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Myth of United India & Democracy or Hypocrisy?

It helps some to think that the only thing common between ancient Indian civilization and modern Indian nation is the name India.

They can't be more wrong. Repeating a wrong ad nauseum does not make it right.

We have shown enough number of times the absurdity of a nation created in the name of Islam (founded by a person coming from modern Indian territory, that had the majority of it's population in it's Eastern half, that forced millions of its natives out in the name of religion, that still considers people like Tipu Sultan and the Muslin rule in India among it's heritage and so on) trying to claim an history just on the basis of the accident of geography!

Pakistanis have as much to do with this land's early history as Turks with the history of teh Constantinople based Greco-Roman empire. That is Zilch.
Whether India is / stays united , is a democracy , is secular or not is an issue for Indians to think, decide & resolve.

Why is tickling or troubling others ? Every now & then some rag is picked out of the garbage & posted more to comfort themselves than for any other reasons.

Best ignored.
All Pakistanis, Indians and Bangladeshis belong to one geographical area called Indian sub-continent. There have been times in history (during Ashoka the great and Akbar the great) when even Afghanistan was under Delhi rule. This is factually incorrect that little was known about India before Muslims came. I have just watched a three part BBC documentary on the story of India here in USA. Indian civilization is one of the oldest in the world. Almost all major languages in the world are called Indo-European languages. All major naval expeditions had India in their mind. History of India is much older than what is taught in majority of books.

As you can see most of the threads here only disscuss opposittes rather than similarities of subcontinent ..I think you are going to face tuff time for replying some dumb headed fishies..
It helps some to think that the only thing common between ancient Indian civilization and modern Indian nation is the name India.

They can't be more wrong. Repeating a wrong ad nauseum does not make it right.

We have shown enough number of times the absurdity of a nation created in the name of Islam (founded by a person coming from modern Indian territory, that had the majority of it's population in it's Eastern half, that forced millions of its natives out in the name of religion, that still considers people like Tipu Sultan and the Muslin rule in India among it's heritage and so on) trying to claim an history just on the basis of the accident of geography!

Pakistanis have as much to do with this land's early history as Turks with the history of teh Constantinople based Greco-Roman empire. That is Zilch.

You're assuming everyone just packed up one day and left. That is an assumption based on desparation, not any archaeology or corroborative evidence.
Hey Mea,

We've discussed this in detail.

Your American documentary probably has an Indian tinge to it.

The IVC is and always was predominantly a Pakistani civilization.

The IVC has as much to do with India, as it has to do with Iran and Afghanistan.

The history of Pakistan, and the history of India are separate.

One could say, by your definition, all of Indian, Pakistani, Iranian, Chinese, Burnese, Vietnamese history is one history - Asian history. Strictly this would be true, but can you imagine the confusion if a country like Japan renamed itself to "Asia". Then the Japanese might (if they were like some Indians) go onto claims bits of Pakistani, Iranian, or Kazakh history.
You sounds like a Zaid hamid in history and civilization..
Great it is very rare to find these types anyhow here is a fresh piece of history for your knowledge

Vasco da Gama set out on his historic expedition from Lisbon, Portugal on July 8, 1497 with 170 men and four ships: the São Gabriel, the São Rafael, the Berrio, and a storage ship of unknown name. Ironically, Paulo de Gama, who it is said refused to command the voyage earlier, commanded the São Rafael. De Gama's ships rounded the Cape of Good Hope on November 22, 1497. Most of the first part of the trip was uneventful except for one episode when a group of native Africans attacked and wounded five men. However, after rounding the Cape of Good Hope, he narrowly avoided a mutiny because his men wanted to return home. When January came, da Gama's small fleet came into Muslim-controlled water off the coast of East Africa near Mozambique where he employed the help of a pilot from Malindi named Ahmad Ibn Majid who helped to guide them the rest of the way to Calcut, India. At other points along the coast of Mozambique, the Muslims reacted with hostility towards da Gama seeing him as a threat to their trade with India and tried to sieze his ships. Finally, on May 20, 1498, Vasco da Gama arrived on India's western shore in Calicut, India (now known as Kozhikode). What had been attemted and dreamed by so many, like Columbus and Prince Henry, had finally been acomplished. At first, he was received well by the Zamorin (Hindu ruler of India) and was taken to the Hindu temple. But after da Gama presented the Zamorin what he felt were inferor gifts, the attitudes towards the newcomers quickly changed; the trade goods that had been accepted in Africa were of little worth in the high-class Indian market. The Muslims' attitude towards the Portuguese interference also contributed towards the hostility. "Da Gama's arrival aroused the hostility of the Arab traders at Calicut. He was jailed as a pirate and narrowly escaped death. Finally he was allowed to assemble a rich cargo of spices and precious stones..

Read it several times so that all illusions may vanish...
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You're assuming everyone just packed up one day and left. That is an assumption based on desparation, not any archaeology or corroborative evidence.

No, I am just pointing out the lacuna in the story that some Pakistanis spin. The current geography of your nation is just an accident of history. Where Indian Muslims happened to be in majority!

That is the basis on which Pakistan was created in 1947. That is why you had your majority population in Eastern Pakistan who shared nothing else with Western Pakistanis other than the fact that you were both Indian Muslims who happened to be in states/districts with Muslim majority. That is why your father of the nation wanted Kashmir too.

I guess Pakistanis feel that they are also the inheritors of the Mughal and other Muslim rule in India and even people like Tipu Sultan (in deep South!). So obviously you have no concern for the current geographic boundaries of Pakistan when it suits you.

Now suddenly you forget all that and want to claim even Sanskrit and the pre-Islamic civilization! Tell me, how many schools teach Sanskrit in Pakistan? Is there even one? Are there people even in single digit in Pakistan who know the first grade Sanskrit? Don't the majority of you population consider the pre-Islamic period as Jahiliya when people were waiting to be liberated by invaders?
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I never liked Zaid Hamid he is a right-wing idiot

lol i remember wht he was saying abt Kasab :P
t took 3 years to become republic of India.
From then no one scratched head or doubted what is bested suited for India.
there is hardly any change in constitution in India.

Pakistan has changed its form of government in following times:

23 March, 1956, - Islamic Republic.
1962, Pakistan was renamed as 'Republic of Pakistan'.
Islamic Republic of Pakistan - 2 February 1973.

I have seen in this forum what is best form to rule pakistan republic or islamic or military?

it is Myth Hypocrisy who cares we will not change and we will not mind what other think we will do what is best for us.

we are not "international migraine" every one know who is and why it is :coffee:
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Mayavathi tipped to be next PM of India.Polls predicting that she has 40% chances to succeeded manmohan.
who is Mayawathi? she is daughter of railway coole.
when dauther of lowest level of society having chance to head state only happen when government is by ,to ,for the people.
Still we have people saying Myth and Hypocrisy abt India's system.

These people from come from state where power of pendulum swings from landlord to general
Hey Mea,

We've discussed this in detail.

Your American documentary probably has an Indian tinge to it.

The IVC is and always was predominantly a Pakistani civilization.

The IVC has as much to do with India, as it has to do with Iran and Afghanistan.

The history of Pakistan, and the history of India are separate.


No two words abot it my friend. This is why Persian was the official language in Mughal courts. Only diiference is that in India they still take pride of this culture, but not so in Pakistan.


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