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When nations fell to Islam, forever erasing their identity. India stands among the very, very few that stand here today!
That's why Jihadist hate us. We have, and will always stand against global Islamic domination. In the past they have failed to convert us and Hindu empires like the Marathas have kicked there asses. And it still hurts today. It does not help that they have failed to take a Muslim land we occupy and only suffered pain and international humiliation in the process. It also hurts that we got Muslim lands such as Hyderabad, Junagadh, JaK, and Assam(muslim majority then), whereas they did not get a single Hindu land they ruled in their wet dreams. Plus, we are progressing at a rate at which they will never catch up, which means they will always live in our shadow. There is nothing worse than those with a delusion of grandeur being the inferiors. That explains the insecurity and hate that some(not all) Paksitanis show. They are scared that India is claiming its rightful place in history among the likes of Russia and China, whereas Pakistan remains SA's backwater which has had little effects or contributions to human history in the past 3000 years and has been ruled by foreigners for most of its history, form the Mauryans and Guptas to the Mughals to the DS to the Marathas to the Durranis to the British. Like all other military powers, India has a proud history of golorious defeat and honorable losses(though MUCH fewer losses than victoryies) whereas one certain country has only lost.
In the end, India can at least be proud it was never ruled by a foreign power wince 10th century CE, making it the ONLY ancient civilization to have that distinction. Cant say the same about another country.
Okay I admit it. We are the biggest losers in history. We have not won a single war in the world. That is why we control the vast majority of Kashmir and Jammu and the entirety of Ladakh. That is why we have not lost a single inch of territory in 701 years but have gained territory(only because evil banias bought them) That is why we have lost fewer men than our opponent in 4 wars and still came out ahead. That is why we caused the largest recorded surrender in human history and liberated a nation of over 150 million people. That is why we still control Arunachal Pradesh, claimed by an "actual" shupa powa. That is also why we are ranked as the 4th strongest military in the world, whereas the next strongest country in South Asia ranks in the high teens.

And yes, Indian Hindus have won no wars in history. That is why the strongest Empire in South Asia which conquered almost the entirety of the subcontinent, defeated the greeks, and was comparable to Han China and Rome at its height was started by a Muslim named Chandragupta Maurya. We all know it was the mighty muslim Rajendra Chola who conquered South Asia where he spread Indian culture, which still thrives there today. Unfortunately, the Muslims eventually lost their touch, because no Mughal or Delhi Sultanate ruler was able to conquer the Hind Brahmin aboriginals for more than a century. Even today they were only able to convert% of modern day India to Islam, while the rest remained as Hindus. Unlike people of another nation, who rolled over and converted because they enjoyed what the brave muslims were doing to their women(and who wouldn't) There is no reason why modern day Indians would successfully resist and preserve their ancient culture. Also the evil Hindu King Aurangzeb got his *** handed to him by the Brave Muslim Shivaji Maharaj

And yes no one cares about our history. That is why no one in the west cares about Ancient India and isnstead cares about the "fun" Pakistani women had with the invadors(and I don't blame them) THat is why no one iin the west is obsessed with Aryabhata and the invention of the Decimal system or Brahmagupta and the invention of the zero or Vedic maths, they care about ancient Paksitani spaceships. And instead of focusing on the strongest rulers in South Asian history, they focus on the REAL superpower of South Asia, Muslim Pakistani goatfu*kers. And who blames these westerners? Hindus are weak, despite the fact India only lost one war in its history.

On a serious note, those who talk shit on the internet have nothing in real life.
Sonny on world war 1&2 millions of soldiers laued down surrender even in 62 close to 100000 indian soldiers surrender to China
In 71 only east East Pak forces surrender which was totally 70000 40000 regular amd 30000 bangali volunteer

India made ceasefire with west Pak fyi so in which hindutva history is 71 largest surrender in recorded history while yr own. Surrender in 62 is bigger

And already known fact musliM ruled over most of indoa right upto southern tip of Bengal for over 800 years explained to u in another thread but u still posting your hindutva bs propaganda :)
And murya empire collapsed within 150 years and only sustained it's peak under chunder grandson asoka and his sons for less then 50 years my child
And that was bc times
For.most of Hindu India history it was divided into 100s of tiny hindu states which were only unified into one nation by Muslim
History ;)
Sonny on world war 1&2 millions of soldiers laued down surrender even in 62 close to 100000 indian soldiers surrender to China
In 71 only east East Pak forces surrender which was totally 70000 40000 regular amd 30000 bangali volunteer

India made ceasefire with west Pak fyi so in which hindutva history is 71 largest surrender in recorded history while yr own. Surrender in 62 is bigger

And already known fact musliM ruled over most of indoa right upto southern tip of Bengal for over 800 years explained to u in another thread but u still posting your hindutva bs propaganda :)
If you combine the number of CHines and Indian soldiers who fought in that war combined, it is less than the Pakistani soldiers who surrendered. Around 10000 Indians and 70000 Chinese fought in that war, combined with 92000 Paksitanis surrendering.

Tell me, why do you nee China to boost your ego? Is it because you have never won a war with India?
An yes we agreed to a ceasefire. That is how wars are ended. In every war, you asked for a ceasefire because we usually ended up kicking you asses:rofl:
Sonny on world war 1&2 millions of soldiers laued down surrender even in 62 close to 100000 indian soldiers surrender to China
In 71 only east East Pak forces surrender which was totally 70000 40000 regular amd 30000 bangali volunteer

India made ceasefire with west Pak fyi so in which hindutva history is 71 largest surrender in recorded history while yr own. Surrender in 62 is bigger

And already known fact musliM ruled over most of indoa right upto southern tip of Bengal for over 800 years explained to u in another thread but u still posting your hindutva bs propaganda :)
Never has any muslim power ruled the entirety of India. They only came close for less than a century. South, East, and Northeast India were almost never ruled by Muslims. Even North India was only ruled by Muslims for a couple centuries before Muslims got their ases kicked by Marathas. Meanwhile, Mauryans, Guptas, and MArathas combined ruled Pakistanan for almost 500 years.

Once again you fail.
If you combine the number of CHines and Indian soldiers who fought in that war combined, it is less than the Pakistani soldiers who surrendered. Around 10000 Indians and 70000 Chinese fought in that war, combined with 92000 Paksitanis surrendering.

Tell me, why do you nee China to boost your ego? Is it because you have never won a war with India?
An yes we agreed to a ceasefire. That is how wars are ended. In every war, you asked for a ceasefire because we usually ended up kicking you asses:rofl:
Sonny if ee lost all how we keeping 40% of Kashmir and fyi it was nehru who ran to UN in 48 and asked for cease fire
apparently rag tag tribesmen were kicking your *** ;)
And 65 soviet your backers not ours asked for truce and after tashkant agreement your pm sahstei died of heart broken people don't die like that from winning my child :)
Sonny if ee lost all how we keeping 40% of Kashmir and fyi it was nehru who ran to UN in 48 and asked for cease fire
apparently rag tag tribesmen were kicking your *** ;)
And 65 soviet your backers not ours asked for truce and after tashkant agreement your pm sahstei died of heart broken people don't die like that from winning my child :)
You only won against a tiny disorganized princely state:omghaha:
As soon as the Indian Army was sent in, we kicked you all the way back to AJK

BTW Nehry was a pacifist who hated war and thought India did not need a military. In 1965 we were winning until you got your ally America to convince the USSR to advice us to sign the ceasefire. 60% of Kashmir is still ours, and you are helpless to stop us raping and killing them:-)
Never has any muslim power ruled the entirety of India. They only came close for less than a century. South, East, and Northeast India were almost never ruled by Muslims. Even North India was only ruled by Muslims for a couple centuries before Muslims got their ases kicked by Marathas. Meanwhile, Mauryans, Guptas, and MArathas combined ruled Pakistanan for almost 500 years.

Once again you fail.
Sonny already explained marhata . were only televant in North India for 20 years then there arse was kicked.super hard in 3rd Pani pat by abdali and marhata rsn back to.looting south India and we're kept on being arse poinded by hader Ali and his son tipu so much that marhats had to become goons of British and latter there masters also got rid of em after marhata served there purpose
Once again you are wrong. 10 years after Panipat, the Marathas regained control of North India. THey even defeated the British in one war. But you should be thankful to the Afghans, if it were not for them, you would be raped by the Marathas like we are raping Kashmiris as per your media.:-)

Still does not change the fact Muslims never ruled significant parts of India other than the north for more than a century
You only won against a tiny disorganized princely state:omghaha:
As soon as the Indian Army was sent in, we kicked you all the way back to AJK

BTW Nehry was a pacifist who hated war and thought India did not need a military. In 1965 we were winning until you got your ally America to convince the USSR to advice us to sign the ceasefire. 60% of Kashmir is still ours, and you are helpless to stop us raping and killing them:-)
So u hindutva bhagats know better then your pm and founding father Nehru who ran UN to save your arse :)
While same pacifists Nehru annexed by force Goa & junagarh
And according to u in 65 USA convinced it's arch enemy soviet to help pakistan which was the base used by USA to spy on Soviet using u2 planes and Soviet gave us dire warning for it ??

Talk about our ignorant neighbor rundi logic that's why India is the most ignorant country in the world fact Google it ;)
How dare you tell him to find sources? We all know Pakistanis are the most powerful beings in the world. They were able to conquer every country from Papua New Guinea to Iceland. They just forgot about Kashmir
I don't know anymore. May be pigs DO fly in Pakistan.
So u hindutva bhagats know better then your pm and founding father Nehru who ran UN to save your arse :)

Talk about our ignorant neighbor rundi logic that's why India is the most ignorant country in the world fact Google it ;)
We were already in control of Srinagar at that time, and had taken control of most of Jammu and almost all of Ladakh.
Just admit it, you have not won a single war in your history. If you had, wouldn't you love to visit Srinagar's Lal ChowK? You need an Indian passport for that.

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