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Myanmar Defence Forum

Keep lying with your Forces Goal 2030, a goal without any goal.

MAF aircrafts are keep trespassing BD airspace several times in recent years. What BD can do it with? BAF did not dare to send their aircrafts closer to Myanmar border. That’s show how weak your country is.
I have something to say regarding the forces goal 2030.

Bangladesh is not a military run nation. We are basically democracy where we have to allot huge portion of our budget in medical, defence, infrastructure, education etc so we are not being able to develop our army as fast as Myanmar. Above that Bangladesh is still a developing country so military growth will be slow when all our money is spent on other sector.

However Myanmar has been a military run nation for decades where defence is the priority. Still Myanmar armed forces is an average ranking army. If you see other military run nations example Pakistan then they have a strong army with Nuclear weapons. This is what a true military run nation looks like.

Bangladesh spents little on defence but still our army can put up a fight against Myanmar which spends huge amount of money on defence.

@DalalErMaNodi @Michael Corleone @bluesky @Homo Sapiens
Myanmar air force is not that big tbh. If Bangladesh Air force can manage Eurofighter Typhoons or Rafale then there will be balance. President confirmed 16 MRCA.

6 SU-30, 16 JF-17 and some Mig29 is an average air force.

Quantity also matters. SU-30 and JF-17 are good fighters but 5 or 6 aircrafts can do nothing.
That's why I said without any bias. When BD actually has bought the Eurofighters and Rafales then compare with that but right now you got non of that. the current BD airforce is a joke with most jets being very outdated. Don't compare with planes BD might or might not get in the future. I got to say while the Myanmar members have been posting photos and other reliable sources to post about our military development BD members are just posting fantasies 70% of the time.
Mutiny army with tiny air force and secondhand navy is just nothing to us.
Lmao sandle-wearing army and manpad-on-ship navy is also no big deal with us.
Keep lying with your Forces Goal 2030, a goal without any goal.

MAF aircrafts are keep trespassing BD airspace several times in recent years. What BD can do it with? BAF did not dare to send their aircrafts closer to Myanmar border. That’s show how weak your country is.
Lmao, your pathetic army is only good at killing unarmed people. Cant defeat rebels yet talk big.
As for Forces Goal 2030, at least we have money for that unlike your poor country.
Money? While millions of Bangladeshi became slaves in other countries including poor African countries, you still dreaming of arming your army.

Do not forget that your sinking land is just a LDC country and number of people living below poverty line is more than the total population of Myanmar.

While you are dreaming of arming your army, millions of your people are living without proper toilets.

Bangladeshi people are the most unwanted people in the continent and that’s why your country is going to be completely surrounded by border fences very soon. Just like the animals in the zoo.

You should be proud of it coz your country will be the only one country in the world the entire land border is fenced.

The only problem with your navy is that your ships are older than their crews. Your navy should be called junkyard of Chinese Navy. Museum worthy navy.

Instead of barking here you should do something for slave workers in your garment industries.

Calm down, no need to go on a semi racist tirade.

Economically Myanmar is insignificant, this is a fact, but you have good armed forces due to military rule and prioritization on weapons procurement.

And first visit Bangladesh before making such statements, Bangladesh is more developed than Myanmar according all human development indices and pointers, you don't need to be a genius to know this.

You have issue with individual users, your problem you solve it, don't insult the entire country.

We both know how not "LDC" Myanmar is, so much so that you don't understand that we are delaying LDC graduation since 2016 to reap the benefits and that you are also an LDC but you are not included similar to how pakistan is not.

Being LDC doesn't mean anything, Pakistan isn't an LDC, are you telling me Pakistan is more developed than Bangladesh ?

We are neck and neck with India in terms of human development, is Myanmar anywhere near India or even pakistan ?

Let's not derail this thread, don't talk smack about Bangladesh and we'll be fine.

There is more to human life than defence, you can't swallow tank shell and goto bed with full belly, Myanmar government doesn't publish accurate unadulterated statistics on many things and at times doesn't publish anything, we all know Myanmar is not Singapore so let's calm down.

Every country has different priorities, you want weapons good for you but don't expect to mock another country and go unchallenged. .

Outside Asia, nobody knows what Burma or Myanmar nor does anyone care, Bangladesh is a massive economy compared to Bangladesh and a growing investment destination. Bangladeshis are everywhere.

Any conflict with a neighbor with a bigger economy, better infrastructure, more manpower and more money is overall a death sentence.

Myanmar does not want war with Bangladesh nor will it be able to sustain a war with Bangladesh, admitting this doesn't make Myanmar armed forces any less strong, you are sometimes not meant to fight with certain opponents.

If Bangladesh decides to go on a shopping spree right now by ignoring it's citizens needs, we can outclass Myanmar multiple times over with by just doubling out military budget to 9 or 10 billion dollars this is just for armed forces, , security forces including 2 million paramilitary (excluding Police) is another 3 billion.

We can infact field a 10 billion dollar budget, without breaking a sweat if we want to with our economy of 350+ billion USD.

There will come a point in time, maybe in 2030s when Myanmar can simply not match Bangladeshi spending any longer.

It's a matter of economics, just check the numbers and do the math, similar to how Indians can buy four times or five times whatever the Pakistanis can.
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Your soldiers look like coked up ladyboys.

Bangladesh is doing a hell of a lot better than your junta ruled criminal activity funded banana despotic sh#thole.

Have fun with your #North Korea goals.

They're barking about Bangladesh, while using Bangladeshi bandwidth, look at how they import bandwidth from us because they don't afford a expanding their existing connect via more submarine cables.

So they import excess bandwidth from us, Bangladesh is watching all the fanboys.

Not to mention they can't afford a satellite yet.

Can't afford to improve living standards either, they will only parade their trophy mini capital around with minute population.

Let's not talk about healthcare, the Burmese junta is big on propaganda, they will open one clinic with state of the art infrastructure and then parade those pictures everywhere, nevermind that it's only such place built for the elites.

And this goes for everything, ever wonder why the only thing they take pride in is their armed forces? Because they Excell at nothing else.

Sad, if you ask me.
Money? While millions of Bangladeshi became slaves in other countries including poor African countries, you still dreaming of arming your army.

Do not forget that your sinking land is just a LDC country and number of people living below poverty line is more than the total population of Myanmar.

While you are dreaming of arming your army, millions of your people are living without proper toilets.

Bangladeshi people are the most unwanted people in the continent and that’s why your country is going to be completely surrounded by border fences very soon. Just like the animals in the zoo.

You should be proud of it coz your country will be the only one country in the world the entire land border is fenced.

The only problem with your navy is that your ships are older than their crews. Your navy should be called junkyard of Chinese Navy. Museum worthy navy.

Instead of barking here you should do something for slave workers in your garment industries.
the smallest chillis are the spiciest... seems same case for you guys....
talk when your people are literally not fed by our country...
Calm down, no need to go on a semi racist tirade.

Economically Myanmar is insignificant, this is a fact, but you have good armed forces due to military rule and prioritization on weapons procurement.

And first visit Bangladesh before making such statements, Bangladesh is more developed than Myanmar according all human development indices and pointers, you don't need to be a genius to know this.

You have issue with individual users, your problem you solve it, don't insult the entire country.

We both know how not "LDC" Myanmar is, so much so that you don't understand that we are delaying LDC graduation since 2016 to reap the benefits and that you are also an LDC but you are not included similar to how pakistan is not.

Being LDC doesn't mean anything, Pakistan isn't an LDC, are you telling me Pakistan is more developed than Bangladesh ?

We are neck and neck with India in terms of human development, is Myanmar anywhere near India or even pakistan ?

Let's not derail this thread, don't talk smack about Bangladesh and we'll be fine.

There is more to human life than defence, you can't swallow tank shell and goto bed with full belly, Myanmar government doesn't publish accurate unadulterated statistics on many things and at times doesn't publish anything, we all know Myanmar is not Singapore so let's calm down.

Every country has different priorities, you want weapons good for you but don't expect to mock another country and go unchallenged. .

Outside Asia, nobody knows what Burma or Myanmar nor does anyone care, Bangladesh is a massive economy compared to Bangladesh and a growing investment destination. Bangladeshis are everywhere.

Any conflict with a neighbor with a bigger economy, better infrastructure, more manpower and more money is overall a death sentence.

Myanmar does not want war with Bangladesh nor will it be able to sustain a war with Bangladesh, admitting this doesn't make Myanmar armed forces any less strong, you are sometimes not meant to fight with certain opponents.

If Bangladesh decides to go on a shopping spree right now by ignoring it's citizens needs, we can outclass Myanmar multiple times over with by just doubling out military budget to 9 or 10 billion dollars this is just for armed forces, , security forces including 2 million paramilitary (excluding Police) is another 3 billion.

We can infact field a 10 billion dollar budget, without breaking a sweat if we want to with our economy of 350+ billion USD.

There will come a point in time, maybe in 2030s when Myanmar can simply not match Bangladeshi spending any longer.

It's a matter of economics, just check the numbers and do the math, similar to how Indians can buy four times or five times whatever the Pakistanis can.

There is no point in discussing numbers with these guys, they clearly do no understand math, Myanmar certainly does not invest in education.
If you cant defeat the rebels with those aircraft what makes you think that your capable of fighting us, especially land warfare.
If we unleash all of our firing power, then there will be no more BGB will be left. The total air superiority will decide the fate of the war in the early hours. The rebels are mostly our nationals and we have to tolerate to some extents.

the smallest chillis are the spiciest... seems same case for you guys....
talk when your people are literally not fed by our country...
Hey, you are feeding your own people. Do not lying yourself, and stop lying the others. They speak your language, your skin color and your religion. Sorry to say that.
There is no point in discussing numbers with these guys, they clearly do no understand math, Myanmar certainly does not invest in education.
Haha, see yourself about your containment of Covid19 in your country and your education system. I have seen many educated Bangladeshis but most of them are not in their own country, serving in other countries. First you educate your own people then talk to other.

didn't know burmese fishes were white @DalalErMaNodi lmao
rohyngas have their own language... we don't understand their language
now go eat your cockroach in bancock
Really, Bangalis we called them. And they speak your own language and they can go any part of Bangladesh and talk to anyone in Bangladesh. None of Myanmar people will understand any word of those Bangalis.
didn't know burmese fishes were white @DalalErMaNodi lmao
rohyngas have their own language... we don't understand their language
now go eat your cockroach in bancock

Burmese are anything they want to be, in their vivid dreams backed by two or three propaganda pictures released by junta to keep gullible children happy.

Only thing they aren't and can never be is a stable nation, that is at peace with itself.

Entangled in a conflict against untrained, poorly equipped rebels and they still can't close that chapter.

The less said the better.

Really, Bangalis we called them. And they speak your own language and they can go any part of Bangladesh and talk to anyone in Bangladesh. None of Myanmar people will understand any word of those Bangalis.

We do not understand them, they speaking a language with lots of Arabic, Persian and Burmese words, we can't even understand 70% of their words, what we can understand is just grammar like 'this' 'it' 'you' and so on.

And don't gloat about Covid, our is a densely populated country and you guys are known to hide such information, you're hiding Covid data as well, maybe you aren't but the government is.
They're barking about Bangladesh, while using Bangladeshi bandwidth, look at how they import bandwidth from us because they don't afford a expanding their existing connect via more submarine cables.

So they import excess bandwidth from us, Bangladesh is watching all the fanboys.

Not to mention they can't afford a satellite yet.

Can't afford to improve living standards either, they will only parade their trophy mini capital around with minute population.

Let's not talk about healthcare, the Burmese junta is big on propaganda, they will open one clinic with state of the art infrastructure and then parade those pictures everywhere, nevermind that it's only such place built for the elites.

And this goes for everything, ever wonder why the only thing they take pride in is their armed forces? Because they Excell at nothing else.

Sad, if you ask me.
Very impressive health care system, I am really impressed. See your own news from your home" https://www.newagebd.net/article/11...-daily-infection-rate-hits-24pc-in-bangladesh"
Haha, see yourself about your containment of Covid19 in your country and your education system. I have seen many educated Bangladeshis but most of them are not in their own country, serving in other countries. First you educate your own people then talk to other.

Really, Bangalis we called them. And they speak your own language and they can go any part of Bangladesh and talk to anyone in Bangladesh. None of Myanmar people will understand any word of those Bangalis.

Interesting you bring up the covid situation, it seems like a big part of the country does not even know about the covid situation. Ignorance is bliss.

Very impressive health care system, I am really impressed. See your own news from your home" https://www.newagebd.net/article/11...-daily-infection-rate-hits-24pc-in-bangladesh"

Yeah it's true, we have Corona virus issue so ? It's a pandemic, do you know what that word means ?

Go look at your own hospitals, all your media is controlled by military, where will you get real news anyway.

Besides who cares, Burmese are dying of Corona or not dying because as per you, you have situation under control.

Good luck with corona, you will need it.
Yeah it's true, we have Corona virus issue so ? It's a pandemic, do you know what that word means ?

Go look at your own hospitals, all your media is controlled by military, where will you get real news anyway.

Besides who cares, Burmese are dying of Corona or not dying because as per you, you have situation under control.

Good luck with corona, you will need it.
In reality, 70% of Media in Myanmar are critics of military and they are free to post without censorship. You need good luck with Corona, not us, and pray for those ran away investors will ever come back to your country.

Myanmar got land Border conflict against Thailand in the past and the roots of the conflict is yet to be settled actually

And there is issue about the ownership of three Islands at Andaman sea

If it came to Naval stand off, Myanmar is far behind of Royal Thailand Navy in the assets and deployment capability
That land border conflict was settled long time ago and Thailand has abandoned that Buffer zone policy already. Now a day, Thai and Myanmar need each other and most of the army commanders are closely working together. The current Commander in Chief of Myanmar has received many titles from Thai king. So those fights were history and most of the arms smuggles through Thailand to NSAGs in Myanmar are very difficult now a day.
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