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'Namaz' itself form of yoga, says Deoband cleric

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When are you reducing your double chin :P :P :P

:lol: jealous :D no medicine for that.. even yoga can't help..but ask any doctor how safe is 160/110 at the age of 38..until I started yoga 2 yrs ago..I was able to see the result in 6 weeks my BP is under control without any medicine..125/80 now:victory:
Namaz is NOT Yoga!

Namaz is an act of prayer and submission to God Almighty.

When we prostrate our forehead, it is an act of worshiping and submitting ourselves to Almighty Allah (SWT)!

I think this man was simply stating that Namaz and Yoga are healthy and good for the body (like exercise)...

But the fact is that Yoga is of Hindu origin (even though much of it has been secularized by the West), and has NOTHING to do with Islam.

If Yoga is done with the intention of prayer, it is in NO way permissible in Islam. If it is done with the intention of exercise than I personally don't see it as wrong, but Allah (SWT) knows best.
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Namaz is NOT Yoga!

Namaz is an act of prayer and submission to God Almighty.

When we prostrate our forehead, it is an act of worshiping and submitting ourselves to Almighty Allah (SWT)!

This Deobandi Cleric is a liar and a deceiver. Shameless fools who promote such nonsense should be exposed as the liars they truly are.

Yoga is of Hindu origin (even though much of it has been secularized by the West), and has NOTHING to do with Islam.

Do wat u think is good for ur health man...why bringing in religion into this petty things...:whistle:
Who said Islam is the most scientific religion? thats according to the believer. For me the Vedic religion is the most scientific. Sanskrit is the mother of all Indo-european language, zero & decimal system is made by hindus as well as other inventions like chess, plastic surgery, dentistry.

"India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most astrictive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only!"

Mark Twain

"India was the mother of our race and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages. She was the mother of our philosophy, mother through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics, mother through Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity, mother through village communities of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all."

Will Durant
so what if Namaz is a form of yoga? what does it matter man? does it put food in your stomach of you prove one way or the other?

I think these topics come up people who have their fill of stomach and have no job but to incite these mindless arguments.

Next what do they claim? eating with a spoon is a christian value? drinking with you mouth is jewish?
Deoband a house for mentally handicapped and backward people..says a true muslim!
Hey I have question to the Indian members.
Does practices of yoga has any religious Implication? If so what are they?

Can some one answer my question honestly????

no it's a exercise and can be done any time of day not necessarily in early morning but what is needed to take a nice gap after any meal.
Although there is no problem by doing Yoga comparing if by Namaz is unacceptable they are completely different , during the Namaz Muslim talk with their God by their creator the real wisdom the superior power while Yoga is nothing but exercise
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