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Guess game on water possibility on Mars hots up

Thanks for the article.:tup:
I know it sounds good that on some planet it rains diamonds.
But I am sure that you didnt miss the line "diamonds are not forever" on these planets.So that would water down all my efforts to reach Saturn by 2040.
And did you know diamonds bring in a loss of 30% when sold....so no I dont like diamonds anymore.:sick:
I am a shrewd business woman too.8-)
ha ha ha....
No..it doesn't sound cool at all...any day I would prefer water as rain rather than diamonds.....:angel:
but if you are so nosy about diamonds we can certainly go to Uranus or neptune.....we can bring from there.....(but you have to wait till 2047..):lol::lol::lol:
never knew about that loss thing..... ..and also about you being shrewd...:warning2:
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