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Exclusive: Thailand and Myanmar are natural allies

Thailand and Myanmar are natural allies Kavi Chongkittavorn A veteran journalist on regional affairs 2 Oct 2018 at 04:35 NEWSPAPER SECTION: NEWS 16 comments Prime Minister Prayut...

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it's worth to read and can highlight current level of Myanmar-Thailand relationship.
Both Thailand and Myanmar are Buddhist countries so need to provoke war between two brotherly nations. As for Thailand they are also fighting the Malay Muslim insurgents Backed by Terrorist Malaysia in Southern Thailand. Hope they will also be victorious in destroying Malay terrorists in Thailand.

Do u know the detail of this trip bro ? some said deputy Commander in chief also visited Chinese defense Industries.
Very interesting indeed. The general standing next to the Vice C in C is the Chief of Military R & D.
Defence deal with Israel approved

Myanmar is moving to strengthen its ties with Israel, with parliament agreeing on November 30 to the signing of an agreement aimed at closer collaboration between the two countries.

Ties between the two go back to 1948, when both countries became independent. In 2013, they celebrated 60 years of diplomatic relations.

Deputy Minister for Defence Brigadier General Aung Thaw told the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw that the memorandum of understanding to be signed by the two countries would open up more defence opportunities for Myanmar. This is believed to be a reference to the embargo that prevents many countries from selling arms to the Tatmadaw.

Amnesty International has in the past accused Israel of selling Myanmar weapons despite arms sanctions imposed by the EU and United States.

U Khine Maung Yi, a Pyithu Hluttaw MP for Yangon’s Ahlone constituency, seconded the motion to sign the agreement, saying it would further cement the longstanding relations between Israel and Myanmar.

“[Prime Minister] U Nu was the first foreign head of government to visit Israel, in 1955. When Israel’s Prime Minister David Ben Gurion came here at the invitation of U Nu, he wore Myanmar traditional dress,” he said.

The MP said about 1500 Myanmar citizens had received training from Israeli farmers in irrigation and the application of technology to the cultivation of crops, and fruit and livestock. Israel had provided flood relief in the form of medicine, food, mosquito nets and water purification materials in Tharyarwady township, Bago Region, as well as money for rehabilitation projects.

Brig Gen Aung Thaw told MPs the MoU would benefit the defence sector of both countries, especially in the transfer of technology and information. “Myanmar will be released from limitations in meeting the needs of its defence,” he said. The agreement covered training military training and drill, security policies, management, and scientific and technological development.

Commander-in-Chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing made a four-day visit to Israel in September, the first by a Myanmar military commander since Ne Win in 1959. Since then, the two countries have been looking for ways to further cement defence ties through a formal agreement. In what was described as a goodwill visit, he and other top brass toured air, naval and patrol bases.

According to his Facebook page, Sen Gen Min Aung Hlaing visited a number of defence manufacturers, including Israel Aerospace Industries, Elbit and Elta. Citing a Facebook post, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that the Tatmadaw is apparently purchasing Super Dvora patrol boats, which the senior general tested during the trip.

Source MM Times
Good news for MM members.
First batch of JF 17M are expected to be commissioned on MAF Day, 15th Dec.
Also ... A new anti-ship squadron to form in Pathein AFB with newly inducted JF 17M which are fitted with C 802AK.
Do you guys intend to procure targetting pod from Turkey?
INDIA / MYANMAR :- India to donate 6 HJT-16 Kiran jets to Myanmar ::

New reports from India says New Delhi has decided to donate six of its HJT-16 Kiran jet trainers to Myanmar.

The HAL HJT-16 Kiran is an Indian two-seat intermediate jet trainer built by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. Used by the Indian Air Force for intermediate training for pilots.

It is used by the Indian naval aerobatic team Sagar Pawan and was also used by the Indian Air Force aerobatic team Surya Kiran until February 2011, when the team was disbanded after its HJT-16 Mk I and Mk II aircraft were diverted to train fighter pilots.

INDIA / MYANMAR :- India to donate 6 HJT-16 Kiran jets to Myanmar ::

New reports from India says New Delhi has decided to donate six of its HJT-16 Kiran jet trainers to Myanmar.

The HAL HJT-16 Kiran is an Indian two-seat intermediate jet trainer built by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. Used by the Indian Air Force for intermediate training for pilots.

It is used by the Indian naval aerobatic team Sagar Pawan and was also used by the Indian Air Force aerobatic team Surya Kiran until February 2011, when the team was disbanded after its HJT-16 Mk I and Mk II aircraft were diverted to train fighter pilots.

To the Defence Services Museum?
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