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Nag Anti Tank Missile successfully test fired.


Jul 7, 2017
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99.9% concepted, engineered and developed by foreign nations

0.01% done by indian nationals is the renaming unveiling ceremonies with champagne.

India could just buy 1 F-35 and call it I-35.

After that, tell the whole world that it was developed by DRDO.

No need to thank me for my suggestion.

@proud_indian @fsayed @Alphacharlie
@SorryNotSorry @Star Wars
@navtrek @doe33

@gslv mk3 @Stephen Cohen
@Jackdaws @Gurjot.S
@hellfire @nair @Majet Raha
@AnnoyingOrange @Dem!god
@Rollno21 @wiseone2 @third eye @Guynextdoor2
@Rajaraja Chola @Abingdonboy
@gulli @The_Sidewinder
@Robinhood Pandey

@ito @Vishwabalas @Nalini

@Tshering22 @Kal Muah

@anant_s @pothead

@Sam Vaish @deep.ocean

@Ajaxpaul @Kinetic

@Omega007 @jetray

@Dash @WhyCry
3rd generation missile and Indians are more than happy.
Lol at generic missile:

No wonder other nations be like;

I guess you are more happy than china . Since you will be paid for this off topic rant

I am glad that this time the Indian media has matured by not pasting the usual rhetorics a la state-of-the-art type.

Got the drift?
Time to induct them in loads.
3rd generation missile and Indians are more than happy.
Lol at generic missile:

No wonder other nations be like;

View attachment 424146
So what? your master China is yet to develop a fourth generation ATGM.

Time to induct them in loads.
Initial requirements are for 7000 missiles and 200 NAMICA carriers. Also It will see service onboard Rudra and LCH.
Completion of development trials. Also interpreted as coming soon user trials. That puts the system 2 years away from induction.
DRDO should fastrack the development of Helina too, so that it can be integrated with LCH who's production is about to start soon
Wasn't Pakistani bakar shikan ,the original version, that started trials after nag was used in Bosnian war in early 90s???

Yeah u think it did....

Wasn't Pakistani bakar shikan ,the original version, that started trials after nag was used in Bosnian war in early 90s???

Yeah u think it was..
Wasn't Pakistani bakar shikan ,the original version, that started trials after nag was used in Bosnian war in early 90s???

Yeah u think it did....

Wasn't Pakistani bakar shikan ,the original version, that started trials after nag was used in Bosnian war in early 90s???

Yeah u think it was..
Baktar-Shikan is nothing but licence copy of HJ 8 red arrow. HJ 8 itself is second generation ATGM. My request is don't try to hide facts too.
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