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Featured Myanmar gathers troops near Bangladesh border

BD can't ride the fence anymore, that much is apparent.

If you guys don't want Pakistani commentary, post outside PDF. We will comment on world news, get used to it.

China is waiting for BD to stop the games, when will BD take Indian and Burma threat seriously?

China isn't going to to help BD with Myanmar because it "doesn't get involved with country's internal affairs". China only deals with India because they have major territorial disputes.

China has strategic interests with Myanmar, just like India. There are 2 gas pipelines from Myanmar's sittwe gas field, one that goes to India and the other to Yunnan, China. It also has an oil pipeline that's for transiting Middle East oil via Myanmar to Yunnan so that China can bypass the Malacca Strait (Malaysia-Indonesia).

These pipelines and the construction projects are what exacerbated Myanmar's genocide of the Rohingya the past decade

1. The gas field is in the Rakhine coast and the pipelines goes through the province. Ethnically cleansing Rohingya means free land and free reign to build whatever.

2. The pollution and uprooting effects many Buddhists too but they used the racism and Islamophobia against the Rohingya to ensure that Rakhine Buddhists stay busy with them instead of attacking the Myanmar state.

Needing China is irrelevant....china is pro the simian collective..... china can not solve this issue....

India is also pro simian collective....

BD needs to impose a solution with assistance from West.....china and india stand against BDs interest.

BD has been a complete failure in the diplomatic front. It should be state orders for every BD Ambassador and Consul stationed in a Muslim country and Western country to bring the issue to their hosts so that they can sanction Myanmar or not expand business relations with Myanmar.

Myanmar was for decades an isolated country and it is the only country the Muslim world could do something against (unlike India, China, Israel) and yet it does nothing. Instead, Western sanctions have been lifted while Myanmar increases its crimes against humanity. Why isn't there an ICC arrest warrant against Myanmar's top generals?

Countries like France and South Korea have been increasing their business ties with the country. France even started cable TV services in Myanmar last I saw!! (Canal+)

Why isn't British Bengalis and diplomats in the UK pressuring businesses to not buy Myanmar products?? I personally have clothes made in Myanmar from the UK which someone gave to me as a gift!! Myanmar is engaged in a violent genocide and major chains like Marks & Spencer are buying their products?!
Of course India. It is a country with ten times the capability of ours where anti-Muslim and 'anti-Bengali/Bangladeshi Muslim' hindu extremist govt. enjoy overwhelming popular support. On the other hand, myanmar in all account is a much smaller country than Bangladesh(except land area)
India may be a country with larger troops, but it certainly does not entertain the possibility of invading a sovereign country, BD. It has to face international reaction. What benefits India gets by invading BD, can you tell us? It is getting much benefits already. Do you think, India would like to annex BD with more than 160 million Muslims?

On the other hand, MM does not care what international people speak against it. It may invade and take away a part of BD (read up to Chittagong Port). BD people are very weak all the time. It is the only Muslim country whose people are not courageous and are rather cowards always weeping here and there for the falsified 3 million killed in 1971. Praying five times does not make a people Muslim. We are devoid of Muslim courage and heroism. A true Muslim must be ferocious like a tiger. But, are we?

We are just a bunch of cowards who would give up its land without resistance and will keep on crying for another 3 million killed crap. This time by Myanmar which is three times more powerful than BD, and its people are courageous.
India may be a country with larger troops, but it certainly does not entertain the possibility of invading a sovereign country, BD. It has to face international reaction. What benefits India gets by invading BD, can you tell us? It is getting much benefits already. Do you think, India would like to annex BD with more than 160 million Muslims?

On the other hand, MM does not care what international people speak against it. It may invade and take away a part of BD (read up to Chittagong Port). BD people are very weak all the time. It is the only Muslim country whose people are not courageous and are rather cowards always weeping here and there for the falsified 3 million killed in 1971. Praying five times does not make a people Muslim. We are devoid of Muslim courage and heroism. A true Muslim must be ferocious like a tiger. But, are we?

We are just a bunch of cowards who would give up its land without resistance and will keep on crying for another 3 million killed crap. This time by Myanmar which is three times more powerful than BD, and its people are courageous.

I agree with you about modern Bengalis being cowards, but why are you saying things like "falsified 3 million killed"? Going in that direction is not productive, it becomes a distraction to the issues at hand.

It's not that Myanmar is courageous per se. Myanmar is an ethnically divided state and every single ethnicity has been involved in insurgency against the Burmese ruling class over the last 5+ decades. In the past decade, many of them have come to the table and made peace treaty with the regime. When the recent Rohingya genocide began, Hindutvas and Islamophobes were saying its because Rohingya are terrorists when reality is of all the ethnic groups the Rohingya were the LEAST violent and that's partly why Myanmar refuses to respect them. Rohingya are the only ethnicity whose citizenship was stripped.

That is why it's important for people, whether Rohingya or Bengali, to stand up for themselves.

But because we are genetically used to being COMFORTABLE, we rather wait and do nothing. All signs point to this ending very badly for BD, because when it does it will hit us hard and that punishment is both divine and practical.

Their military may have weapons from Russia and China (who vote on their behalf in UN) but their troops are untrained and many are child soldiers. At the very least we need to use proxy methods to push them back, but we can't even do that. Meanwhile the MM is blaming BD for funding and arming Arakan rebels anyways, which isn't even true. So why not actually back rebels.
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India may be a country with larger troops, but it certainly does not entertain the possibility of invading a sovereign country, BD. It has to face international reaction. What benefits India gets by invading BD, can you tell us? It is getting much benefits already. Do you think, India would like to annex BD with more than 160 million Muslims?

On the other hand, MM does not care what international people speak against it. It may invade and take away a part of BD (read up to Chittagong Port). BD people are very weak all the time. It is the only Muslim country whose people are not courageous and are rather cowards always weeping here and there for the falsified 3 million killed in 1971. Praying five times does not make a people Muslim. We are devoid of Muslim courage and heroism. A true Muslim must be ferocious like a tiger. But, are we?

We are just a bunch of cowards who would give up its land without resistance and will keep on crying for another 3 million killed crap. This time by Myanmar which is three times more powerful than BD, and its people are courageous.
Myanmar will not and cannot invade Bangladesh to any significant extent . The military would not allow it no matter what the government would say .
India may be a country with larger troops, but it certainly does not entertain the possibility of invading a sovereign country, BD. It has to face international reaction. What benefits India gets by invading BD, can you tell us? It is getting much benefits already. Do you think, India would like to annex BD with more than 160 million Muslims?
I was not talking about capturing whole Bangladesh. Many BJP extremists in india advocate capturing a portion of Bangladesh or 1/3rd of Bangladesh to settle the so called 'illegal Bangladeshi'' whose number they put up to 60 million. Even if they try not to capture Bangladeshi territory they may push millions of Indian Muslims into Bangladesh. Assam govt. are building multiple detention center(concentration camp) for those who left out in their NRC exercise. Can you imagine what will happen when they start sending Assamese Muslims in that centers? Assamese Muslims will get panicked and will try to infiltrate Bangladesh by any means.

There is a strong possibility of BJP winning in West Bengal election in 2021. Their biggest electoral promise is to repeat NRC in West Bengal which is home to almost 30 million Bengali Muslims. Our response to Rohingya crisis emboldened the BJP-RSS power in India and they are thinking they can also cower Bangladesh into accepting millions of their unwanted Muslim population by threat and violence. India may capture a portion of Bangladesh to push Muslims ( or may be a mere threat to invade will make our leadership to capitulate and do what they demand considering the weak heart demonstrated repeatedly with dealings with India and Myanmar).
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I agree with you about modern Bengalis being cowards, but why are you saying things like "falsified 3 million killed"? Going in that direction is not productive, it becomes a distraction to the issues at hand.
It is because not even nearly 3 lakh people were killed and 2.5 million houses were not burnt as BAL claims. No one in the world believes this stupid propaganda that Pakistan Army was so ferocious to kill 120 stadium full of people in merely six months to nine months.

It is not that people were sleeping in their houses, PA troops landed from the sky silently and killed 11,000 people every night. Show us the graves as well as the names and identities of those martyrs, please, so that we can build many martyrs' monuments in all the villages.

Only a coward nation falsify the number of deaths and keep on crying forever. Every one believes in the Vietnamese killing at 1 million during the course of 30 years of war of independence, but not BD's false and cowardly claims.
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I was not talking about capturing whole Bangladesh. Many BJP extremists in india advocate capturing a portion of Bangladesh or 1/3rd of Bangladesh to settle the so called 'illegal Bangladeshi whose number they put up to 60 million. Even if they try not to capture Bangladeshi territory they may push millions of Indian Muslims into Bangladesh. Assam govt. are building multiple detention center(concentration camp) for those who left out in their NRC exercise. Can you imagine what will happen when they start sending Assamese Muslims in that centers? Assamese Muslims will get panicked and will try to infiltrate Bangladesh by any means.

There is a strong possibility of BJP winning in West Bengal election in 2021. Their biggest electoral promise is to repeat NRC in West Bengal which is home to almost 30 million Bengali Muslims. Our response to Rohingya crisis emboldened the BJP-RSS power in India and they are thinking they can also cower Bangladesh into accepting millions of their unwanted Muslim population by threat and violence. India can easily capture a portion of Bangladesh to push Muslims ( or may be a mere threat to invade will make our leadership to capitulate and do what they demand considering the weak heart demonstrated repeatedly with dealings with India and Myanmar).
Only the future beholds the future Indian course of action. If India does what you say there is not a single country that will weep for BD. No country respects a weak, corrupt and meek country. Also, a country has no right to exist if its people are not courageous to fight and defend its sovereignty.

Seeing what MM is doing to BD, I am afraid it will push for annexing the part of BD that was formerly a part of Arakan until Shayesta Khan annexed the land north of Naaf Dariya. No wonder, MM also wants St. Martin to be its part using similar pretext.

In a war, Bd troops will lose and flee north without repulsing the MM troops. A real fighting is not a pen fighting in the PDF. So, if BA cannot withstand MM troops how it is possible to withstand Indian troops, especially when India will keep silent and encourage MM?

An independent country is for people who would give life to defend it. BD people's mindset is different comparing to the Pakistani people. All of them will die fighting, but not us. We will keep on crying.

"বর্মাইয়ারা আমরারে মারি ফালাইলো, আমরারে কাটি ফালাইলো। আমরার ৩০ লক্ষ মানুষ হেতারা মারি ফালাইছে। কি কইত্তাম"।
India may be a country with larger troops, but it certainly does not entertain the possibility of invading a sovereign country, BD. It has to face international reaction. What benefits India gets by invading BD, can you tell us? It is getting much benefits already. Do you think, India would like to annex BD with more than 160 million Muslims?

On the other hand, MM does not care what international people speak against it. It may invade and take away a part of BD (read up to Chittagong Port). BD people are very weak all the time. It is the only Muslim country whose people are not courageous and are rather cowards always weeping here and there for the falsified 3 million killed in 1971. Praying five times does not make a people Muslim. We are devoid of Muslim courage and heroism. A true Muslim must be ferocious like a tiger. But, are we?

We are just a bunch of cowards who would give up its land without resistance and will keep on crying for another 3 million killed crap. This time by Myanmar which is three times more powerful than BD, and its people are courageous.

Say, Myanmar is a country who still let their frontline Army using Wicker rattan bags to carry their logistic. They even can't provide sufficient MRE to their combatant and let them alone to pillaging villages for their daily meals. So can you said how far they will move when engage peer enemies with professional training regime and had sufficient logistic.

They on paper had numerous assets, but God Forbid how much those assets still being properly maintained and services. How much and how capable technician their depot and repairing workshop in the Army they had? When regarding their average HDI is far below average don't expect much from their human resource. Not to mention, they are had the largest number of deserter among their Armed Forces ranks from all countries in ASEAN, with all the abuses and insult among their low ranks and files army soldier and officers. When shit is come all hell will breaking lose.
Say, Myanmar is a country who still let their frontline Army using Wicker rattan bags to carry their logistic. They even can't provide sufficient MRE to their combatant and let them alone to pillaging villages for their daily meals. So can you said how far they will move when engage peer enemies with professional training regime and had sufficient logistic.

They on paper had numerous assets, but God Forbid how much those assets still being properly maintained and services. How much and how capable technician their depot and repairing workshop in the Army they had? When regarding their average HDI is far below average don't expect much from their human resource. Not to mention, they are had the largest number of deserter among their Armed Forces ranks from all countries in ASEAN, with all the abuses and insult among their low ranks and files army soldier and officers. When shit is come all hell will breaking lose.
In wars, we should know the enemy's stronger points and not the weak points. MM military has big guns that can directly destroy with its air force the industrial and port facilities in Chittagong, roads and bridges.
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In wars, we should know the enemy's stronger points and not the weak points. They have big guns that can directly destroy with its airforce the industrial port facilities in Chittagong, and roads and bridges.

As long as they had sufficient ammunition and logistic to carry such large amount of ammunition. In which regard i very doubtfull they had such capability and capacity to do so, in which if they had, since long time ago they can crush most of the rebellion in their country instead so eagerly to signing an Armistice agreement and acknowledge the Rebel forces to had independen cantonment or de facto country within country.
Only the future beholds the future Indian course of action. If India does what you say there is not a single country that will weep for BD. No country respects a weak, corrupt and meek country. Also, a country has no right to exist if its people are not courageous to fight and defend its sovereignty.

Seeing what MM is doing to BD, I am afraid it will push for annexing the part of BD that was formerly a part of Arakan until Shayesta Khan annexed the land north of Naaf Dariya. No wonder, MM also wants St. Martin to be its part using similar pretext.

In a war, Bd troops will lose and flee north without repulsing the MM troops. A real fighting is not a pen fighting in the PDF. So, if BA cannot withstand MM troops how it is possible to withstand Indian troops, especially when India will keep silent and encourage MM?

An independent country is for people who would give life to defend it. BD people's mindset is different comparing to the Pakistani people. All of them will die fighting, but not us. We will keep on crying.

"বর্মাইয়ারা আমরারে মারি ফালাইলো, আমরারে কাটি ফালাইলো। আমরার ৩০ লক্ষ মানুষ হেতারা মারি ফালাইছে। কি কইত্তাম"।
Say, Myanmar is a country who still let their frontline Army using Wicker rattan bags to carry their logistic. They even can't provide sufficient MRE to their combatant and let them alone to pillaging villages for their daily meals. So can you said how far they will move when engage peer enemies with professional training regime and had sufficient logistic.

They on paper had numerous assets, but God Forbid how much those assets still being properly maintained and services. How much and how capable technician their depot and repairing workshop in the Army they had? When regarding their average HDI is far below average don't expect much from their human resource. Not to mention, they are had the largest number of deserter among their Armed Forces ranks from all countries in ASEAN, with all the abuses and insult among their low ranks and files army soldier and officers. When shit is come all hell will breaking lose.

Bengal Sultanate extended up til the Kaladan river at the very least.

Pakistan suffers from ethnic and tribal in-fighting so one should not delude itself trying to emulate that. But yes, on an individual basis Pakistanis are willing to defend themselves domestically and abroad whereas the average Bengali is happy to get slapped around. But this has been true across all administrations.

I have spoken to people in the military and people personally involved. I can tell you two things:

1. Many in the Navy and Army want to go to conflict with MM.
2. There was a small border war in the early 90s when MM led an incursion. I don't know if news reports exist or not, but BD troops defeated them decisively.

Our Indonesian friend is correct. MM army is weak and disorganized. That's why they have so many insurgent groups and half their country is controlled by them!!

They operate in a medieval economic model, that's why there's regional warlords and their national Army pillages and rapes Rohingya villages and women for sustenance.

Bluesky, on one hand you're saying Bengalis are cowards but on the other your saying MM is courageous and strong so you are falling in the former group. Nike, is closer to the truth.

Myanmar is not even a paper tiger. If MM went to war with BD, the other ethnic insurgent groups will take advantage of Myanmar. We see ourselves as completely surrounded, but they are actually the ones surrounded.

If war with Myanmar breaks out, India will NOT directly support them because that means India will be the one who bears the brunt of refugees. India naturally will not allow the conflict to extend to BD's heartland.

In wars, we should know the enemy's stronger points and not the weak points. They have big guns that can directly destroy with its airforce the industrial port facilities in Chittagong, and roads and bridges.

BD's strategy with MM is not to go in a full-fledged war, it should be a border conflict. The aim should be to create a 'safe zone' in Western Rakhine extending from the Naaf to Kaladan rivers. This becomes an autonomous region for Rohingya, equivalent to Kosovo.

There are border conflicts in many parts of the world, such as Armenia and Azerbaijan or in the past Russia and Georgia, etc. That does NOT mean it extends to the heartland.

And i will tell you precisely why that won't happen: Yes, Chittagong is in the line of fire, but so is Myanmar's cities and capital. They are on the coastline. Whereas Dhaka and other cities are located far in-land in BD. If they attack any of our cities, we can easily do the same and they have far more to lose. Which is why it will never go that direction. We can easily destroy their gas fields. They would rather lose a meaningless portion of land than lose their cash cow Sittwe gas-fields, Sittwe city and Yangon or Naypidyaw. They've already given up large portions of their land to other ethnic rebel groups.
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Bengal Sultanate extended up til the Kaladan river at the very least.

Pakistan suffers from ethnic and tribal in-fighting so one should not delude itself trying to emulate that. But yes, on an individual basis Pakistanis are willing to defend themselves domestically and abroad whereas the average Bengali is happy to get slapped around. But this has been true across all administrations.

I have spoken to people in the military and relatives. I can tell you two things:

1. Many in the Navy and Army want to go to conflict with MM.
2. There was a small border war in the early 90s when MM led an incursion. I don't know if news reports exist or not, but BD troops defeated them decisively.

Our Indon brother is correct. MM army is weak and disorganized. That's why they have so many insurgent groups and half their country is controlled by them!!

They operate in a medieval economic model, that's why theirs regional warlords and their army pillages and rapes Rohingya villages and women for sustenance.

Bluesky, on one hand you're saying Bengalis are cowards but on the other your saying MM is courageous and strong so you are falling in the former group. Mr Nike, is closer to the truth.

Myanmar is not even a paper tiger. If MM went to war with BD, the other ethnic insurgent groups will take advantage of Myanmar. We see ourselves as completely surrounded, but they are actually the ones surrounded.

If war with Myanmar breaks out, India will NOT directly support them because that means India will be the one who bears the brunt of refugees. India naturally will not allow the conflict to extend to BD's heartland.

BD's strategy with MM is not to go in a full-fledged war, it should be a border conflict. The aim should be to create a 'safe zone' in Western Rakhine extending from the Naaf to Kaladan rivers. This becomes an autonomous region for Rohingya, equivalent to Kosovo.

There are border conflicts in many parts of the world, such as Armenia and Azerbaijan or in the past Russia and Georgia, etc. That does NOT mean it extends to the heartland.

And i will tell you precisely why that won't happen: Yes, Chittagong is in the line of fire, but so is all of Myanmar's largest cities and capitals. They are all on the coastline. Whereas Dhaka and other cities are located far in-land in BD. If they attack any of our cities, we can easily do the same and they have far more to lose. Which is why it will never go that direction. The Burmese ruling class live in these coastal cities.

First, don't ever call any Indonesian as Indon, that's an insult toward us. Second, i am not a male though.
First, don't ever call any Indonesian as Indon, that's an insult toward us. Second, i am not a male though.

Gotcha. I literally had no idea. I've seen that word thrown around so much online that i thought you guys used it. What term do you prefer?
Only the future beholds the future Indian course of action. If India does what you say there is not a single country that will weep for BD. No country respects a weak, corrupt and meek country. Also, a country has no right to exist if its people are not courageous to fight and defend its sovereignty.

Seeing what MM is doing to BD, I am afraid it will push for annexing the part of BD that was formerly a part of Arakan until Shayesta Khan annexed the land north of Naaf Dariya. No wonder, MM also wants St. Martin to be its part using similar pretext.

In a war, Bd troops will lose and flee north without repulsing the MM troops. A real fighting is not a pen fighting in the PDF. So, if BA cannot withstand MM troops how it is possible to withstand Indian troops, especially when India will keep silent and encourage MM?

An independent country is for people who would give life to defend it. BD people's mindset is different comparing to the Pakistani people. All of them will die fighting, but not us. We will keep on crying.

"বর্মাইয়ারা আমরারে মারি ফালাইলো, আমরারে কাটি ফালাইলো। আমরার ৩০ লক্ষ মানুষ হেতারা মারি ফালাইছে। কি কইত্তাম"।

I doubt your claim of cowardice is correct. The cowardly, meek and weak attitude I believe is the result of spineless, morally bankrupt leadership who neither understand geopolitics, nor do they care. They are full time busy with stealing. Besides, since inception BD has been busy with one thing and one thing only, that is to improve the country and keep the people fed, the politicians stole most of the development funds along the way but in essence that was the ONLY focus and that was the only election agenda. In BD in election agendas did you EVER hear a politician of any party giving any election promise that has anything to do with military or purchase of weapons or giving befitting reply to so and so? Never, it's because it won't sell. The only thing that sells is, I will build Padma bridge, I will give stipend to Mukti, I will make all education free upto year 12 etc. I also think the other reason is female leadership for more than 30 years, leader's personality eventually shows in the personality of the state. If you had someone like Zia, you would see a totally different type of response, case in point during the Moin-Fakhruddin government Myanmar sent oil drilling ships to our territory, there was not a second thought, straight away BD sent the navy, it's because there was a military macho man at the helm, so his personality showed in the personality of the state. It's an issue of leadership and circumstances we had gone through since '71, not cowardice of people.

Pakistan on the other hand has been under military rule forever, either them juntas ruling directly or controlling everyhting behind the scenes. They have also had to participate in many wars whether they wanted to or not. As a result they became completely militarized. Let all their problems with India, Afghanistan etc be solved, let them enjoy peace for 50 straight years like we did, then see what happens. They will start to relax too. Have a look at the Arabs, some of the most fearsome warriors in history, their military adventures are like unbelievable fairy tales, yet look at them today in the GCC; a totally emasculated, undignified bunch.

However, Bengalis are generally meek people but it's not to the extent you claim. If war breaks out liberal whores will do the crying as you said but the nation will fight. Only issue is being indifferent about military power will cost us dearly. It could have been avoided easily only if we kept a healthy and balanced tempo of military expenditure, procurement and upgrades.
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India may be a country with larger troops, but it certainly does not entertain the possibility of invading a sovereign country, BD. It has to face international reaction. What benefits India gets by invading BD, can you tell us? It is getting much benefits already. Do you think, India would like to annex BD with more than 160 million Muslims?

On the other hand, MM does not care what international people speak against it. It may invade and take away a part of BD (read up to Chittagong Port). BD people are very weak all the time. It is the only Muslim country whose people are not courageous and are rather cowards always weeping here and there for the falsified 3 million killed in 1971. Praying five times does not make a people Muslim. We are devoid of Muslim courage and heroism. A true Muslim must be ferocious like a tiger. But, are we?

We are just a bunch of cowards who would give up its land without resistance and will keep on crying for another 3 million killed crap. This time by Myanmar which is three times more powerful than BD, and its people are courageous.

You need to give it a break dude... Patently false statement all around....BD would not exist if our people were pushovers.

BD would not cede an inch of land to the s***** conglomerate nor the hundutva collective.

BDs current posture is self-defeating to a point and can and should be criticised, but your trend of thought have lead you make some rather silly statements.
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