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Nadia Mirza with Pak-Turk school students and teachers

Being at the worst possible receiving ends of proxy wars do we need to convince ourselves over and over again? If death of innocents and destruction of property day in and day out fail us to fathom the gravity of this 4th generation warfare I don't know what will...

As for the Turkish folks, proxies have managed to squeeze them from an Empire stetching over three continents to a 800k sq km of Anatolia. They have simply lost the appetite...
This is tricky problem but there is a way out that should meet the concerns of both sides - the Turkish teachers cannot be held responsible for the coup attempt in Turkey. However the Gulenist organization that runs or set up the schools has been declared guilty by Turkey.

Therefore the schools should be immediatly taken over by the government and then another philanthropic organization approached in Turkey to take over the schools. By doing this you remove the management but save the schools. This is the best solution and way forward.

I don't think Turkish government would have a problem with this - their issue is with the management and not the ordinary teachers.

@xenon54 @KediKesenFare @Ottoman123 Thoughts?
I agree with you in that Turkish teachers in these schools are not responsible for the coup in Turkey and it is highly unlikely that any Pakistani would ever be involved in any anti state activities against Turkey so we should not remove the teachers especially if they are competent.
I agree with you in that Turkish teachers in these schools are not responsible for the coup in Turkey and it is highly unlikely that any Pakistani would ever be involved in any anti state activities against Turkey so we should not remove the teachers especially if they are competent.

Aziz Kardeshim. Didn't proxies reach up to the ISI and General Staffs HQ? Didn't they destroy your AWACs planes? Are you waiting for them to show up at your strategic assets?

During this current Muslim government FETO grew by 100 folds. Reis had simple belief that no person who prays Namaz and fasts can do anything heinous even though he was repeatedly warned against these proxies. Their loyalty lies to a completely different place and they take orders from there. They can remain undetected more proficiently than the best sub. They will get activated only when ordered. I won't be surprised if that lady blew herself up to destroy a key asset in Pak...
I think Turkey is our friend. We should do what they want, but as a friend, we should also advise Erdogan government not to victimize them just for this reason. In the end, it's the decision of Turkey.. What if Turkey cancels their visas, we will have to send them eventually.
If u are working for an organization with your full conscious then u should be ready to face consequences. These Pak turk schools are not charitable organisations they grab thousands of bugs from our elite. Though they have few students from underdeveloped areas with some fee concessions.
I do not believe that with exception of few others do not know what their parent organization was doing. We should try to develop our own Govt educational institutions and lives of teachers there still facing hunger and misery if not pressing students for tuition.

This is the problem of elites moreover Turkey has much better legal system than Pak so we should not be afraid for them. If an Indian spy is PHD and living in Pak for twenty years gets caught then what we should do.

The Golen type situation has been been faced by Pak in East Pak separation where Hindu teachers spread anti Pak sentiments in their students for long and many caught in trap unconsciously. I have personally attended Pak studies lectures in Peshawar where Govt employed teacher used to spread anti Pak and Anti Quaid e Azam sentiments in students due to his political views.

The burger people should think about education of whole nation instead of few foreign teachers as their organisation has already done much harm and openly supported by USA.
Guys guys... These teachers may be innocent and patriot but they are brainwashed by Fethullah Gulen. Gulen network use schools as cover for its sneaky goals. I tell you how it works at its simpliest way ;

- Invest and settle in the country via schools...
- Raise pro-Gulen students...
- Make good relationship with rulers and govt...
- Infiltralrate and capture key positions of the state ...
- Place Gulenists to key positions ...
- Eliminate anti Gulenists
- Capture the rule...

This is a 20 - 30 years of work ... Do not trust them...
This is kind of heartbreaking.

Feel sorry for the teachers and the students ..
This is exactly what happens in UK. The Department for Education remove the school management and take over running of the school thereby reviewing and modulating strategic policy. All other school staff and students continue their studies.

In this instance I believe it is the Gulenist movement that is a problem. Therefore remove the schools from their management and review the curriculum lest their be anything wrongly taught - if neccessary amend it. Rest of the school staff continue as normal.

This idea of throwing ordinary teachers out is ridicalous and only shows the government knee jerk reaction to please - of course Pak should not offend President Erdogan but that does not mean it has to punish the ordinary teachers like that lady who has given 20 years of her life teaching.
100% agreed man..you have been speaking my mind so thanks for saving my energy ...
Aziz Kardeshim. Didn't proxies reach up to the ISI and General Staffs HQ? Didn't they destroy your AWACs planes? Are you waiting for them to show up at your strategic assets?

During this current Muslim government FETO grew by 100 folds. Reis had simple belief that no person who prays Namaz and fasts can do anything heinous even though he was repeatedly warned against these proxies. Their loyalty lies to a completely different place and they take orders from there. They can remain undetected more proficiently than the best sub. They will get activated only when ordered. I won't be surprised if that lady blew herself up to destroy a key asset in Pak...
Dear bro,

I agree with you that we have seen a lot of proxies but I believe none of them ever studied at a Turkish school in Pakistan, rather most of them illiterate and brain-washed teenagers and Mullahs who have been misled by extreme ideologies and political victimisation.

We value our relations with the state and nation of Turkey and I believe we can solve this issue in a more mature and less dramatic way that is mutually beneficial.
The Gulen organization has been infiltrating the Turkish state and trying to topple it from within. We are good friends of Turkey and need to stand by them in their time of need. What happened on the 15th of July was a momentous occasion in Turkish history. Lets make sure we once again go down in history as the country that stood by the Turks when they needed help.
I attended a farewell yesterday by pakturk schools .
Both teachers and parents were really sad at this deportation. Some even cried .

My young brothers studied there and I'm a witness that those teachers weren't butchers . They had a different treatment of students than pakistani techers.
They were never allowed to beat or talk strictly to the children and were advised to give a proper attention to those students who were less intelligent or had some inability . Those turkish people had no work in pakistan other than only teaching so they did their work as a worship .

One of my brother is a stutter and had very less confidence . First we admitted him in army public schools , I myself has studied there and I'm really sorry to say this that those schools always preferred those students who had army parents and has always given jobs to army wives ignoring the local poor population .
Extra importance was given to army students , and they were always picked for participation in Any programmes or functions . And when there was a army teacher teaching , their students were only army children and the rest were hardly given any importance. This behaviour really affected my cousin who came from village to study here , he was bashed , abused , disparaged by army female teachers. He used to say that treatment of these teachers was different with army students .
I saw a teacher shouting at him so loudly while he was so scared and crying .
This treatment of teachers was also same with my younger brother , his stuttering increased , his confidence became low and he cannot talk to anyone confidently not even with my father .

We admitted him to pakturk school , and after one year we saw a change . He was seeing less worried and more joyful and became active in studying . We were also invited by teachers of pakturk to come to school and talk with teachers about their child once a month .
We were really happy by their kind behaviour to the students and very respectful behaviour towards parents of children . His teachers also talked about stuttering of my brother and said that the principal of school has repeatedly advised us to not be harsh on him and always stand him up for reading and always give him participation to come on stage . My brother also participated in a cultural function where he joyfully danced for sindhi culture .
Pakturk schools teachers also used to come at homes of children and talked with parents and discussed their child to understand the child more better .
They used to arrange functions about the cultures of pakistan after every 5 or 6 months . All students were to participate . They talked in english with their students to increase their talking skills . They also used to arrange science and art exhibitions where students were made to discover science more and make beautiful things .

They also used to take children to Turkey for a picnic , my elder brother went to Turkey . Turkish teachers arranged science exhibition in Turkey where pakistani students showed their inventions to turkish parents . My brother invented a scientific, magnetic shoe that will make you walk easily through hard mountains like spider man horizontally.

His poster was also posted in all city and his success was shown to pakistani citizens .

The sentiments of those parents in video also shows same that their children were given very beautiful treament by these turkish schools and that's why they don't want them to go .

And at same time it shows the defect in our teaching system .

One of parent has intelligently pointed out that you give extention of 40 years to those foreign afghan refugees who brought terror into our country and killed our 7000 citizens .

While these turkish foreign people who came to study your children and gave them pen and awareness , you're kicking them out and not even giving them any extention .

If u are working for an organization with your full conscious then u should be ready to face consequences. These Pak turk schools are not charitable organisations they grab thousands of bugs from our elite. .

They are charitable .
Along with educating students , they also spent charity on poor people who were living behind our area .
The principal of pakturk quetta visited the camps where poor people used to live and gave them some charity and food .
They continued this work .
I attended a farewell yesterday by pakturk schools .
Both teachers and parents were really sad at this deportation. Some even cried .

My young brothers studied there and I'm a witness that those teachers weren't butchers . They had a different treatment of students than pakistani techers.
They were never allowed to beat or talk strictly to the children and were advised to give a proper attention to those students who were less intelligent or had some inability . Those turkish people had no work in pakistan other than only teaching so they did their work as a worship .

One of my brother is a stutter and had very less confidence . First we admitted him in army public schools , I myself has studied there and I'm really sorry to say this that those schools always preferred those students who had army parents and has always given jobs to army wives ignoring the local poor population .
Extra importance was given to army students , and they were always picked for participation in Any programmes or functions . And when there was a army teacher teaching , their students were only army children and the rest were hardly given any importance. This behaviour really affected my cousin who came from village to study here , he was bashed , abused , disparaged by army female teachers. He used to say that treatment of these teachers was different with army students .
I saw a teacher shouting at him so loudly while he was so scared and crying .
This treatment of teachers was also same with my younger brother , his stuttering increased , his confidence became low and he cannot talk to anyone confidently not even with my father .

We admitted him to pakturk school , and after one year we saw a change . He was seeing less worried and more joyful and became active in studying . We were also invited by teachers of pakturk to come to school and talk with teachers about their child once a month .
We were really happy by their kind behaviour to the students and very respectful behaviour towards parents of children . His teachers also talked about stuttering of my brother and said that the principal of school has repeatedly advised us to not be harsh on him and always stand him up for reading and always give him participation to come on stage . My brother also participated in a cultural function where he joyfully danced for sindhi culture .
Pakturk schools teachers also used to come at homes of children and talked with parents and discussed their child to understand the child more better .
They used to arrange functions about the cultures of pakistan after every 5 or 6 months . All students were to participate . They talked in english with their students to increase their talking skills . They also used to arrange science and art exhibitions where students were made to discover science more and make beautiful things .

They also used to take children to Turkey for a picnic , my elder brother went to Turkey . Turkish teachers arranged science exhibition in Turkey where pakistani students showed their inventions to turkish parents . My brother invented a scientific, magnetic shoe that will make you walk easily through hard mountains like spider man horizontally.

His poster was also posted in all city and his success was shown to pakistani citizens .

The sentiments of those parents in video also shows same that their children were given very beautiful treament by these turkish schools and that's why they don't want them to go .

And at same time it shows the defect in our teaching system .

One of parent has intelligently pointed out that you give extention of 40 years to those foreign afghan refugees who brought terror into our country and killed our 7000 citizens .

While these turkish foreign people who came to study your children and gave them pen and awareness , you're kicking them out and not even giving them any extention .

They are charitable .
Along with educating students , they also spent charity on poor people who were living behind our area .
The principal of pakturk quetta visited the camps where poor people used to live and gave them some charity and food .
They continued this work .

The same thing is done by our many private institutions even Army Public Schools are giving free education to children of tribal areas yet cannot be called charitable org. These institutions grab heavy fee from general public.Mostly children of elite get education there. The human aspect is certainly their but the whole burden lies with Fataullah Golan enjoying lavish life in USA meanwhile people suffering due to his misdeeds.
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