw's voice and sensed
we will face and accident and then
well we also were using horn soo according
to Mogheese the rickshaw driver was
responsible ..
well i don't know who was responsible...
well i got minor injury at hand and right
Hussain was too looking fine while
condition of Moghees Alamdar was not
looking too good to me...
well good thing is that i didnot ever faced
any accident while when i am driving....
then after accident i drove the bike...
the bike also got damaged a little...
then i dropped moghees to his home then
i came back home on foot...

beware of me..
am promoted to Major now..:)
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