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N-arms with ‘volatile states a threat to India’


May 21, 2006
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NEW DELHI, Feb 10: India said on Sunday that it faces threats from countries that are “authoritarian, anti-democratic and anti-secular” and expressed concern over risks from nuclear weapons in the hands of “volatile states”, a possible reference to Pakistan.

India’s National Security Adviser M. K. Narayanan was quoted as saying in Munich that South Asia has been a “source” as well as a “destination” of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and said it was a matter of concern if proper steps were not put in place.

“What are the key challenges to Asian and global security today? The challenges are many. Quite a few are security-related and are highly daunting in nature,” Mr Narayanan told an international conference on ‘security policy’.

“First and foremost are existential threats and vulnerabilities that pluralistic, secular and democratic countries such as India – with rapidly modernising economies – face from nations in the region that are authoritarian, anti-democratic and anti-secular, approximating to failed states,” he said, without naming any country.

He listed proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism emanating from Pakistan-Afghanistan “region” as the dangers to South Asia as well as the entire world.

“Credible reports suggest that the region has been both a source and a destination for proliferation of WMD material and equipment – a situation that is cause for concern if proper steps are not put in place,” Mr Narayanan said. “Threats to stability from nuclear weapons in the hands of volatile states cannot be discounted.”

Talking about the “most pervasive challenge” to Asian stability from terrorism and the activities of violent and extremist non-state armed groups, Mr Narayanan said “quite a few countries consequently face an uncertain future”.

N-arms with ‘volatile states a threat to India’ -DAWN - Top Stories; February 11, 2008
NEW DELHI, Feb 10: India said on Sunday that it faces threats from countries that are “authoritarian, anti-democratic and anti-secular” and expressed concern over risks from nuclear weapons in the hands of “volatile states”, a possible reference to Pakistan.

India’s National Security Adviser M. K. Narayanan was quoted as saying in Munich that South Asia has been a “source” as well as a “destination” of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and said it was a matter of concern if proper steps were not put in place.

“What are the key challenges to Asian and global security today? The challenges are many. Quite a few are security-related and are highly daunting in nature,” Mr Narayanan told an international conference on ‘security policy’.

“First and foremost are existential threats and vulnerabilities that pluralistic, secular and democratic countries such as India – with rapidly modernising economies – face from nations in the region that are authoritarian, anti-democratic and anti-secular, approximating to failed states,” he said, without naming any country.

He listed proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism emanating from Pakistan-Afghanistan “region” as the dangers to South Asia as well as the entire world.

“Credible reports suggest that the region has been both a source and a destination for proliferation of WMD material and equipment – a situation that is cause for concern if proper steps are not put in place,” Mr Narayanan said. “Threats to stability from nuclear weapons in the hands of volatile states cannot be discounted.”

Talking about the “most pervasive challenge” to Asian stability from terrorism and the activities of violent and extremist non-state armed groups, Mr Narayanan said “quite a few countries consequently face an uncertain future”.

N-arms with ‘volatile states a threat to India’ -DAWN - Top Stories; February 11, 2008

Indians cant just let it go any opportunity at hand where they can harm pakistan or atleast her image. We already have had enough of this **** from the US and when finally things seem to change there, india felt a need to jump in. And yet they talk about friendship.
isnt that what the nukes were designed for? No seriously, it is a sorry state of affairs that the indians have sided up with the west in increasing pressure on the Pak Govt. They know very well that the nukes are safe otherwise,the Bill for washing soiled Dhotis would have become a major hurdle in their Economic growth. India should not play the West,s game and think about harmony in a region where it has to live with Pakistan AND ITS NUKES>
:) the day Indians do away with Pakistan phobia their sleep habits will get disturbed and we Pakistanis do not want that so i am happy with if they remain in Pakistan and ISI phobia
I think these WMD in volatile countries not only posing threat to others but their own country. You never know when fanatical group will be able to capture nukes.

Indian does not has phobia to any one, but it is necessary mindfull people should understand the severity of situation and wakeup from deep sleep.
I think these WMD in volatile countries not only posing threat to others but their own country. You never know when fanatical group will be able to capture nukes.

Indian does not has phobia to any one, but it is necessary mindfull people should understand the severity of situation and wakeup from deep sleep.

Yes what will happen if Indian nuclear weapons fell into the hands of Hindu Fanatics like Bajrang Dal and RSS. What if these fell into the hands of those Hindu Fanatics who had burnt Christians even Christian Bishop and his childern alive in India :woot:
I think these WMD in volatile countries not only posing threat to others but their own country. You never know when fanatical group will be able to capture nukes.
India is a fanatic state (moody-Rahul Gandhi) so Indian Nukes are already in hands of fanatics. Are you a supporter of Moody or R.Gandhi?

Indian does not has phobia to anyone, but it is necessary mindful people should understand the severity of situation and wakeup from deep sleep.

Any mindful will think before opening his mouth.
Pakistani nukes should be the last thing to be worried by any one simply because record shows Pakistan top the list in safe handling and keeping its nuclear devices.
For every one's review:
Nuclear accidents of 2007
Do you see Pakistan anywhere in those numerous Asian countries where as you will find India out smarting all unsafe nuclear countries by thieves breaking in your Nuke house???

India is perhaps the only country in the world that even does not care about its own people effecting from nuclear wastes and unsafe nuclear handling practices. Read India’s nuclear history in this book before putting your wisdom to test:
Nuclear India

What make a region volatile is not nukes itself but it is the hate towards others and look at level of your hate:
Why do you want peace
Are you also among those?

At the end we are less bad than many countries around the globe so if India embark on any preaching mission than look for yourself first, because there is more on record about your nuke history and fanaticism.
By virtue of which Pakistan should be the most worried country from nuclear invasion and our policies should be formulated based on these realistic threats not some some fantasies like yours.

BTW, have you ever wondered why India is not willing to sign NPT?
Don't you think this way we have no worries of nuclear effects?
Yes what will happen if Indian nuclear weapons fell into the hands of Hindu Fanatics like Bajrang Dal and RSS. What if these fell into the hands of those Hindu Fanatics who had burnt Christians even Christian Bishop and his childern alive in India :woot:

There is no answer to that...:disagree::lol:
So ....

I saw people advocate Indian Thinkology for Peace and all in the region and about economic growth and mutual relationship!

Above all ............ TRUST!

Take that!.......:smokin:
it is important that people understand that nuclear weapons are not some dumb Bombs or bullets that once acquired can be ready to use in seconds and cause devastation. Interestingly, what would be the mechanism of their firing,storage while launch mechanism is sorted outetc? This will take lots of planning and implimentation which the usual terrorist organization is not capable of.Neeedless to say they would have to knowthe source codes. So if you want to have more sleepless nights, please feel free to imagine what you want. otherwise, enjoy life.
It must also be stated that in the indo Pak Scenario, Nukes are a very bad idea as the nuclear fallout will affect so many people on both sides of the border, that you would be a very unpopular Ba***** in your own country once your own people start dying as a consequence of Radiation sickness.
:) the day Indians do away with Pakistan phobia their sleep habits will get disturbed and we Pakistanis do not want that so i am happy with if they remain in Pakistan and ISI phobia

While I agree with some section of Indians(aka the hardliners), ditto with Pakistan for India and the RAW(not as famous as ISI though) phobia.I dont think any sane individual will deny that.

I think the reason these comments are popping out from India or the West is because of the recent 'turmoil' in pakistan.Its like everybody got an opportunity to spring into action now that they have an excuse and a broader audience.In a way I believe what Musharaff/Army is doing in Pakistan is the right thing.Imagine a civil democracy with Sharif or the late Bhutto under certain circumstances.There could have been more chaos than they are rightly now.

That such comments come from an Indian official and critical response comes from pakistani counterparts at this time does not surprise me or I believe anyone else in this forum.
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