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Beijing didnt attract me,I think the architecture there even cant be compared to East lake in Wuhan.
Hmmm. I cannot really agree with you on this, miss.:frown:
Have you even been to Summer Palace or ....President's residence Zhongnanhai(central sea and southern sea).
I have never been to Zhongnanhai of
course, but Northern Sea(Beihai) and Shicha Sea are really charming.

northern sea

Shicha Sea

Summer Palace

Hmmm. I cannot really agree with you on this, miss.:frown:
Have you even been to Summer Palace or ....President's residence Zhongnanhai(central sea and southern sea).
I have never been to Zhongnanhai of
course, but Northern Sea(Beihai) and Shicha Sea are really charming.

northern sea
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Shicha Sea
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Summer Palace
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I dislike it...I have posted many great scenery in other thread,no one in Beijing...
I think that Japanese society should remember our mistakes in aggressive military adventurism. We have the tendency of over exerting our power and being ruthless and exceedingly brutal to our enemies. We must never, ever forget that.

That lesson needs to translate to Japan's unequivocal support of the world's worst mass murderer, sponsor of terrorism, and international corporate criminal in modern days.. relations with China were good a few decades ago, if you recall, but a certain country manipulated your domestic politics and allowed people to take advantage of angst from the so-called Japanese decline to repeatedly put people like Ishihara in power
You really know a lot of Jiangsu cities.(and its nearby city)
;) I do admire u,the great communication between India and China people.
Can u tell me which Indian city is suitable for traveling?:D
Next year I will have 2 months for traveling.I do hope I can know more about India in return for ur kindness..(I am sorry for having not build much vocabulary...It's difficult to express my feelings..QAQ.)
Definitely man. You are always welcome here. If you need help here you can PM me.
About your vocabulary, I think it's perfectly fine. I only know how I have communicated with my Chinese friends initially.
You gotta be careful if you are a female

I mean seriously, although the Indians I met are nice people, it depends on personal experiences
Ouch man. I do have many Chinese female friends. I hope their experience with me is not as bad as yours, as they still talk with me.

I also have had bad moments in china with people, but I don't hold it against all the Chinese people. There are bad apples in every country. Not all people are good.
Boring Eastern China:D
Welcome back!
I have just visited China's garden expo in my city.
There is a Zhenjiang Garden built by Zhenjiang's gardening authority, definitely one of the best!!!
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I have been to Zhenjiang once, I bet you know Jinshan Temple and the story of Fahai法海 and Baisuzhen白素贞(the white snake lady?).
That's great. Zhenjiang has some beautiful gardens. I have visited Jinshan. Could have posted some of my pics but im travelling and don't have access to my album.
Did you also visit Beigu Shan? I had a good view of it from my hospital.
That's great. Zhenjiang has some beautiful gardens. I have visited Jinshan. Could have posted some of my pics but im travelling and don't have access to my album.
Did you also visit Beigu Shan? I had a good view of it from my hospital.
Of course. We must recite a poem about this mountain in middle school, titled 次北固山下 by Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wan(8th century). He took a boat along Yangtze River and one day stopped at the foot of 北固山(Beigu Mountain) then he wrote this poem The poem was about his homesickness.

客路青山外, 行舟绿水前。
潮平两岸阔, 风正一帆悬。
海日生残夜, 江春入旧年。
乡书何处达? 归雁洛阳边。

屏幕快照 2015-10-13 12.09.35.png
Of course. We must recite a poem about this mountain in middle school, titled 次北固山下 by Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wan(8th century). He took a boat along Yangtze River and one day stopped at the foot of 北固山(Beigu Mountain) then he wrote this poem The poem was about his homesickness.

客路青山外, 行舟绿水前。
潮平两岸阔, 风正一帆悬。
海日生残夜, 江春入旧年。
乡书何处达? 归雁洛阳边。

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I must admit this is the first time I'm hearing about this. You do know a great deal about zhenjiang. By any chance did you happen to visit Jiangsu Daxue.
A anecdote about zhenjiang, Beigu happens to be the 'red light' area of the city.
I like you, Yugo!
Because he's stupid and ignorant. Best friends of japanese :lol:

Now, we see the true face of Japanese.
I'll translate this thread into Chinese.
Good points well made @Nihonjin1051
Now, Japanese PM and German Chancellor can proudly sit together and deny, deny and deny.
I recommend Chinese members here translate those hypocritical Japanese comments here and spread it in Chinese websites.
Chinese know true face of Japanese--and watch your back.
Because he's stupid and ignorant. Best friends of japanese :lol:

That was unnecessary. I like him because he's defending Japan.

Exactly, the most friendly people to Japan people are the most stupid, so easy to get cheated.

Yea, very untrue. Whatever dude, you've spiraled down and showed your true anti-Japanese feelings.
A German was arrested by Japanese Right-wing in Yasukuni Shrine


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