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Myanmar lures Bangladesh Buddhists to take over Rohingya land: officials


Dec 31, 2010
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Myanmar lures Bangladesh Buddhists to take over Rohingya land: officials
AFP | Dhaka Last Updated at April 2, 2018 15:30 IST


Myanmar authorities have lured dozens of mainly Buddhist Bangladeshi tribal families to cross the border and resettle on land abandoned by fleeing Muslim Rohingya, officials said today.

About 50 families from remote hill and forest areas on the Bangladesh side, attracted by offers of free land and food, have moved to Rakhine state in mainly Buddhist Myanmar -- the scene of a brutal army crackdown which prompted hundreds of thousands of Rohingya to flee.

The families from the ethnic Marma and Mro tribes have left their homes in the Bandarban hill district, local councillor Muing Swi Thwee told AFP.

He said 22 families departed from their villages in the Sangu forest reserve last month.

The families, mainly Buddhist but with some Christians, were being "lured by Myanmar" to Rakhine where they were given free land, citizenship and free food for five years, Muing Swi Thwee said.

"They are going there to fill up the land vacated by the Rohingya who have left Burma (Myanmar). They are extremely poor."

Nearly 700,000 Rohingya have fled Rakhine for camps in mainly Muslim Bangladesh since Myanmar last August launched a crackdown which US and UN officials have described as ethnic cleansing.

An agreement to repatriate Rohingya has yet to see a single refugee returned. Rohingya leaders have said the refugees will not return unless they are allowed back to their villages, many of which have been torched by security forces, rather than to supposedly temporary resettlement camps.

Two government officials in the region confirmed the migration, saying up to 55 tribal families had left for Myanmar.

"They are being lured by some people in Myanmar in return for free homes, free food for five-seven years. Some families have shifted there after being attracted by these offers," Jahangir Alam, a government district administrator, told AFP.

He said some of the tribal groups have family in Rakhine and these relatives are being used to woo the Bangladeshi tribals.

"These people have religious and linguistic similarities with Myanmar. Some of their ancestors have settled there in the past," he said.

Al Kaiser, another government official, said a tribal man was killed and several family members were injured in a mine blast when they were crossing into Myanmar from the town of Ali Kadam.

Officials said they suspect political motives behind the migration.

"We think perhaps they (Myanmar) want to make some news using these people, that Buddhists are being tortured and repressed in Bangladesh and that's why they have left the country," said one official on condition of anonymity.

A Bangladeshi security officer told AFP that Myanmar had resettled thousands of Buddhists in Rakhine by using a rsettlement scheme which offers free food, homes, cows and cash.

Muing Swi Thwee said more than 100 tribal families had left his area for Myanmar in the past three years.

Observers say Myanmar authorities are carrying out methodical social engineering schemes in northern Rakhine in the absence of many of the Rohingya.

A series of development projects, either government and army-sponsored or privately funded, are transforming the area, which the military sees as the frontline of its fight against encroaching Islam.

(This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
Myanmar lures Bangladesh Buddhists to take over Rohingya land: officials
AFP | Dhaka Last Updated at April 2, 2018 15:30 IST


Myanmar authorities have lured dozens of mainly Buddhist Bangladeshi tribal families to cross the border and resettle on land abandoned by fleeing Muslim Rohingya, officials said today.

About 50 families from remote hill and forest areas on the Bangladesh side, attracted by offers of free land and food, have moved to Rakhine state in mainly Buddhist Myanmar -- the scene of a brutal army crackdown which prompted hundreds of thousands of Rohingya to flee.

The families from the ethnic Marma and Mro tribes have left their homes in the Bandarban hill district, local councillor Muing Swi Thwee told AFP.

He said 22 families departed from their villages in the Sangu forest reserve last month.

The families, mainly Buddhist but with some Christians, were being "lured by Myanmar" to Rakhine where they were given free land, citizenship and free food for five years, Muing Swi Thwee said.

"They are going there to fill up the land vacated by the Rohingya who have left Burma (Myanmar). They are extremely poor."

Nearly 700,000 Rohingya have fled Rakhine for camps in mainly Muslim Bangladesh since Myanmar last August launched a crackdown which US and UN officials have described as ethnic cleansing.

An agreement to repatriate Rohingya has yet to see a single refugee returned. Rohingya leaders have said the refugees will not return unless they are allowed back to their villages, many of which have been torched by security forces, rather than to supposedly temporary resettlement camps.

Two government officials in the region confirmed the migration, saying up to 55 tribal families had left for Myanmar.

"They are being lured by some people in Myanmar in return for free homes, free food for five-seven years. Some families have shifted there after being attracted by these offers," Jahangir Alam, a government district administrator, told AFP.

He said some of the tribal groups have family in Rakhine and these relatives are being used to woo the Bangladeshi tribals.

"These people have religious and linguistic similarities with Myanmar. Some of their ancestors have settled there in the past," he said.

Al Kaiser, another government official, said a tribal man was killed and several family members were injured in a mine blast when they were crossing into Myanmar from the town of Ali Kadam.

Officials said they suspect political motives behind the migration.

"We think perhaps they (Myanmar) want to make some news using these people, that Buddhists are being tortured and repressed in Bangladesh and that's why they have left the country," said one official on condition of anonymity.

A Bangladeshi security officer told AFP that Myanmar had resettled thousands of Buddhists in Rakhine by using a rsettlement scheme which offers free food, homes, cows and cash.

Muing Swi Thwee said more than 100 tribal families had left his area for Myanmar in the past three years.

Observers say Myanmar authorities are carrying out methodical social engineering schemes in northern Rakhine in the absence of many of the Rohingya.

A series of development projects, either government and army-sponsored or privately funded, are transforming the area, which the military sees as the frontline of its fight against encroaching Islam.

(This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
Expect Zionist/sanghi media to cry foul after some years that those tribal left Bangladesh because muslims were torturing them inhumanly.
To be fair only crying i have seen on these pages and elsewhere are from Bangladeshi's, INGO's and Rohingya's.. The Burmese are pretty satisfied they got their territories back.. :coffee:
LOL, you took my comment out of context...

Anyway, burmese are committing genocide and no punishment steps taken against them! Why they wouldn't be satisfied?
Expect Zionist/sanghi media to cry foul after some years that those tribal left Bangladesh because muslims were torturing them inhumanly.
This is a great initiative..I hope Myanmar takes in all Buddhists from Bangladesh in Myanmar and sends all burmese muslims to Bangladesh in return...Myanmar is a Buddhist state and we Buddhists from Bangladesh are naturally allied with Myanmar.

Expect Zionist/sanghi media to cry foul after some years that those tribal left Bangladesh because muslims were torturing them inhumanly.
Also please give the entire chittagong hill tracts to Myanmar because it is the property of the tribal buddhists which has been illegally occupied by the Bangladesh army forcefully..
This is a great initiative..I hope Myanmar takes in all Buddhists from Bangladesh in Myanmar and sends all burmese muslims to Bangladesh in return...Myanmar is a Buddhist state and we Buddhists from Bangladesh are naturally allied with Myanmar.
100% agree with you. Bangladesh government should provide free transportations...:enjoy:
Also please give the entire chittagong hill tracts to Myanmar because it is the property of the tribal buddhists which has been illegally occupied by the Bangladesh army forcefully..
Ah ha, you are little late. Chattogram hill tracks "was" tribal majority, but now they're minority. So, we keep the land, you can go...:wave:
This is a great initiative..I hope Myanmar takes in all Buddhists from Bangladesh in Myanmar and sends all burmese muslims to Bangladesh in return...Myanmar is a Buddhist state and we Buddhists from Bangladesh are naturally allied with Myanmar.
Dhaka Central Jail, not Myanmar is the place you will end up going.
This is a great initiative..I hope Myanmar takes in all Buddhists from Bangladesh in Myanmar and sends all burmese muslims to Bangladesh in return...Myanmar is a Buddhist state and we Buddhists from Bangladesh are naturally allied with Myanmar.
You are free to go myanmar.Burmese giving people like you free land and rations.You should not loose this opportunity.
Also please give the entire chittagong hill tracts to Myanmar because it is the property of the tribal buddhists which has been illegally occupied by the Bangladesh army forcefully..
Illegal or not, it is 'occupied' by now. So it is a lost cause for you. Better you migrate to myanmar, your ancestral place.They will accept you with open arms.
You are free to go myanmar.Burmese giving people like you free land and rations.You should not loose this opportunity.

Illegal or not, it is 'occupied' by now. So it is a lost cause for you. Better you migrate to myanmar, your ancestral place.They will accept you with open arms.
Its a false flagger.. I dont think any buddhist would like to migrate to the $hithole called monkey land.

Fair deal.. :tup:
Only to a bigot like you people.

To be fair only crying i have seen on these pages and elsewhere are from Bangladeshi's, INGO's and Rohingya's.. The Burmese are pretty satisfied they got their territories back.. :coffee:
WTF you talking about? I did not know anybody ever taken any territory from burmese.. Ethnic cleansing means getting territory back?
You are free to go myanmar.Burmese giving people like you free land and rations.You should not loose this opportunity.

Illegal or not, it is 'occupied' by now. So it is a lost cause for you. Better you migrate to myanmar, your ancestral place.They will accept you with open arms.
Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar and all Buddhist countries should also send all muslims from their lands to Bangladesh. Buddhist countries are only for Buddhists and Bangladesh is for Muslims.
100% agree with you. Bangladesh government should provide free transportations...:enjoy:

Ah ha, you are little late. Chattogram hill tracks "was" tribal majority, but now they're minority. So, we keep the land, you can go...:wave:
Muslims of Bangladesh have reduced the population of Buddhists in the hill tracts through murder, rape and forced conversion long before when Myanmar started hunting down rohingya Muslims..However you guys have audacity to point fingers at Myanmar when your own filthy army is doing much worse than the Burmese troops

It's a favorable land/population swap Bangladeshis should be happy about.
Yes..Soon All Buddhist countries will send all muslims from their country to Pakistan and Bangladesh. Buddhist countries are for Buddhists only..

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