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Myanmar authorities accused of aiding killings of Muslims

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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By Reuters Published: April 22, 2013
BANGKOK: Human Rights Watch on Monday accused authorities in Myanmar’s western Rakhine State of crimes against humanity in the ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims last year, charges the government dismissed as one-sided and “unacceptable”.
Security forces were complicit in disarming Rohingya Muslims of makeshift weapons and standing by, or even joining in, as Rakhine Buddhist mobs killed men, women and children in June and October 2012, New York-based HRW said.
The human rights abuses took place in Myanmar despite widespread political, social and economic reforms by a quasi-civilian government that took power in March 2011 and convinced the West to suspend most sanctions to allow aid and investment into one of Asia’s poorest countries.
“While the state security forces in some instances intervened to prevent violence and protect fleeing Muslims, more frequently they stood aside during attacks or directly supported the assailants, committing killings and other abuses,” the report said of the unrest, in which at least 110 people died.
The failure to investigate properly or punish state officials had emboldened those behind campaigns against Muslims elsewhere, said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at HRW, referring to violence in central Myanmar that killed more than 43 people in March and displaced at least 12,000.
“People are allowed to incite and instigate in a coordinated campaign – this is the lesson taken in by others,” Robertson told Reuters. “What happened in Arakan (Rakhine) has helped spark radical anti-Muslim activity.”
Ye Htut, a presidential spokesman and Myanmar’s deputy Minister of Information, dismissed the report for only taking news from “one side” in a statement on his Facebook page.
“Its words are unacceptable. The government of Myanmar is not going to give any special consideration to a one-sided report,” he wrote, adding that the government would only pay heed to its own investigative commission set up after the initial violence in June.
Losing leverage
A decision expected on Monday by the European Union to lift all but its arms embargoes would only weaken the hand of Western powers seeking to clean up Myanmar’s poor human rights record, Robertson said.
“They’re going to be hostage to what the military and government does,” he said. “They’re not going to have the kind of leverage and capacity to push back on the government if it becomes more oppressive.”
The report into the Rakhine state violence, which called for international pressure on the government, said authorities had blocked aid from going into the squalid camps occupied by stateless Rohingya and Kaman Muslims, exposing them to malnourishment and diseases such as cholera or typhoid.
Robertson described the segregation of Muslims as “ghettoisation” that left them vulnerable to abuse.
More than 120,000 people fled arson and machete attacks in Rakhine state and thousands have embarked on perilous journeys on rickety wooden boats to other countries, where they are prey to human trafficking gangs.
An estimated 800,000 stateless Rohingyas live in Myanmar, where the authorities restrict their movements and access to employment and consider them illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.
The HRW report said more than 70 Rohingyas were killed in Mrauk-U Township’s Yan Thei village in October, among them 28 children and infants who were hacked to death.
Burmese and Lankans are causing serious damage to the image of Buddhists/Buddhism
is GCC going to call for an army to help their Muslim brothers? are they going to send weapons? money? Jihadist? call for OIC meeting? UN security council resolutions? :omghaha:
is GCC going to call for an army to help their Muslim brothers? are they going to send weapons? money? Jihadist? call for OIC meeting? UN security council resolutions? :omghaha:

are you supporter of assad? why you people killing sunni brothers in syria
are you supporter of assad? why you people killing sunni brothers in syria
GCC and the west are killing Muslims in Syria... and nope, I'm not supporter of Alasad, I'm supporter of SYRIA
We knew about this back last Ramadan, and I remember at that time it got zero coverage anywhere in the media or social media. A little bit of social media shed light on the situation.
its too painful... that ***** an san suchi, i though was good women, but she is only good for boodh people.

We knew about this back last Ramadan, and I remember at that time it got zero coverage anywhere in the media or social media. A little bit of social media shed light on the situation.

dude, it never stop ... its happening even now .. bbc has received latest video regarding that.
is GCC going to call for an army to help their Muslim brothers? are they going to send weapons? money? Jihadist? call for OIC meeting? UN security council resolutions? :omghaha:

Syrian Lion is a Syrian Christian. There is about 10% Christians in Syria, who benefited from Asad's Alawite regime and have mostly sided with Asad during this civil war. If OIC can do its job there will be no need for weapons, money or Jihad. UN and EU have made some statements, but US is curiously silent, which is a shame for them and their conscience as well as for people like you, who want to make fun of a hapless people just because they are Muslims.

OIC news on Rohingya issue:
Bahrain News Agency | OIC Contact Group Meeting On Rohingya Muslims

OIC Contact Group Meeting On Rohingya Muslims

07 : 28 PM - 13/04/2013
Jeddah-April-13(BNA) The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Contact Group will hold an urgent meeting tomorrow on the level of foreign ministers to discuss the plight of the Rohingya Muslim minority.

The session was convened by OIC secretary-general Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu following the escalation of extremist Buddhists' acts of violence targeting the Muslim minority in Myanmar.

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Contact Group includes Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Bangladesh, Djibouti, Turkey, Afghanistan and the UAE.

Full details here:

Final Communiqué of the OIC Contact Group on Myanmar Muslim Rohingya Minority

Held on 14 April 2013, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Upon the invitation of the Secretary General of the OIC, Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Contact Group on Rohingya Muslim Minority convened at the Ministerial level on 14th April 2013 at OIC Headquarters to discuss the critical situation of the Muslims in Myanmar. After a round of discussions, the Contact Group:

Stressed the need to respect the universally accepted human rights and norms in accordance with the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and bearing in mind the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and pursuant to the resolutions of the Muslim minorities and communities; Condemned the spread of violence in Myanmar and continuing disregard of international law and its detrimental implications for regional and global peace, stability and security; Commended the efforts of the Secretary General to resolve the issue of the Muslims in Myanmar and his early and timely response to the situation in Miektila violence.

The Contact Group further noted:

• UN Human Rights Council resolution (A/HRC/19/L.30) regarding the ‘Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar’, which “expresses continued grave concern about remaining serious human rights violations, and strongly calls upon the Government of Myanmar to put an end to grave violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, including attacks against the civilian population, extrajudicial killings, internal displacement, the use of human shields and forced labour, confiscation and destruction of property, and conflict-related sexual violence,”, and “calls upon the Government of Myanmar to continue to cooperate with the Special Rapporteur”;

• UN General Assembly resolution (N 12-59569) on ‘The Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar’ adopted by the 67th session on November 16th, 2012 which Urges the Government of Myanmar to accelerate its efforts to address discrimination, human rights violations, violence, displacement and economic deprivation affecting various ethnic minorities and, expressing particular concern about the situation of the Rohingya minority in Rakhine State, urges the Government to take action to bring about an improvement in their situation and to protect all their human rights, including their right to a nationality;

• UN Secretary General and UN Human Rights Commissioner’s statements as well as the UN Secretary General’s Special Adviser on Myanmar, Vijay Nambiar’s visit to Myanmar and his press statement on March 26th, 2013 that the recent sectarian violence in the central part of the country was “clearly targeted” against Muslim communities in the mostly Buddhist nation, the UN Secretary General’s Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Adama Dieng’s, statement expressing concern and urging the government to promote reconciliation and tolerance and to take measures to prevent an escalation, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Tomas Quintana’s visit to Rohingya Internally Displaced Persons camps and statement expressing his concern over the situation naming it a “profound crisis” and describing the camps as “more like a prison than a camp” as well as his statement on 28 March, 2013 emphasizing that “the Government has simply not done enough to address the spread of discrimination and prejudice against Muslim communities across the country, and to tackle the organized and coordinated mobs that are inciting hatred and violently attacking Muslim communities”

The Contact Group welcomed High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, Catherine Ashton’s statement on March 23, 2013 expressing her concern over reports from Myanmar, indicating violent clashes along sectarian lines in the Mandalay region emphasizing that “the EU urges the authorities to protect the civilian population from violence, and to investigate the causes of this disturbing state of affairs. The High-Representative encourages all parties and particularly community and religious leaders to call for an end of violence.”

Having listened to the speech of the OIC Secretary General and after discussion and due consideration that followed, the Contact Group:

Condemned the brutal aggression and systematic gross violations of human rights committed by armed gangs and in particular the failure of the security forces to stop the aggression by the extremists against unarmed Muslim civilians;

Alarmed that the atrocities committed against the Rohingya Muslim minority have spread to other areas of Myanmar against other Muslim nationals which represents a further threat to security and stability in the region.

Reiterated its firm and unwavering demand for an immediate halt of the unlawful acts perpetrated against Rohingya and other Muslims in Myanmar.

Called upon the Myanmar authorities to ensure that extremists put an end to the use of force and violence and calls upon political and religious leaders in the country to give precedence to peaceful resolution through dialogue towards national unity.

Called upon the Myanmar Government to grant unhindered access of humanitarian aid for the victims of the violence in the Rakhine State as well as in other parts of Myanmar; and appreciates the humanitarian aid and financial assistance provided by many Member States to the Rohingya Muslims, such as Republic of Indonesia, Malaysia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and others; and commends the initiative announced by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the 4th Extraordinary Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, of the donation by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud of US $50 million in assistance to the Rohingya minority in Myanmar and for donating the amount of US$ 1.9 million to build housing units to accommodate around 75000 Rohingya displaced persons through the Saudi Development Fund and the UN High Commission for Refugees.


a) The OIC Member States take appropriate action for the adoption at the UN Human Rights Council of a resolution to condemn the ongoing atrocities, press the Government of Myanmar to carry out its responsibilities vis-à-vis its Muslim citizens, and to urgently dispatch an independent commission of inquiry on Myanmar to investigate all violations of human rights in Myanmar by establishing the facts that may amount to such violations with a view to holding the perpetrators accountable and ensuring that the perpetrators will not have impunity.

b) OIC Member States to explore all possible means through engagements with the United Nations including the tabling of a resolution specific to Myanmar to the UN General Assembly at the 68th Session;

c) OIC Member States to continue to call upon the Myanmar Government to take all steps to arrest and punish the perpetrators of the violence against the Muslims which would serve to show that the rule of law in this country is strengthening.

d) OIC Member States to intensify their diplomatic contacts at the highest level with Myanmar government to help alleviate the sufferings of the Muslim population and to eliminate discriminatory practices against them. The OIC Contact Group urges the government of Myanmar to guarantee the restoration of the right of nationality for the Rohingya people.

e) Heads of State and Government of the OIC countries should send a joint letter to the President of Myanmar reflecting our assessments and asking the Myanmar Government to act firmly to stop the violence against the Muslims and work decisively on further democratisation which will guarantee Rohingya Muslims their birthright to citizenship and declaring our support for all efforts in this direction.

f) World leaders along with the international fora to condemn these crimes.

g) Muslim opinion leaders and NGOs should convey their views to their counterparts in Myanmar, first and foremost to Ms. Aung San Suu Kyii, Chairperson of the National league for Democracy.

h) Pertinent international organizations and civil society groups to move promptly and provide necessary and urgent humanitarian assistance to the Rohingya and other affected people in need in Myanmar to assist them in surmounting this grave crisis and in view of the upcoming monsoon season when the camp situation for the displaced Rohingya Muslims are likely to get worsened.

i) OIC General Secretariat to intensifying efforts with the Government of Myanmar to open the OIC Humanitarian Office in Yangon to effectuate the Memorandum of Cooperation signed by the Government with the OIC in September 2012, with an emphasis on readiness to provide material and humanitarian support necessary to improve the living conditions of all the affected people both within their region or in the camps for displaced persons.

j) OIC Member States to make clear their expectation that all those who have lost their homes during both the events which targeted the Rohingya Muslims last year and Muslims which were the victims of attacks last month be returned to their original homes. The cycle of violence, creating displacement and impoverishment must not become an expected outcome for those who hope to benefit from their unacceptable acts of violence against innocent Muslims. Some OIC Member States indicated their readiness to provide support to these affected people.

k) OIC Member States to conduct a media campaign to raise international public awareness about the plight of the Rohingya and other Muslims in Myanmar highlighting the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in the refugee camps and noting the challenges and costs faced by neighboring countries that are receiving refugees from Myanmar.

l) Calling upon the relevant OIC Member States to ensure information sharing and better policy coordination to prevent rising number of irregular movements at sea by Rohingyas, including women and children, and provide necessary support to victims for their rescue, assistance and repatriation, as appropriate.

m) Calling upon the Government of Myanmar to quickly respond to OIC’s request to arrange for a ministerial delegation of the Contact Group on Rohingya to visit Rakhine State and other areas where Muslims reside in Myanmar and to expedite the visit of the Secretary General to Myanmar.

n) Calling upon the Government of Myanmar and political and religious leaders to actively promote inter-communal dialogue and reconciliation in the Rakhine State in order to end the systematic persecution, discrimination and aggression against the Rohingya Muslims, and to recognize the need for promoting the participation of all communities in the socio-economic development of the Rakhine State for their peaceful co-existence.

o) Urging the Government of Myanmar to work closely with UNHCR and other relevant international organizations to create the enabling environment for the voluntary return of the Rohingya Muslim refugees, victims of trafficking, and people’s smuggling and displaced persons to their homes in safety and dignity.

p) Implementing the proposal by the Republic of Turkey, as co-sponsor of the Alliance of Civilizations, to host a meeting between the respective parties to resolve the outstanding issues between the Buddhist and Muslim communities through dialogue.

q) The OIC should arrange a dialogue meeting between Muslim and Buddhist intellectuals, religious and opinion leaders in order to promote inter-faith dialogue.

r) Forming a select committee comprising the chair of the OIC Summit, the Chair of the Council of Foreign Ministers, the Host Country and the Secretary General to formulate a program of action towards the implementation of proposals and recommendations;

The Contact Group will remain seized with this matter along with all OIC Member States and requests the Secretary General to continue his efforts and provide progress reports on the matter.

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