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Narendra Modi in Beijing, tells China 'Pakistan is making use of you'

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he is much wiser than i thought, he knew that China is using Pakistan, but quotes the other way around to attract the Chinese officials to hear him. if had been straight at accusing the Chinese his meeting would have been futile as the Chinese high command would have not listned further.
He has the leaders quality to make friendship out of rivalry
First Pakistan
Then Chineese troops presence in Kashmir
And then the Map controversy

This man will never cease to surprise me with his gutts and politics.....Modi sir hatts off to you...we will love to see as our next PM....and I am sure his statement in Islamabad when he will visit Pakistan will be

"China is making use of you"
LOL........ and right after Narendra Modi says to China "Pakistan is making use of you" and says to Pakistan "China is making use of you" Pakistan and China immediately cease diplomatic relations!

This sort of thing just goes to show that India HAS NO FRIKKEN CLUE WHATSOEVER about how to treat its neighbors with respect and live in peace. It is constantly scheming, backstabbing and trying to take advantage of others. :sick:

Indians can't even do a pure business investment meeting without bad mouthing others.
Modi is not MMS. He will not be preemptive against pakistan but will not let another Mumbai go without response.

As for the development plank He asks for votes on development and not on hindutva. And he has demonstrated the same.
That's crazy you Indians have a crazy hitler in the wings. :woot:

China should arrest him to stop the future war if he should take power.
That's crazy you Indians have a crazy hitler in the wings. :woot:

China should arrest him to stop the future war if he should take power.

I guess ,that is why china invited Modi instead of Indian PM,Communist leaders,Etc.
LOL........ and right after Narendra Modi says to China "Pakistan is making use of you" and says to Pakistan "China is making use of you" Pakistan and China immediately cease diplomatic relations!

This sort of thing just goes to show that India HAS NO FRIKKEN CLUE WHATSOEVER about how to treat its neighbors with respect and live in peace. It is constantly scheming, backstabbing and trying to take advantage of others. :sick:

Indians can't even do a pure business investment meeting without bad mouthing others.

I am sure the Chin are the best neighbors in the world.

Liked by every neighbor from Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan...........

Never claiming entire seas for themselves!

On second thoughts..............

Your bravado is understandable after centuries. It just stinks all the same.
Most indians and westerners don't understand when they look at how China interact with other country is, Chinese do not necessarily put interests of themselves on the top of our value system.

In the Chinese value system, of course not everyone abide it, friendship or loyalty is highly valued and praised; and kindness toward one should be repaid with much more kindness. 滴水之恩当以涌泉相报。-"kindness of a drop of water should be repaid with a pouring spring." is a phrase you hear all the time in China.

We also despite those who change sides for their own best interest all the time, cause we understand that they will be the ones who turn on you first when situation changes. We also despite those who are not grateful for our kindness, such as vietnam in the past.

China will act in the best of interest of itself that is when dealing with countries who only act for themselves, but will always loyal to a true friend, and Pakistan is one of the rare few.
Ofcourse you cant get reservation on the basis of something that you dont have right ?

I fail to see how that was not a relevant reply.

If you are not aware of the churning taking place..prepare to be surprised !

Same Applies to You ........
We do, but when they are reluctant and acts according to their masters advice then we won't. It as simple as that.
Let us not forget that our relationship with Pakistan is and will always be different. They are our brothers and trusted ally.
If I remembered correctly, India too has their fair share, which means no one will take them seriously when they raise the issue :azn:

Oh, You mean to say China Doesn't act according to it's master's [political leaders]advice?... Listen dude, I understand China and Pakistan are Good friend, but you can't deny the fact that China's relation with it neighbors is not worthy and no doubt it is getting worse... [Now C'mon blame India for This]...:bad: and As you said your so called trusted friend is the only ally left for you people...
I hope Modi visits China again and again so we can have more "pearls of wisdom" form him.

Modi goes for a visit to China and the highlight of his visit is spent talking about Chinas friend. The incredible obsession some people have!? You would think the main talking points would have concerned building relations and trade links with Gujarat. The Chinise havent got their country to the level it has by listening to power junkies like Modi. To meet a wise owl one needs to listen twice as much as you talk hence gaining knowledge and becoming wiser. Modis approach? - Talk sh*t about things that he shouldnt even be bothered about. Makes him look amateur and lacking in international clout.
Same Applies to You ........

I did not get you...

So you are ok if Hindu run institutions reserve 50% of seats for themselves ?

You are getting confused with what we have and what you dont have...As I had clearly proved secularism in India is a sham biased against the Hindus (even against the Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists) and I hope the Uniform Civil Code is brought as soon as possible.
I did not get you...

So you are ok if Hindu run institutions reserve 50% of seats for themselves ?

You are getting confused with what we have and what you dont have...As I had clearly proved secularism in India is a sham biased against the Hindus (even against the Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists) and I hope the Uniform Civil Code is brought as soon as possible.

You do realise that Hindus get approx. 50% reservations straightaway. SCs and STs get about 22%. SCs of course are defined by law as Hindu specific only groups (ofcourse Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists are included in this definition but not Muslims or Christians). Similarly with the 27% OBC reservations, it is almost entire utilized by Hindus as well.

So ALREADY on a national level you have close to a 50% reservation to Hindus, so what are you complaining about? Poor Muslims and Christians have to compete in the remaining 50% seats along with well off Hindus and well of Muslims/ Christians e.t.c.


On topic, I had mentioned this before on the BJP and its China policy

I don't understand why Narendra Modi and the BJP have not taken a strong stand on the TBEA incident? Gujarat should have cancelled the deal with TBEA Private Limited after the incident over the journalist being told "shut up" on a legitimate question.
Sure Gujarat might have lost the 2000 crore deal but its nothing compared to the question of sovereignty of Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh. Gujarat is after all a part of India and not a separate country and part of that is to be ready to sacrifice its own interests ( in this case a few thousand crore RS) for the larger good of the country.

It is Indian Law that the correct map should be used. Even if China does not agree, they should have been forced to withdraw their publications. If we can censor the Economist magazine for only showing the LoC map under India, why did the Gujarat police not take action on this publication.

What is more cause of concern is that the BJP seems to be in its action more eager to curry favor with China than what they let on. After recent visits of Gadkari and Nitish kumar, now Narendra Modi is going to Gujarat even after this incident which is about the 4th in as many years.

You have to hand it to the Chinese, they know how to play it smart though.
Modi China’s guest but will bear his expenses
In January, China welcomed Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Nitin Gadkari. The BJP says that Gadkari, during his trip, conveyed to Beijing the party’s concern over China arming Pakistan, its designs on borders and the Brahmputra, and sought Chinese recognition to Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama.

Modi's supporters in Ahmedabad say he won't carry any such baggage that does not go well with the Chinese. Modi is visiting China on an invite by vice-minister Al Ping, and deals on the cards include one with Chinese telecom major Huawei, whose executive had accompanied Al shown interest in investing in Gujarat. Central agencies have listed the company as a national security risk from the way it wants to dominate the telecom sector in the country.
To justify Modi's trip, a party leader went to the extent of saying that India should befriend China instead of the US as the Asian giant was economically more stable.

Gadkari was the first BJP President to set foot on China at the invite of its Communist Party's Central Committee. So far, only some BJP MPs have visited the country as part of parliamentary delegations. A month after Gadkari’s visit, RSS’ high-profile spokesperson led a three-member team to Beijing on the request of a think tank, Institute of World Religions in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and was delighted to find that the Chinese notion of "nationalism" was same as that of the saffron organisation.

Hindi-Chini buy-buy diplomacy should not end up like the Hindi-Chini bhai bhai diplomacy of yesteryears. At least the excuse before is that we were a new country and were willing to being with an open hand. No excuse for doing it again.
I did not get you...

So you are ok if Hindu run institutions reserve 50% of seats for themselves ?

You are getting confused with what we have and what you dont have...As I had clearly proved secularism in India is a sham biased against the Hindus (even against the Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists) and I hope the Uniform Civil Code is brought as soon as possible.

Where do minority get 50% reservation in there education institutions...............even if given i can prove you that Minority Communities have not gained much from this in their literacy rates..............I am a christian from Kerala and i don't know what extra privilege i got from State or Central government that you couldn't get.............In fact you may have been discriminated being a upper caste not getting reservation............but i don't have any such complaints...Since they were treated inhuman for more than 5000 years
lol``indians they think world geopolitics is like kintergarden making friends game, can we have more these kind of jokes?
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