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Myanmar’s Generals Make a Show of Displeasure at China’s Arming of Rebels

The Ronin

Mar 24, 2017
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By AUNG ZAW 26 November 2019

The love-hate nature of Myanmar’s relationship with its giant neighbor China was on full display on Sunday with the army’s announcement that it seized a large cache of Chinese-made weapons from rebels in northern Myanmar last week.

Most of the weapons captured from the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), including RPGs and FN6 anti-aircraft launchers, are Chinese made, according to a Myanmar army spokesman. The TNLA is one of the ethnic armed groups seeking greater autonomy and is active in northern Shan State near the Chinese border.

The military boasted about its seizure of FN-6 shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles in northern Shan State. The advanced surface-to-air missiles, which cost between US$70,000 (106 million kyats) and US$90,000 each, can hit low-flying targets and are available in the international market as well as on the black market. It is believed that the China-made missiles have been exported to Malaysia, Cambodia, Sudan and Pakistan. They are also used in the civil war in Syria.

The military is increasingly looking to cut off supplies to the rebels inside Myanmar and overseas.

The TNLA claims to have 7,000 well-armed soldiers. The recent seizure comes as a major blow to the rebels, who allegedly build up their army using the proceeds of local “taxes”, drugs, extortion and running their own businesses, and earn a substantial regular income from foreign and local companies—with Chinese companies being no exception.

Given the cost of the weapons seized, the army even questioned the armed group’s financial sources.

“Where did they get the money to buy them? Do they have any businesses? It’s likely they get money from drugs or natural resource extraction,” said Major General Tun Tun Nyi during a press conference on Sunday in Naypyitaw.

Sources close to the rebels claimed the group bought the arms from the Wa and Kachin armies, who allegedly have their own arms manufacturing factories purchased from China. Chinese technicians have been hired to run these facilities.

In his recent meeting with Chinese Special Envoy for Asian Affairs Sun Guoxiang, Myanmar military chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing reportedly told the envoy that rebels in the north are buying weapons from China.

Less than two weeks ago, in an exclusive interview with Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper, Sen-Gen Min Aung Hlaing said rebels in Myanmar received arms from China indirectly, but didn’t elaborate.

Unhappiness with China’s relationship with rebels along the China-Myanmar border resurfaced in April when the powerful United Wa State Army (UWSA) celebrated the 30th anniversary of its signing of a ceasefire with the government with a military parade on April 17 in Panghsang, showing off some of its military hardware including drones and anti-aircraft missiles.

The UWSA has 30,000 soldiers and 20,000 auxiliary troops, making it one of the strongest ethnic armies in Myanmar. The Wa army is now equipped with sophisticated weapons systems, for which the Chinese provide arms, ammunition and technical support. The Wa, meanwhile, continue to provide support to the TNLA and other smaller armies in the region including weapons, uniforms and logistical support.

In June, the Myanmar army spokesman for the first time showed displeasure toward the UWSA’s grand parade held in April.

“The UWSA held a military parade with weapons. We can see that they acted like a parallel government and parallel army. I would say the Tatmadaw has shown the greatest possible tolerance in that regard,” Major-General Soe Naing Oo told reporters in Naypyitaw.

Under Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing, the army has diversified its resources and allies overseas.

The army currently buys arms from Russia, India, Pakistan and Ukraine, as well as from China. Western nations have imposed sanctions on Myanmar’s armed forces, but in the past, a number of them, including the US, UK, Germany, Switzerland and Sweden sold arms, heavy military equipment and jet fighters to Myanmar.

In the 1990s, China was a main supplier of arms to Myanmar but the heavy dependence on the country led to discontent among mid-ranking military officers who complained about the poor quality of Chinese equipment. A young officer at the time, Min Aung Hlaing was no exception.

These young officers saw China shower arms and weapons on rebels along the border, even as the Myanmar army continued to engage the rebels, and lives on both sides were lost. This generation of young officers in the 1990s is now in charge of the armed forces of Myanmar and looking elsewhere to procure weapons and military hardware overseas—without relying solely on China.

However, with the EU imposing sanctions against arms sales this year, that remains a distant dream. Even military spokesperson Brigadier General Zaw Min Tun told the media in April that most of Myanmar’s weapons are from Russia and China, not the EU.

The Myanmar government has made no statement yet on China’s connection to, or support for, the rebels and has not commented on the seizure—not yet. Army leaders have also observed the ups and downs of the Myanmar civilian government’s relations with Beijing, as a number of large Chinese projects in Myanmar have been scaled down. For instance, last year the US$7.5-billion (11.33-trillion-kyat) estimated price tag of the deep seaport in Rakhine State was reduced to $1.3 billion, for the first phase. It is clear that China isn’t happy with the decision to downsize the project.

It’s not the first time Myanmar has annoyed its powerful neighbor over a planned megaproject. In September 2011, the decision of the administration of then-President U Thein Sein to suspend the Myitsone Dam in Kachin State damaged relations with China. U Ye Htut, the information minister in U Thein Sein’s administration, writes in his recently published “Myanmar’s Political Transition and Lost Opportunities (2010-2016)” that “the West said it [the suspension] is a strategic foreign policy. The government didn’t attempt to clarify the situation. The Chinese began to feel that they were the only loser in Myanmar’s democratization process.”

The former information minister added that it was no coincidence that following the suspension of the Myitsone Dam project and improvements in relations with the West, new ethnic armed groups appeared in northern Myanmar and armed conflicts in Kachin and northern Shan states intensified.

“Nor does it seem to be a coincidence that none of the ethnic armed groups along the Chinese border agreed to join the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement three years later,” U Ye Htut writes. The TNLA is one of the armed groups, along with the Kachin Independence Army, Arakan Army and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, that have yet to sign the peace deal with the government.

It is alleged that the recent instability in northern Shan State and the growing military threat from rebel forces are the outcome of the Myanmar government’s decision to downsize China’s projects in the country. Is the Myanmar military in agreement with the government’s decision? Indeed, this internal dynamic is something political observers will continue to watch.

In any case, the Myanmar military’s public statement on the seizure of Chinese-made weapons from a rebel army is a signal to Beijing that it’s time to stop adding fuel to the fire.

lol these type small arms are in Myanmar arsenal. They should check their own corruption first then blaming us.
Such one sided story. Never mention how the Myanmar military selling drugs, protecting drug/ illegal wood business. Also ignore the facts that it's the Myanmar military broke the peace treaty in the first place, disregard ethnic minority basic humanitarian request, that's one of the major reason ethnic minority pick up their arm.

Before independence, the south Myanmar did NOT rule the North, they are members under British rule. The South party signed the treaty with North, which state that the North members can quit the Federal and autonomy.

Now, it's 70 years war, who to blame?
I see nothing wrong with them showing their displeasure. Poly can give them some discounts next time
It seem like those areas could be a part of China if not for UK colonial expansions during the late Qing.
And they say, China is not interested in land grabbing. They only want peace. How many more problems will China create with its neighbors and still think that they want peace in the region.
China will soon support genocide charges against Myanmar instead of blocking it. They need to be taught a lesson what is realistic option.
Excellent news. The people fighting against the fascist racisr burmese regime should be supported. Everyone deserves to live free from tyrany.
It seem like those areas could be a part of China if not for UK colonial expansions during the late Qing.

China can bully-land grap former Qing territory from weak countries.

It is Russia that currently has more former Qing territory than any other country.
China can bully-land grap former Qing territory from weak countries.

It is Russia that currently has more former Qing territory than any other country.
They will take back Siberia in due time.
China will soon support genocide charges against Myanmar instead of blocking it. They need to be taught a lesson what is realistic option.

Calm down bro.

That would be mostly unwise and self-defeating. Basically pushing Naypyitaw into the arms of Moscow. Indeed, Russia's invariable policy is to strongly oppose any condemnation of Myanmar over the Rohingya crisis.

In a nutshell, after Turkey, the Philippines and Egypt, Myanmar would be the next nation to join the Russian sphere of interest, and especially its arms market.

China's intention is only to incite the Tatmadaw to distance itself from the West, like it used to be before the introduction of market economy at the end of the cold war.

As it is only due to the U.S.' pressure, that China is loosing its past traditional influence in Burma.


They will take back Siberia in due time.

The People's Republic of China was a creation of Moscow. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) being its local branch of the Comintern.

Therefore, there could be no territorial conflict. Same as the Mongolian People's Republic and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Only a regime change in Beijing with no link to the Comintern could lead to China reclaiming the core territories in Outer Manchuria, Outer Mongolia and Tannu Tuva.

Basically meaning the Republic of China's Kuomintang (KMT) that is now hiding in the Formosa island.

Not likely in the foreseeable future, as the CCP's victory over the KMT in 1949 was not the result of natural events, but caused by the current U.S. ruling world master's decision.

Conclusion: "to take back Siberia in due time" means probably not this century.

How come? Myanmar generals get huge political gains in fighting against the rebels. If the rebels were totally crushed, these generals would probably lose leverage in Myanmar's court infighting.

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