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Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi and country's president are detained by the military in early-morning raids amid reports a coup is underway...


Mar 19, 2019
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United States
Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi and country's president are detained by the military in early-morning raids amid reports a coup is underway following disputed elections

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been detained amid reports a military coup is underway in the country.

The National League for Democracy, Myanmar's governing party, said that Suu Kyi and other senior figures from the ruling party have been detained in an early morning raid.

The move comes after days of escalating tension between the civilian government and the powerful military that stirred fears of a coup in the aftermath of an election the army says was fraudulent.

Spokesman Myo Nyunt told Reuters by phone that Suu Kyi, President Win Myint and other leaders had been 'taken' in the early hours of the morning.

'I want to tell our people not to respond rashly and I want them to act according to the law,' he said, adding he also expected to be detained.

The National League for Democracy, Myanmar's governing party, said that Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior figures from the ruling party have been detained in an early morning raid

The National League for Democracy, Myanmar's governing party, said that Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior figures from the ruling party have been detained in an early morning raid
Myanmar's military last week declined to rule out a coup to overturn an election result it disputes from last year.

However, it said on the eve of the first gathering of the new parliament that it remains committed to democracy.

The new parliament is due to meet on Monday for the first time since the November election, which was won in a landslide by Aung San Suu Kyi's party, but which the military says was marred by fraud.

A group of Western powers including the United States issued a joint statement on Friday warning against 'any attempt to alter the outcome of the elections or impede Myanmar's democratic transition'.

In a statement on Sunday, the military accused the foreign diplomats of making 'unwarranted assumptions'.

The military 'will do everything possible to adhere to the democratic norms of free and fair elections, as set out by the 2008 Constitution, lasting peace, and inclusive well-being and prosperity for the people of Myanmar,' it said in the statement, posted on Facebook.

Tanks were deployed in some streets last week and pro-military demonstrations have taken place in some cities ahead of the first gathering of parliament. The army said on Tuesday it would 'take action' against the election result, and when asked if it was planning a coup, a spokesman declined to rule it out.

The statement on Sunday did not directly address the issue of such action or of a coup.

Under the 2008 constitution, the military has gradually relinquished power to democratic institutions. But it retains privileges including control of the security forces and some ministries.

Legal complaints over the election are pending at the Supreme Court. The election commission has rejected the military's allegations of vote fraud, saying there were no errors big enough to affect the credibility of the vote.


Does Bangladesh have a hand in this? If not why not? It is BD's time to take advantage of the chaos.
There is no coup whatsoever. All the while army is in control while Aung San and civilian politicians is sort of the foreign affair minister,
A coup is underway in Myanmar with Aung San Suu Kyi under detention along with the President. Confirmed by the spokesman for the governing National League for Democracy.

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior figures from the ruling party have been detained in an early morning raid, the spokesman for the governing National League for Democracy said on Monday.​
Odd isn't it? Delhi cuts comms and detains political representatives in Kashmir, locking away members of an elected parliament and imposing military rule, yet the western media won't call it a "coup" or an "occupation" or even a simple "suspension of democracy" at least. Yoga and hari krishna have made complete idiots out of the once intelligent western nations.
This is Modi's ally. What is Modi going to do now?
Odd isn't it? Delhi cuts comms and detains political representatives in Kashmir, locking away members of an elected parliament and imposing military rule, yet the western media won't call it a "coup" or an "occupation" or even a simple "suspension of democracy" at least. Yoga and hari krishna have made complete idiots out of the once intelligent western nations.

The West isn't condemning her capture in harsh terms yet. The Western media is reporting it as detention. Let's see how they react in hours and days to come. This woman was a Western darling, but things became very complicated after Rohingya massacre.
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Odd isn't it? Delhi cuts comms and detains political representatives in Kashmir, locking away members of an elected parliament and imposing military rule, yet the western media won't call it a "coup" or an "occupation" or even a simple "suspension of democracy" at least. Yoga and hari krishna have made complete idiots out of the once intelligent western nations.
nah, the US and other Western powers are not bedazzled by Yoga and stuff that makes them act the way they do towards India. It's all geopolitics, India is their lapdog against China, so all "undemocratic" and "human rights violations" the fascist Modi government does is ignored. Any government that is democratically elected that goes against the US/Western imperialists, they'll call election fraud and stage a coup, all the corporate media will go along with the State department narratives. Just look at what recently happened in Bolivia, Morales and his MAS party (anti-US imperialists) legimately won the previous election, but instantly the US declared there was fraud, even NYT parroted the State Department lines. Well if you followed what happened, it was proven that Morales won the election fair and square, and their last election Morales' MAS party won easily. So don't even bother listening to the hypocrisy of these Western powers when they shout "Democracy" and "Human Rights", it's just a weapon used against their geopolitical rivals. Just look at their love affair with the Gulf Monarchies, hardly a region with "Democracy" and "Human Rights"...
She will get less sympathy then last time she was detained.
This is Modi's ally. What is Modi going to do now?

The West isn't condemning her capture in harsh terms yet. The Western media is reporting it as detention. Let's see how they react in hours and days to come. This woman was a Western darling, but things became very complicated after Rohingya massacre.

She is CIA dog but somehow power still lies in army. She cant do white man bidding. And white man expect her to stir more trouble which will be political suicide for her.

The un-understanding white man then accuse her of genocide.
Aung San Su Kyi facebook rally people to go to the street, and hope people power will defeat the army.

There are sporadic scuffles on the streets and seems like situation is under control in favor the military. People has grown tired of color revolution.

I think the army has won their bet. Not many is coming out on the streets to support Aung San.

A power greedy Western puppy is gone. It is also a blessing for the China led new world order. This lady was creating a very dangerous situation for the stability of the region.
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