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All I see is a thermal sight in those pics. Or is that thing on the right supposed to be a LWR? Looks pretty crappy whatever it is....thats why we need better close up pictures and videos like this one:

All I see is a thermal sight in those pics. Or is that thing on the right supposed to be a LWR? Looks pretty crappy whatever it is....thats why we need better close up pictures and videos like this one:

First pic
upper thing is Thermal,
below it LWR
there are also additional ERA, Smoke grenade.
you better compare BD version with this Type69 tank, you will get the idea of upgrade
upper thing is Thermal,
below it LWR

OK that is what I suspected. But I have not seen this particular type of LWR on any other tank....do the Chinese use it on any of theirs?

As far as I can tell it might be able to tell the tank is being painted, but probably limited directionality/resolution (seeing that it is just a slab of what I'm guessing is some photo-EM semiconductor rather than photo-optics like LEDS 150 or Shtora). Though a better closer picture will give us a better idea.

Guess its better than nothing whatever it exactly is.

EDIT: NVM Its this kind of thing you were talking about right (at the top right of the turret near the hatch)


So LWR + Thermal sight confirmed in my book.

I'm guessing the slab I was talking about is the jammer maybe?
No smoothbore cannon have rifling like this one.

It just a longer barrel variant oh L7 aka type 83 a gun
It will depend on who's attacking who and where the face off takes place + exact ground auxiliaries, AT-infantry present, air assets available.

But assuming just a level flat terrain with no cover, I would have to give the advantage to the B'desh tank on paper. This is assuming the upgrade suite does indeed cover everything listed

The main points why + questions:

1. Better power/weight. Traction will be roughly equivalent given the soviet heritage of both models. I am not sure of the quality of the Chinese transmission, so I will assume its the same for now...but it could be worse (not sure)...but definitely not better. Does anyone have the exact weight of this improved T-69? It will give a better calculation to compare....but 1200 horses is definitely a lot more than 840 for what I assume is roughly the same weights. Also any info on the 1200 HP engine would be interesting to see.

2. FCS. Will need some details for the FCS on T-69. If its a generation or more than the one on Myanmar T-72, it could be significant. I am assuming Myanmar has the standard 80s era FCS the USSR put on export models. Does anyone know when Myanmar acquired the T-72s....and were they brand new or surplus stock from USSR/Russia?

The thermal sights are a great advantage for especially night fighting capability for T-69. Are we sure Myanmar does not have any on T-72? Laser warning receiver is also a very sizeable advantage and will counter laser painting. Jamming, is that a radio jammer?....will need info on the power output of it so effective range can be estimated. But a good extra to have nonetheless.

Thus FCS details (processor, architecture...anything really) will be very handy to know how ahead the T-69 is in this department.

3. Guided missiles, same thing....what are the ones used in Bangladesh arsenal specifically for T-69?

4. ERA + physical armour. Should be about the same for survivability on both. The lower profile of T-72 gives it a marginal advantage though....though the shaped ERA on the T69 may compensate to some level as well.

5. Combat data link + Navigation/GPS for T-69. Any specific details again?

If everything is sourced from China for T-69 upg, I feel Rhino upgrade or similar standard will definitely have an edge....and you will have assured reliability and quality/numbers to base performance on.

All the Bangladesh information hits a dead end somewhere at a forum at some point (unless someone has some solid paper/info released by Bangladesh military/Chinese supplier). Basically its someone that knows someone in the military....so I will hold final judgement till I see something more solid/reliable. The 1200 HP engine especially sounds sketchy....as do the inclusion of some of the other things (its like someone went to a tick box and ticked everything). So would simply like to see something officially released somewhere first on this upgrade.....someone out there would have done a much better search than I have!

woww..!! thanks for ur very imformative post..!! bro

Does anyone know when Myanmar acquired the T-72s..

Myanmar got them about 2000s.. bro

Are we sure Myanmar does not have any on T-72?
sry.. i missed this one.. yes.. they have Thermal Sight... As for Guided Missiles, we used 9K120 Svir..

if Myanmar's T-72 gets upgraded to Rhino Standard then they will be like carbon copy of each other.
is there any such plan ?

yes.., we have plan to upgrade our T-72S or it may be undergoing..!! and we have very close relationship with India in Armour corp.. that's why i asked this possibilities.. :D
Myanmar got them about 2000s.. bro
how many tanks Myanmar Total has ? :o:
I means we got them since 2000s.. not quantity..!! :D
pheeeeeuuu ...i was about to call for help :help:
pheeeeeuuu ...i was about to call for help :help:

You called?


sry.. i missed this one.. yes.. they have Thermal Sight... As for Guided Missiles, we used 9K120 Svir..

Well the good news (for Myanmar) is that its laser beam rider, not radio guided.

Radio guided can be maybe jammed by this type 69 upg (I am guessing thats what the slab/brick thing is on the front of the turret is).

Just the Bengalis will know you are targetting them (through the LWR) and it will give them that extra notice for sneak attacks etc....but they do not have a hard kill active protection suite.

If you go for Rhino (combat improved ajeya) standard, you can even do an add on for a active protection system on top of it (that even India did not go for because we got sheer numbers + ERA etc..).

For our T-90 we chose the SAAB LEDS-150, but there should be many options out there (Russians, Israelis offer quite a few). It will of course add to the cost....and Myanmar will have to do an analysis if its worth it (India decided against for T-72).
Didn't we retire our Type 69's?
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