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Nanjing 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games

1. You know that you're not telling the truth. Most of India's poor believe that India is in a superpower race with China. Given India's poor is the overwelming large majority of India's population, it is fair to say that most of Indians think so.

More tellingly, a huge section of of India's western-educated elites still can tell you such nonsensce in your face as well even in very formal occasions. For example, there was a public lecture in London School of Economics(LBE) just a year or so back. Listen the following recording from 1:17:07 onwards till the end to see how an Indian elite asked such a question and how hilarious the answer was:

India is country with more than 1.2 billion population and every one is entitled to have their own opinion, and their own analysis, some of them will be closer to reality some of them will be delusional, and some of them will be wild, But you cannot pick up one of two video and prove that "overwhelming large majority of India population" believe in that line......

2. Whereas there're some special cases such as Jamaica where 1 or 2 natural talents can sweep large amount of medals in some very limited categories, the ability of a country to win Olympics medals across board is indeed a roughly good indicator of the general physical (implied nutricious and hence economical) development statue of its population at large, the general organisational level, national physical education investment stage, and state of national ambitions, and thus the likehood how close it is on its way of being a superpower. By this yardstick, countries like India or even Jamaica are way off charts remorselessly in the opposite direction. Dreaming of becoming a superpower that has a remote possibility in a real world is called "delutional" at best.

Well India the most important or the most followed sport is Cricket..... Followed by hockey. Athletics or the other games are least considered or followed in India. The training or coaching provided from schools are either nil or for name sake.... Yes in that yardstick we will never be a superpower, and we will be happy to have our neighbor as super power.......

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