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Narasimha Rao performed puja during demolition of Babri Masjid: Book

what PV Narsimha Rao did on that black day is of no relevance today...he is dead and cremated..let this issue also be dead..we have already lost so much beacause of this hopeless issue..let people have peace..the muslims have let go of this issue and so do the hindus..ony a few fanatics keep harping on this issue to get political mileage (they have no other issue anyways)...Peace!
Why the sudden urge to spill the beans Mr. Nayyar?..If you had any journalistic integrity you would have said this earlier and not now now when peddling your book.

Actually Nayyar must be charged with obstruction of justice for not telling the truth all along.
Keep wondering :)

I won't have to. There is some "muhajir" issue here too. ;)

Better not talk than expose ignorance. That's IK Gujral you are speaking about, not PVNR. PVNR was the one who crushed the JKLF and assorted terrorist organizations in Kashmir.

No problem. I confused two Indian PM's. India and it's PM might be the last thing I would care for particularly ones who do puja at some Mosque's demolition. But since this is a discussion forum let's see how true this allegation is. According to an Indian muslim member from another forum same allegations were also raised by someone else. Is it true?
I won't have to. There is some "muhajir" issue here too. ;)

No problem. I confused two Indian PM's. India and it's PM might be the last thing I would care for particularly ones who do puja at some Mosque's demolition. But since this is a discussion forum let's see how true this allegation is. According to an Indian muslim member from another forum same allegations were also raised by someone else. Is it true?

I really wish these words were true, because the less said by someone like you about India the better. Sadly that aint the case.
I really wish these words were true, because the less said by someone like you about India the better. Sadly that aint the case.

I wouldn't have cared about India if it's citizens wouldn't have been that obsessed about my country. :)
No problem. I confused two Indian PM's. India and it's PM might be the last thing I would care for particularly ones who do puja at some Mosque's demolition. But since this is a discussion forum let's see how true this allegation is. According to an Indian muslim member from another forum same allegations were also raised by someone else. Is it true?

It must be Arjun Singh then. His biography has just come out after his death & he has the biggest axe to grind with PVN. Afterall he thought it was him who is going to be the PM after Rajiv's death. Sour grapes again...
Actually Nayyar must be charged with obstruction of justice for not telling the truth all along.

True. Hope the court gets note of this revelation and hauls his a$$ to court.
I don't even think PVN is religious. Even if he is, he is not sick as described by Arjun Singh. Arjun Singh was a bitter old man who could not become the PM. If Indians today are wondering how the hell all the Gandhi family chamchagiri started, you should look at him. He was the senior most chamcha at the time of his death. In the same autobiography where he throws insinuations at PVN, he says and I paraphrase from India today in first person:"I have been the most loyal person to Indira and Rajiv. (and then he questions himself why he was ignored). I was very disappointed that I did not get a cabinet post in UPA-2. But then I realised we have to give way to younger generation." His autobiography does not sound like a biography, it is a story of how he wished he lived his life.
He is the person who screwed up IITs with the new reservations. He witch-hunted the then AIIMS director for opposing this decision of reservations. And then installed more chamchas on IITs' directorships. He was rightly prevented from doing more damage to these institutions. Who knew Kapil Sibal was coming?
I see the BJP trolls are trying to besmirch the good Congress party
I Dont Really Care if PV Supported it ... Even if PV had Not Supported it Would have Happened ...

But 1 thing is for Sure he Stopped the Gandi Clan from invading Congress ... it was the Only Time Congress Stood as a Democratic Party ...

15 years down the Line u will See Congress ( Gandi Clan) Putting the Blame of 2G Scam , Adarsh Scam , Coal Gate Scam , CWG scam & the rest 100 scams on Manmohan Singh ... :lol:
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