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Myanmar strikes kill 32, mostly women and children: UN

I will show you a real theoretical bombing campaign looks like.

Imagine a scenario where Bangladesh and Myanmar have highten tensions because of Rohingya issue and territorial water dispute.
MN patrol ship has entered disputed territory.
BN has open fire on Myanmar patrol ship claiming the ship is in Bangladesh territory. As a revenge (or may be an opportunity), Myanmar air force mobilizes.

1 sq of JF-17, 2 sq of A-5 bombers and 2 sq of Mig-29s and Su-30 flew from MAF headquarters to Chattogram.

2 sq of Mig-29s and Su-30 will engage 8 BAF mig-29s.
At the same time a squadron JF-17 armed with AShM will destroy BN ships anchored at BNS Issa Khan.
2 sq of A-5 bombers will destroy ports and other infrastructures.

Here is detail map plan.

MAF Strike Route Distance: 450 KM

Primary targets for MAF

Secondry Targets for MAF.


This will destroy 80% of bangladesh navy ships (large tonnage ships) such as Frigates, Corvettes and FACs including 1 submarine.

This will be the result because Bangladesh has no medium air defense. and FM-90 does not count because it is a SHORAD, meaning it can only be shot down low flying aircrafts.

So, dear idiot @UKBengali what do you think about my plan campare to your plan to bomb Yangon.:-)
I will show you a real theoretical bombing campaign looks like.

Imagine a scenario where Bangladesh and Myanmar have highten tensions because of Rohingya issue and territorial water dispute.
MN patrol ship has entered disputed territory.
BN has open fire on Myanmar patrol ship claiming the ship is in Bangladesh territory. As a revenge (or may be an opportunity), Myanmar air force mobilizes.

1 sq of JF-17, 2 sq of A-5 bombers and 2 sq of Mig-29s and Su-30 flew from MAF headquarters to Chattogram.

2 sq of Mig-29s and Su-30 will engage 8 BAF mig-29s.
At the same time a squadron JF-17 armed with AShM will destroy BN ships anchored at BNS Issa Khan.
2 sq of A-5 bombers will destroy ports and other infrastructures.

Here is detail map plan.

MAF Strike Route Distance: 450 KM
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Primary targets for MAF
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Secondry Targets for MAF.
View attachment 631148

This will destroy 80% of bangladesh navy ships (large tonnage ships) such as Frigates, Corvettes and FACs including 1 submarine.

This will be the result because Bangladesh has no medium air defense. and FM-90 does not count because it is a SHORAD, meaning it can only be shot down low flying aircrafts.

So, dear idiot @UKBengali what do you think about my plan campare to your plan to bomb Yangon.:-)

OK, I did say if BD had the capability but you obviously were not paying attention to that bit.

Now about your plan - BN is not that easy to hit as it now has no less than 7 warships armed with modern SAMs.

3(1 Ulsan class and the 2 Type-053H3) have the FM-90N SAM system that can strike 3 targets simultaneously out to a range of 15 km.

4(Type-056) have the FL-3000N system that can engage 2 targets simultaneously out to 9km.

You will need to make multiple runs with that single JF-17 squadron to do major harm to the BN.

Most vital infrastructure in BD can be protected by the FM-90 SAM system that BD has in abundance.
Are your A-5s able to bomb from higher than 5km as otherwise they will be prey to FM-90 that can strike targets out to 5km high?

As for response from BA, lol Arakan would be overrun by BA and so do not think about it. BA would link up with Arakan Army to destroy your "army" in that region and so know your limits boy.
3(1 Ulsan class and the 2 Type-053H3) have the FM-90N SAM system that can strike 3 targets simultaneously out to a range of 15 km.

FM-90 has a max operating altitute of 5km, jf-17 can fly well above that. only a layman would think a FM-90 could shoot down Jf-17.

You will need to make multiple runs with that single JF-17 squadron to do major harm to the BN.

10 jf-17 each armed with 2 ASh missile, so 20 missile will be enough for BN 4 frigates and 6 corvettes.
I dont count Hamilton class as a frigate.
FM-90 has a max operating altitute of 5km, jf-17 can fly well above that. only a layman would think a FM-90 could shoot down Jf-17.

I was talking about A5s coming in for bombing runs over BD infrastructure.
If they do not have LGBs then they will have to go below 5km and will get shot down by FM-90B/C that BD has in abundance.

Yeah BAF needs to order that squadron(16) of MRCA asap to negate the current MAF advantage.

10 jf-17 each armed with 2 ASh missile, so 20 missile will be enough for BN 4 frigates and 6 corvettes.
I dont count Hamilton class as a frigate.

Unfortunately it does not work that way in real life.

Each missile fired by the JF-17s would have to survive attempts to shoot down by the ship's SAMs and then also survive the CIWS afterwards.

These 7 SAM/CIWs equipped ships will be very hard to defeat for a single squadron of JF-17, even after they reload time after time.

How many anti-ship missiles do you have as I think at least 100 will be required to cause any major damage to BN?
These 7 SAM/CIWs equipped ships will be very hard to defeat for a single squadron of JF-17, even after they reload time after time.

out of 6 current BN frigate ships, only 1 frigate BNS Bangabandhu has SAM and CIWS. both BNS Ali Haider and
BNS Abu Bakar does not have SAM or CIWS :woot::woot:

DO you see any SAM or CIWS on BNS ALi Haider. :disagree::disagree:


Unfortunately it does not work that way in real life.

In your "Real Life", Bangladesh is a super duper power..?
because you migh be having a delusion.
Myanmar has military war experience fighting insurgencies against rebels like Mong Tai army for generations. Bangladesh don't have any military nor military experience, it would be run over in a matter of days. Millions of Bengals will starve because they are overpopulated to the extreme in the case of any war.
P.S: this is a armerment of BNS Ali Haider. I didn't see any SAM or CIWS.

Screenshot 2020-05-10 at 5.05.52 AM.png

Myanmar has military war experience fighting insurgencies against rebels like Mong Tai army for generations. Bangladesh don't have any military nor military experience, it would be run over in a matter of days. Millions of Bengals will starve because they are overpopulated to the extreme in the case of any war.

it is correct. because Unlike Myanmar, Bangladesh is a food importor country. meaning it would starve if we blockadge or destroy their ports.
out of 6 current BN frigate ships, only 1 frigate BNS Bangabandhu has SAM and CIWS. both BNS Ali Haider and
BNS Abu Bakar does not have SAM or CIWS :woot::woot:

DO you see any SAM or CIWS on BNS ALi Haider. :disagree::disagree:

View attachment 631153

In your "Real Life", Bangladesh is a super duper power..?
because you migh be having a delusion.

No I was talking about the 2 Type-053H3s that arrived this year.

Check out their weapons systems and both have been fitted with the modern FM-90N SAM system, which is specifically designed to shoot down sea-skimming anti-ship missiles.

Each ship has 8 cell FM-90 SAM system and one Type-76A AA gun. It is fully automated and linked to FCR and is both a CIWs and a general AA gun and so can even take out targets from many kms away unlike a CIWS.

Those you showed are the 2 Type-053H1s brought last decade!

Myanmar has military war experience fighting insurgencies against rebels like Mong Tai army for generations. Bangladesh don't have any military nor military experience, it would be run over in a matter of days. Millions of Bengals will starve because they are overpopulated to the extreme in the case of any war.

Yes and with this "experience" they get killed like flies by Arakhan Army that gets supplied with BA turning a blind eye to arms shipments via CHT.
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This whole problem was caused by Bangladesh overpopulation and enchroaching on another countrys land. Of course there is going to be problems when traditional buddhist lands are encroached by bengalis.
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This whole problem was caused by Bangladesh overpopulation and enchroaching on another countrys land. Of course there is going to be problems when traditional buddhist lands are encroached by bengalis.

imagine if 10million christians went into mecca and decided it should be a christian city instead. There will be bloodshed no doubt.


Myanmar has military war experience fighting insurgencies against rebels like Mong Tai army for generations. Bangladesh don't have any military nor military experience, it would be run over in a matter of days. Millions of Bengals will starve because they are overpopulated to the extreme in the case of any war.

Despite the lack of capability by BAF.

Myanmar could not take even one inch of Bangladeshi territory in the status quo.
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