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Featured Myanmar gathers troops near Bangladesh border

The border between Bangladesh and Burma is very small. So, Tatmadaw is unable to mobilize more than one division along with Bangladesh Burma border. Bangladesh army has the wherewithal to repulse any attack from Tatmadaw.
BD's strategy with MM is not to go in a full-fledged war, it should be a border conflict.
I do not find any BD military policy vis-a-vis MM, a border conflict or full-fledged war, except that BD appeases MM by continuously kowtowing and saying Yes Sir loudly.
The border between Bangladesh and Burma is very small. So, Tatmadaw is unable to mobilize more than one division along with Bangladesh Burma border. Bangladesh army has the wherewithal to repulse any attack from Tatmadaw.
Are you sure that a 270 km border line between BD and MM is just enough to mobilize only one division of MM troops? I thought MM can mobilize all its 400,000 troops there.
I do not find any BD military policy vis-a-vis MM, a border conflict or full-fledged war, except that BD appeases MM by continuously kowtowing and saying Yes Sir loudly.
BD military does not have any policy period or if i was kind would say BD military posture is opaque....

They do need to grow some balls....
BD military does not have any policy period or if i was kind would say BD military posture is opaque....

They do need to grow some balls....
It may not be possible for the BD military to grow balls when two ball-less women are heading the country. Actually, it is the quality of leadership at the top that is important. Military people are barred from thinking. They just obey the orders and no one is there to give them orders.
Who knows behind the screen of their land troops what MM is planning. MM may suddenly encircle St. Martin,capture BGB troops and declare it a part and parcel of MM
What are you talking about ? Is it video game or cinema that you suddenly can annex a part of any country and capture it's guards ?

Will military be licking lebenchus if Mm try to do so ? Without spy network you can't run a country . So if MM will start moving navy in the course , Bangladesh navy will also start moving their muscle!
MM wants Saint Martin back to its real mother from the step mother Bangladesh. Hasina will not ask the military to act similarly because she fears the military will get the upper hand instead of her non-elected civilian govt. She wants no popularity rival.
Hasina don't need to ask anything. If any country try to annex any part of Bangladesh and any Govt give order to remain army silent , then first our patriot army will squeeze the ball of the traitor Govt and then they will go to fight with enemy.
I think this is likely. They need an excuse to divert attention to picture the Rohingya issue as a conflict between BD and Burma. BD should not take the bait. It may look like we are behaving cowardly but falling into a trap is foolish.
Exactly. Specially when the tesnion between India and China is rising , so this is the time for Myanmar to provoke Bangladesh. Bangladesh must not engage in direct war with Miyamer now.
It may not be possible for the BD military to grow balls when two ball-less women are heading the country. Actually, it is the quality of leadership at the top that is important. Military people are barred from thinking. They just obey the orders and no one is there to give them orders.

I am of the opinion that military must remain subservient to civilian authority. However they must draw red lines so politicians know how much space they have to maneuver. BD military has been found out sleeping on the job and need to do better.
Gotcha. I literally had no idea. I've seen that word thrown around so much online that i thought you guys used it. What term do you prefer?
A military does not use its missiles to kill its own rebels, but does so when it is fighting against another country. The same is also with planes. So, it is wiser not to become complacent, especially when Chittagong Hill Tracts is still suffering from our own rebels. So, It is not the yardstick.

If their cities and gas fields are in so danger what our BA troops are doing then? They should destroy them to show the world that they can do. MM would then come to kowtow us. However, it is us who are kowtowing them with a big smile. Very shameless!!

Myanmar Missiles system is very limited in number to start with and mostly only good for parade purpose. And Bangladesh had numerous target or HVT scattered around many big cities. Well, not to mention Myanmar Rebels like Shan Army South, Kachin army even hold one or two city/town with considerable population, if Myanmar so mighty why not used them to destroy and capture such town?

There is many problem happened in Myanmar, and create another big problem against Bangladesh should be the least under their consideration
OK, At first I wasn't going to write in this thread, Now discussions gone out of hand so I had to involved in this. Because I have to clear a lot of misconceptions about this article.

First Misconception
---"This deployment of 3000 soldiers are aimed at BD" ---

Answer: No. This is aimed at AA (Arakan Army), who are now operating in that region. So, MM military tries to choke out their positions with encircling tactics. If you think logically, neither MM nor BD has the capability to annex each territory. In the case of Myanmar, we don't have a desire to so.

Second Misconception
--"AA is good for Rohingya people"--

Answer: HAHA. If you think so. AA solely consists of Buddhist Rakhine people, who hated Rohingya people. Do you guys even know the origin of the Rohingya crisis (2015). It started as the 2012 Rakhine State riots between Buddhist Rakhine people and Muslim Rohingya people. The riot happens when a Rohingya raped a Rakhine woman.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Rakhine_State_riots

"So Why Rakhine people hate MM military when they don't even like Rohingya?"

Answer: Because they blame the central government for Rohingya in the first place. TBH, it is because of corruption. Because in those days, some Rohingya bribed MM military officers and government officials for business opportunities such as fishing rights and logging rights and they often get those. Those made native Rakhine people angry because they dont get those opportunities because they don't tend to bribe.
When the Rohingya crackdown happens, the military has to bring central regiments because the local regiments are too involved with the Rohingya.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/myanmar-rohingya-battalions/

Screenshot 2020-09-19 022344.png

Third misconception

--"If MM can't beat these small rebels, MM must be weak"--

Answer: What an Idiot. If you know the nature of the insurgency war, you won't say that. It is the same thing why US can't beat the Taliban or win the Vietnam war, the same as why Saudis are struggling against Yemeni rebels. this is simply because you can't beat an insurgency, you can only contain it.

Fourth misconception

--"BD government or BD people are coward for not responding MM threats"--

Answer: NO. I don't believe people are cowards. when put into certain situations, most people can be brave. And at the same time, all people don't want to die or their loved one be killed. After all, people are just people.
"Saying a specific people are cowards for not acting as your desire is simply idiotic."

For BD government not acting is simply they don't consider these as threats. And rightfully so. These are not threats, just like MM aircraft fly over BD, these are just MM military operations to confront rebels.
And we don't have bad blood between us, like you guys have with PK or IND. All we have is bad words.:D:D

When you guys debate war between BD and MM in these two days, border guards between two nations
just patrol together to stop ARSA or AA which is a much realistic threat to both nations.

Source: https://burma.irrawaddy.com/news/2020/09/15/229940.html

Screenshot 2020-09-19 011920.png

@bluesky @mb444 @Atlas @Bilal9 @Homo Sapiens
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What are you talking about ? Is it video game or cinema that you suddenly can annex a part of any country and capture it's guards ?

Will military be licking lebenchus if Mm try to do so ? Without spy network you can't run a country . So if MM will start moving navy in the course , Bangladesh navy will also start moving their muscle!
Do not you even know MM has shown St. Martin island as its part in its official map? What do you think about this? And about the part from Chittagong to Teknaf, was it not a part of Arakan before it was annexed by the Mughal Governor Shayesta Khan?

What was annexed before can also be taken back when MM has three times stronger force. Is not it the reason that MM picks fights with BD when the latter is led by a weak woman brainwashed by India for several years.

By the way, does MM care about international reaction for its action over Chittagong/St. Martin when both India and China favor it? So, there is always a possibility for MM to cross the border and annex the land north of Naaf Dariya.

The only good thing is BD not showing any machoism and thus is not giving MM any excuses to take back up to Chittagong from a weak Bangladesh.
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Do not you even know MM has shown St. Martin island as its part in its official map? What do you think about this? And about the part from Chittagong to Teknaf, was it not a part of Arakan before it was annexed by the Mughal Governor Shayesta Khan?

What was annexed before can also be taken back when MM has three times stronger force. Is not it the reason that MM picks fights with BD when the latter is led by a weak woman brainwashed by India for several years.

By the way, does MM care about international reaction for its action over Chittagong/St. Martin when both India and China favor it? So, there is always a possibility for MM to cross the border and annex the land north of Naaf Dariya.

The only good thing is BD not showing any machoism and thus is not giving MM any excuses to take back up to Chittagong from a weak Bangladesh.
MM showed st Martin in their map that's true . But that doesn't mean that they annexed it .

Kashmiri people will love to be a part of Pakistan. If not then at least they indeed want independence from India . Pakistan few days ago showed whole Kashmir in their map . They couldn't annex it .

However no one living in st Martin want to be a part of MM .

So what make you think like this way ,I am unable to understand.

And you must have to explain why MM have three times stronger force ? What make you think that every country is by default better than Bangladesh?
MM showed st Martin in their map that's true . But that doesn't mean that they annexed it .

Kashmiri people will love to be a part of Pakistan. If not then at least they indeed want independence from India . Pakistan few days ago showed whole Kashmir in their map . They couldn't annex it .

However no one living in st Martin want to be a part of MM .

So what make you think like this way ,I am unable to understand.

And you must have to explain why MM have three times stronger force ? What make you think that every country is by default better than Bangladesh?
You will understand what a country can do if you read international and regional politics. What you read in one page of history the events are done through a century.

I do not understand, why are you depending upon MM goodwill instead of making the country stronger? Did MM told you that it will not take over a part of BD when it was its part before? We must be very careful about the Burmese intention.
Are you sure that a 270 km border line between BD and MM is just enough to mobilize only one division of MM troops? I thought MM can mobilize all its 400,000 troops there.
I am sure that Tatmadaw is unable to mobilize more than one division of its troops along the border. Ask any military officer in the cantonment.
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