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Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory -- Now What?

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Chinese FM Discusses Myanmar in Border Province after Bombing

Related: Myanmar Conflicting Parties Vow to Seek Political Resolution

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi was in Yunnan Province, which borders the conflict-hit Myanmar, on Monday to discuss with officials plans to protect the life and property safety of local Chinese, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Tuesday.

The meeting came after a bomb dropped by a Myanmar warplane killed five and injured eight others in Lincang city last week.

"Wang and leading provincial officials exchanged views on the current situation and discussed ways to deal with it," the spokesman Hong Lei said at a daily news briefing, without giving more details.

They studied ways to safeguard border peace, protect life and property safety for local Chinese, and overall bilateral ties, Yunnan Daily reported on Tuesday.

The conflict in north Myanmar's Kokang region has lasted for more than a month, severely impacting the border region's peace and stability. China has urged conflicting parties to "take China's concerns seriously" and show restraint so as to restore order at the border.

Chinese fighter jets patrolled the China-Myanmar border after the deadly bombing in order to "track, monitor, warn and chase away" Myanmar military planes flying close to the Chinese side.


Myanmar Expresses Regret over Border Bombing Incident

Myanmar on Sunday openly responded for the first time to Friday's bombing incident across the Myanmar- China border which left five Chinese citizens dead and eight others injured in China's southwestern Yunnan province.

According to Myanmar's state radio and TV, the government expressed regret over the incident, saying that Myanmar authorities are cooperating with the Chinese side through diplomatic channel to uncover the truth of the incident.

A Myanmar delegation has entered the Chinese territory for a join investigation into the incident.

Chinese vice foreign minister Liu Zhenmin summoned Myanmar Ambassador Thit Linn Ohn in Beijing Friday night, lodging solemn representations to him after a bomb dropped by a Myanmar warplane hit a sugarcane field in the border city of Lincang, Yunnan, killing five people and injuring eight others working there in the afternoon.

Liu urged the Myanmar side to thoroughly investigate the case and inform the Chinese side of the result.

Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Yang Houlan on Saturday also lodged the same urgent and solemn representation to the Myanmar government and military.

Vice Chairman of China's Central Military Commission Fan Changlong also urged Myanmar to punish the perpetrators and apologize to and compensate the families of the victims.
Good, you realize that you need to thank for British for aspects. That's thanksgiving.

And you played the words games. The 500 nations( i doubt it) are still within British empire as one legal subject. If British annexed Nepal in 19th century, maybe you need to mention 501 nations. Fortunately Nepal kept independent always, but Nepal signed several treaty with British ceded land to British.

You need to be clear, all those were done by British not Indian. Referring to the territory disputes, all are due to the empire expand.

The situation is that Indian get benefits from British, but without any appreciation; Chinese don't accept British Mac Mahon line, but have to negotiate Indian nowadays ( British had left. ).

Good, you realize that we are not ungrateful people and we know what to thank and what not to.

Now you are getting it a bit. Nationalism is a modern political concept and it reached India a bit late since the British ruled India not as their own country, unlike the muslim rulers, but as a colony. Nationalism in modern sense started building up against the colonial rule as well as the feudalism and other ruling classes. India's first war of independence in 1857 was only against the British and not against the feudalism but subsequently the freedom fighters envisaged democracy and many from the ruling royal families joined freedom struggle in favour of independent democratic India. British even ruled Sri Lanka and Myanmar but their freedom struggle was not part of India. Our then leadership in the form of Indian National Congress and even communists and hindu and muslim radicals felt a sense of oneness, they related to one history, one culture and one struggle despite having a variety. This is the genesis of Indian nationalism. In France it happenned against the King, in Russia against the Tzars and in India against the 500 plus feudal rulers as well as British colonialism. Before that no where in the world it mattered as to who ruled whom as long as the ruler was not bad and tyrant.

So you will realize now that French dont need to thank King Louis and Queen Marie Antoinette for letting them have the french revolution of 1789 which gave them the values of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Russians dont need to thank the Tzars for letting them have the communist revolution. Such things are part of history and part of evolution. Since King Ashoka the great ruled over an empire from Afghanistan upto Burma and Srilanka, that does not mean India, in modern day, should stake claim on the lands of Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Burma and Nepal. Its an absurd thought and against the process of evolution.
I think there is no Strategic Benefit for China to make Crimea to the Kokang Territory. Because that area is too small, and don't has any access to the Indian Ocean. Taking Kokang doesn't give China the access to the Indian Ocean. Maybe we can explain it to our brother Myanmar's posters about this. Strategic Interest speaking, PRC will get more benefit if they get the thrust of Myanmar People and become their best friend or Ally. Because with Myanmar at the PRC side, PRC can build a naval base in one of Myanmar City and make the plan of forming 4th fleet into realization. That is actually much-much bigger... huge, if compared to the benefit if the PRC government taking over the Kokang Territory.

Beside, about the Kokang Rebel. I heard that they are the descendant of the lost division belong to KMT who ran away from China after Chiang ran to Taiwan. So why would the PRC government give them support? What is the benefit for PRC? Because they are Han Chinese? That is absurd. And if someone ask where they get their weapon from? As an Ex-KMT Division, just guess it yourself, where they get their weapon from

The whole Myanmar. That can reach Indian ocean.

遗憾的,中国领导人认为钱能解决的问题。吹嘘的新玩具,但小国不给予尊重中国。我只是讲说实话. 缅甸不尊重中国,你如何指望日本尊重他们呢?
Don't derailed this thread further guys, you should open a new thread if you want to debate something that off topic of this thread.
While Myanmar still insist that their warplane never access the area, it's unlikely that Burmese would apology.
By the way, you should thank them for peacefully transferring HongKong to you. Had they opted for a refrendum over that lease from the people of hong kong, perhaps HK would have preferred to be a part of UK or independence. Their uneasiness with China is quite visible even today.

Maybe it would have been better to make the ground of HK fallow with the blood of a few thousand traitors. Otherwise, Deng would have had Hong Kong whether the Brits liked it or not. Unlike India with Goa the PRC has actually followed their agreements to the letter, and 1997 was the year HK was to be returned.
Good, you realize that we are not ungrateful people and we know what to thank and what not to.

Now you are getting it a bit. Nationalism is a modern political concept and it reached India a bit late since the British ruled India not as their own country, unlike the muslim rulers, but as a colony. Nationalism in modern sense started building up against the colonial rule as well as the feudalism and other ruling classes. India's first war of independence in 1857 was only against the British and not against the feudalism but subsequently the freedom fighters envisaged democracy and many from the ruling royal families joined freedom struggle in favour of independent democratic India. British even ruled Sri Lanka and Myanmar but their freedom struggle was not part of India. Our then leadership in the form of Indian National Congress and even communists and hindu and muslim radicals felt a sense of oneness, they related to one history, one culture and one struggle despite having a variety. This is the genesis of Indian nationalism. In France it happenned against the King, in Russia against the Tzars and in India against the 500 plus feudal rulers as well as British colonialism. Before that no where in the world it mattered as to who ruled whom as long as the ruler was not bad and tyrant.

So you will realize now that French dont need to thank King Louis and Queen Marie Antoinette for letting them have the french revolution of 1789 which gave them the values of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Russians dont need to thank the Tzars for letting them have the communist revolution. Such things are part of history and part of evolution. Since King Ashoka the great ruled over an empire from Afghanistan upto Burma and Srilanka, that does not mean India, in modern day, should stake claim on the lands of Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Burma and Nepal. Its an absurd thought and against the process of evolution.

Although I have interests in the Indian internal politics, here we are not talking about your country's politics. Let's focus on how the territory disputes occurred. Nationalism is not a modern political concept for East Asian. For the latest several hundreds of years, Chinese(Han), Korean(Chosun) and Japanese(Nihon), most part of Vietnamese(Kingh) had similar culture, BUT we considered each other different nationality and needed official permits to enter different countries.

I agree the Maurya dynasty was a great empire in human ancient history, especially during Ashoka period but the dynasty's territory or administrative management didn't reach Sri Lanka and Burma, it's as far as to today's Afghanistan and Bangladesh. If you say cultural and religion influence, more or less, but didn't manage those areas officially. That's mainly a Buddhism country and for the later 2000 years, India was changed a lot by other empires' occupation and religion.

India's last dynasty was Mughal dynasty, I think it's more meaningful to compare Mughal dynasty's territory with British-India's. British expanded vastly toward north and northeast direction, hundreds of local ethnic, especially the Mac Mahon line directly damage China's territory rights. In the first place, since 1910's each of China's govt didn't accepted the line and the disputes emerged for hundred years, not to mention the sources of ethnic groups' army freedom movements in India's northeast.
Lux is back. I will continue to speak the truth and expose shit of all Chinese -- to make them improve.

Above is history of Kokang, with English subtitle. It contains roughly the truth but present information in such a funny and distorted way that make PRC look bad. Nevertheless for foreigners who do not know Chinese history, this is good reference. Some Chinese people here have bring lying, shamelessness and race traitoring to a whole new level.

They claim that Chinese migrate to Kokang with their eyes wide open and need to take the shit. Problem is Han Chinese migrated all the way from Yellow river to present border and reach Kokang far far earlier than British and Burmese.

Then Brits took Kokang with naked gangsterism and many PDF PRC, oversea Chinese cheers the outcome and accuse Kokangi of deserving shit.

The best thing to do in this world is to invade China. Then full loads of Chinese race traitors will claim that Chinese in occupied territory as migrants and deserve genocide,
People like talking big pictures like which country will Myanmar follow or other shit,Without knowing the position of China.Nobody will follow a coward and useless country no matter how much money you have and how good you treat them.Japan is a good example.Economic power is far from geopolitics power.Military power is useless if you don't dare to use it.
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Because of this MacMohan line, the british made many problems between India and China. I hope our peoples understand this

Without this Mcmahon line, India will still try to attack China and she need a war to stop her.

India has been giving all her neighbours trouble and annexing territories of her neighbours, sponsoring terror...etc In places like Manipur, Hyderabad, Kashmir, Sikkim and Goa, she succeeded and white man never make noise. White man has long want to use India to contain China.

China 1962 war with India is necessary as she need to be taught a lesson.
Lux is back. I will continue to speak the truth and expose shit of all Chinese -- to make them improve.

Above is history of Kokang, with English subtitle. It contains roughly the truth but present information in such a funny and distorted way that make PRC look bad. Nevertheless for foreigners who do not know Chinese history, this is good reference. Some Chinese people here have bring lying, shamelessness and race traitoring to a whole new level.

They claim that Chinese migrate to Kokang with their eyes wide open and need to take the shit. Problem is Han Chinese migrated all the way from Yellow river to present border and reach Kokang far far earlier than British and Burmese.

Then Brits took Kokang with naked gangsterism and many PDF PRC, oversea Chinese cheers the outcome and accuse Kokangi of deserving shit.

The best thing to do in this world is to invade China. Then full loads of Chinese race traitors will claim that Chinese in occupied territory as migrants and deserve genocide,

I agree with you. But what's in your mind? Punish Myanmar? How to do? China has policy of no interference of internal affairs and Kokang area in law is Myanmar's territory.

It's Myanmar govt sucks and like uncivilized tribe, always take military action against ethnic groups.

I suggest Kokang people should seek helps from International Human Rights groups at the same time. Agree?
I agree with you. But what's in your mind? Punish Myanmar? How to do? China has policy of no interference of internal affairs and Kokang area in law is Myanmar's territory.

It's Myanmar govt sucks and like uncivilized tribe, always take military action against ethnic groups.

I suggest Kokang people should seek helps from International Human Rights groups at the same time. Agree?

I am not advocating pushing Myanmar. We need to show dignity. We need to show sympathy. This WAS our land and UK took it by gangsterism. Chinese was there long before Barmese. Barmese is invaders not Chinese

I am sick when some folks here say there Kokangi deserve shit because they migrate with eyes open. These are shameless race traitors. They engage in heartless victim blaming.

And many of these folks stay in places where Chinese got shit, like Malaysia.

Lux is Singaporean Chinese. Singapore is good because we have people like Lux, who are for humanity, and not for traitoring.
I am not advocating pushing Myanmar. We need to show dignity. We need to show sympathy. This WAS our land and UK took it by gangsterism. Chinese was there long before Barmese. Barmese is invaders not Chinese

I am sick when some folks here say there Kokangi deserve shit because they migrate with eyes open. These are shameless race traitors. They engage in heartless victim blaming.

And many of these folks stay in places where Chinese got shit, like Malaysia.

Lux is Singaporean Chinese. Singapore is good because we have people like Lux, who are for humanity, and not for traitoring.
Yeah,you are sick.
I am not advocating pushing Myanmar. We need to show dignity. We need to show sympathy. This WAS our land and UK took it by gangsterism. Chinese was there long before Barmese. Barmese is invaders not Chinese

I am sick when some folks here say there Kokangi deserve shit because they migrate with eyes open. These are shameless race traitors. They engage in heartless victim blaming.

And many of these folks stay in places where Chinese got shit, like Malaysia.

Lux is Singaporean Chinese. Singapore is good because we have people like Lux, who are for humanity, and not for traitoring.

I often watch TV programs about the Han ( Kokang ) refugees living in Yunnan. Chinese govt along with the red cross look after them well. Don't worry, man. Some of them got interview saying that they will go back home when situation turn stable and peaceful.

Yeah,you are sick.

I advise you to damn the Myanmar's rude military action rather them Lux.
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