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Najam Sethi's Warning

I do not know whether to be laugh or be saddened by the utterly pathetic leadership of Bajwa. As he has clearly demonstrated that he is a pittoo of America, and that for me puts Bajwa in the same category with Nawaz, Zardari, Shabaz, Bilawal, Flazlu and Maryam.

It's simply disgraceful and pathetic to see that after 74 years of being an independent state, the leadership of Pakistan (except Imran Khan) are proven slaves and puppets of Washington DC. They have no Ghairat, no Zameer, no Imaan, no Khuddari ... they are worse than Kafirs, they are Munafiqs.

As a Pakistani, I would rather stand to fight against the establishment and face total war with India (who will take advantage of divisions in Pakistan), than live another day under these corrupt, rotten SCUM.
I share the same sentiments. Bajwa is jumping around and giving explanation to everyone. Had you done right thing you won’t be in this position. Giving political statements and then telling people we are neutral. If this so called establishment was so wise pak would have been in much better state. They did the same mistake what they did in 1971 going against the sentiment and wishes of people and enforced a person who wasn’t that popular in public and doing the same thing again and expecting a different result. Sometimes I wonder do they use their brain or they just woke up one morning and think let’s change the government. And they think that people of pak are so stupid that they will believe everything that they say
He talks with more sense actually... I have seen some video's.

He Talks more practically than emotionally..
Practically and emotionally are relative terms...he's woefully of touch with the zeitgeist of the nation and caters to the imperial audiences in the West and Hindutva forces in the east...

Also, he's a proven charlatan with a knack for theatrics...while Chairman of PCB he went of his way to convince the stakeholders and the public that PCB's vote in favor of BCCI led Big Three take over of cricket is actually for the betterment of Pakistan cricket as Pakistan will be included in the Big Four and in reality everybody knew there was no such thing as Big Four.

My opinion:
Najam Sethi does not have experience as a Soldier, he lacks understanding how Generals have their Joint discussion

Instead of hiding behind Twitter he should be more expressive about his opinion
Not that he is correct
Oh on the contrary he has plenty of experience as a soldier...look up his stint with Baloch separatist in the 70's fighting Pakistani forces...

And of course Pakistan is the only country in the world that rewards traitors and those that attack it's interests.
Keeping it simple , Trust Imran Khan and Army :pakistan:

Private Channels = No
Showbaz = No
Najem Sethi = No
Dalal Court = No
Zadari = No
Bilawal = No
Keeping it simple , Trust Imran Khan and Army :pakistan:

Private Channels = No
Showbaz = No
Najem Sethi = No
Dalal Court = No
Zadari = No
Bilawal = No
Those two are paradoxical, if you trust Army's narrative at the moment then you have to trust all the rest below, i.e. media, crime minister, Sethi, Courts, Zardari, Billo.

IK is on an island by himself...
Those someones are still not realising the magnitude of the mistake they've made. Pakistan will continue destabilising for someone's gross miscalculation.
How do you know it is a miscalculation and not calculated and executed?
I do not know whether to be laugh or be saddened by the utterly pathetic leadership of Bajwa. As he has clearly demonstrated that he is a pittoo of America, and that for me puts Bajwa in the same category with Nawaz, Zardari, Shabaz, Bilawal, Flazlu and Maryam.

It's simply disgraceful and pathetic to see that after 74 years of being an independent state, the leadership of Pakistan (except Imran Khan) are proven slaves and puppets of Washington DC. They have no Ghairat, no Zameer, no Imaan, no Khuddari ... they are worse than Kafirs, they are Munafiqs.

As a Pakistani, I would rather stand to fight against the establishment and face total war with India (who will take advantage of divisions in Pakistan), than live another day under these corrupt, rotten SCUM.
For the first time in my life I have understood why the East Pakistanis did what they did.
Why would they want to remain a part of this unjust dispensation, to be exploited and mistreated for evermore?

Najam Sethi's just laying it out for "SOMEONE" on what to do.

Since its clear that the "SOMEONE" is greatly influenced by his opinions as the events of last month have shown.

Also looks like that "SOMEONE" or a couple of "SOMEONES" are fans of Dar-economics. Since figures like Export growth and Large Scale Manufacturing don't matter. What really matters is that dollar neeche ana chye as mentioned in a recent press conference.
Its pretty much case of young IV drug user
They come to hospital get fixwd and go back on IV drugs
Doctor has patched pakistan good enough thag CAD will positive once oil drops to regular 60-70$
So they can do darconomics easily for another 5yrs with tone of money laundering
I dont feel sorry for pakistanis, its their own choosing..the educated choose to vote for them

Those someones are still not realising the magnitude of the mistake they've made. Pakistan will continue destabilising for someone's gross miscalculation.
They thunk it will fizzle out
They might be right
Its pretty much case of young IV drug user
They come to hospital get fixwd and go back on IV drugs
Doctor has patched pakistan good enough thag CAD will positive once oil drops to regular 60-70$
So they can do darconomics easily for another 5yrs with tone of money laundering
I dont feel sorry for pakistanis, its their own choosing..the educated choose to vote for them

They thunk it will fizzle out
They might be right

Yes one thing we have to understand is that the businesses they are in are also consumer market driven.

What might be good for the country in the long-term might not be good for short-term business interests.

Hence the DG ISPR touting the Dollar to PKR comparison in that press conference.
Najam sethi harami shouldn't be taken seriously. He bascially want Showbaz to stop all development projects and divert money for subsidy and handouts to poor just to win election. lmao They all have gone mad after response from public.

Its pretty much case of young IV drug user
They come to hospital get fixwd and go back on IV drugs
Doctor has patched pakistan good enough thag CAD will positive once oil drops to regular 60-70$
So they can do darconomics easily for another 5yrs with tone of money laundering
I dont feel sorry for pakistanis, its their own choosing..the educated choose to vote for them

Right now things are not looking good. Oil isn't coming down anytime soon. And rupee is only going up. They will soon have to increase prices of electricity, oil etc and explain it to public. And our public is stupid anyway.

PTI would have 100% lost next election but opposition saved them.
I share the same sentiments. Bajwa is jumping around and giving explanation to everyone. Had you done right thing you won’t be in this position. Giving political statements and then telling people we are neutral. If this so called establishment was so wise pak would have been in much better state. They did the same mistake what they did in 1971 going against the sentiment and wishes of people and enforced a person who wasn’t that popular in public and doing the same thing again and expecting a different result. Sometimes I wonder do they use their brain or they just woke up one morning and think let’s change the government. And they think that people of pak are so stupid that they will believe everything that they say

Pakistanis for the first time in decades had an honest, trustworthy leader that had bulletproof integrity. Imran Khan's foreign and domestic policies are almost sound and there was a glimmer of hope for Pakistan to rise as a robust power on the world stage and a place of peace and prosperity for Pakistanis. I couldn't believe reading the news (3 years ago) that Imran Khan became the Prime Minister of Pakistan. For one fleeting moment, I thought that the military establishment had come to their senses. Yet, after three years of constant struggle, success and adversities, the "pitto" mentality amongst some of Pakistan Army's leadership, showed their true colors and put Pakistan on the trajectory of destruction, AGAIN!!!

I, for one, will fight for my country's liberation and freedom from Zionist Western hegemony and its corrupt, SCUM political slaves in Islamabad.

Better to live one day as a free Muslim under Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah's SOVEREIGNTY, than to live a lifetime of slavery under these SCUM TRAITORS.

For the first time in my life I have understood why the East Pakistanis did what they did.
Why would they want to remain a part of this unjust dispensation, to be exploited and mistreated for evermore?

Yes, well as I Muslim First and being Pakistani, I have respected and wished fellow Muslims of Bangladesh, a safe, secure and prosperous future. If people think that my views are anti-Pakistani, then they have proven themselves to be JAHIL who have not studied the Holy Qur'an.
Yes, well as I Muslim First and being Pakistani, I have respected and wished fellow Muslims of Bangladesh, a safe, secure and prosperous future. If people think that my views are anti-Pakistani, then they have proven themselves to be JAHIL who have not studied the Holy Qur'an.

It's not anti-Pakistani. It's an honest analysis.

Bangladesh is doing better on almost all HDI indicators than Pakistan after they freed themselves from the corrupt waderas and establishment of Pakistan.

I don't understand for the life of me why the Kashmiris would ever want to be governed by the Sharifs and Zardaris. Far better to have their own independent country. They couldn't possibly do worse except by ridiculously bad luck.
It's not anti-Pakistani. It's an honest analysis.

Bangladesh is doing better on almost all HDI indicators than Pakistan after they freed themselves from the corrupt waderas and establishment of Pakistan.

I don't understand for the life of me why the Kashmiris would ever want to be governed by the Sharifs and Zardaris. Far better to have their own independent country. They couldn't possibly do worse except by ridiculously bad luck.

They don't, nor do Pakistanis.

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