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NASA discovers evidence of "Flowing Water" on Mars.

American Pakistani

May 30, 2010
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United States
NASA discovers evidence of flowing water on Mars

Updated at: 0538 PST, Friday, August 05, 2011
LOS ANGELES: NASA scientists have discovered fresh evidence that water is flowing on Mars during its warmest months, raising the likelihood that life could exist on the red planet, the agency said on Thursday.

NASA first found evidence of water on Mars more than a decade ago, but earlier indications were that it would be mostly frozen and concentrated at the poles. Recently analyzed images from the NASA Reconnaissance Orbiter that has circled the planet show dark finger-like features that extend down some Martian slopes during late spring through summer, and fade in the winter.

"This is the best evidence we have to date of a liquid water occurring today on Mars," said Philip Christensen, geophysicist at Arizona State University, in a NASA panel announcing the findings.

NASA scientists believe that if flowing, liquid water exists on Mars, it would be highly salty. That would explain why it would not freeze in the planet's cold temperatures.

"It is more like a syrup, maybe, in how it flows," said Alfred McEwen of the University of Arizona, principal investigator for the NASA orbiter's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment.

The briny, flowing Martian water -- if it exists -- could be "rather different than pure water," said McEwen, lead author of a report on evidence of water flows on Mars published in the Thursday edition of the journal Science.

Lisa Pratt, a biogeochemist at Indiana University who was on the NASA panel discussing the results, said the findings were significant. "It is our first chance to see an environment on Mars that might allow for the expression of an active biological process, if there is present-day life on Mars," she said. (Reuters)
For now, the best attempt would be literally a one-way mission and let the brave pave the way.

The question is who wants go and live there. A one-way mission means leaving everything you have on earth, family, friends, earthly possesions behind and live in a almost barren panet
The question is who wants go and live there. A one-way mission means leaving everything you have on earth, family, friends, earthly possesions behind and live in a almost barren panet
Keyword search 'mars one way trip'. Who would go? Me.
Mars..woa how much it gona cost me if i plan my vacation's there?
YUP we r done with earth now lets go to MARS & get rid of it as well ....
For now, the best attempt would be literally a one-way mission and let the brave pave the way.

NASA could have sent OBL to mars on a one way mission. Sameway.as the early sailors used to be convicts and criminals on death panelty.

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