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My take on the recent escalation in Kashmir and the Long-march. Thougts?

With absolute no reason or point raised as to what was wrong, inaccurate, unconnected. But then again, the long walk along the yamuna does get one tired, doesn't it?
Long walk down the "Yamuna" ? Dude......"Facepalm" doesn't even cover the absurdity of this thread.

@Oscar @WebMaster
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Someone in another thread wants Pakistan to be the 52th state of America. :D
My take on the gotti's take-Seems more like begging America to intervene in Kashmir and gift it to Pakistan in return for using Pakistan as a base to attack Iran.

But all I see is Pakistanis protesting against Americans daily, how do you plan to convince your fellow Pakistanis first to support America stationing its troops on your soil, or do you consider selling off your sovereignity in return for Kashmir a good deal?
My take on the gotti's take-Seems more like begging America to intervene in Kashmir and gift it to Pakistan in return for using Pakistan as a base to attack Iran.

But all I see is Pakistanis protesting against Americans daily, how do you plan to convince your fellow Pakistanis first to support America stationing its troops on your soil, or do you consider selling off your sovereignity in return for Kashmir a good deal?

@Abii & @Soheil
have your say please.
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With absolute no reason or point raised as to what was wrong, inaccurate, unconnected. But then again, the long walk along the yamuna does get one tired, doesn't it?

Maybe next time, you can reply based on countering facts or statements with the same methodology and use a point by point reply. Or, you can continue mystical replies but since we cannot see through your third eye, it would be better if you get something written down and posted instead of just "dismissing" what is said based on visions from the same source.

Views / comments were asked at the end of post No 1.

There was nothing worth commenting on the meandering unconnected stream of random thoughts that one read.
I am amused at your foolish reply and attempt at using big words to come off as an intellectual along with a mere clown, who has decided to cheer you on. Without a word being mentioned about India's massive internal problems, he classically mentioned Pakistan's problems as a dismissive strategy that could be no different than responding to the failure of FEMA at the Hurricane relief efforts in Louisiana or New Jersey by questioning Amsterdam's potential of being under the sea in a few years (based on some dubious scientific sources).

What logic or sense does any of this make except in the mind of an Indian living the world in the times of Ashoka's Akhand Bharat?

Fact check, over nearly 5 decades and the cascading effect of ineffective policies and lack of foresight is evident from the relationship. OBL raids, constant drone attacks and diplomatic flogging of pakistan is clear from it.

You also have to understand things (assuming you understand anything at all) on the basis of past events that took place as if they have any bearing on foreign policy, vis-a-vis current world events where you must realize that Turkey, Saudi Arabia and even former Middle Eastern dictatorships have decided to side with America. Not sure if you are aware of how well these countries are aligned to Pakistan but if you had any clue, you would know that Pakistan is essential to them as well as the American foreign policy in Afghanistan and the almost dead philosophy Central Asia in the eyes of Brzezinski.

Being a self-proclaimed scholar, it would make sense if you had also understood the need for America to build one of the world's biggest embassies in Pakistan and if you had read any books, it would be clear to you that it was done with the intent to control Kabul from Islamabad, as well.

Also, at no point did I mention that there was any control of Indian and Russian relations by Pakistan but there definitely was a tussle between China (where SCO is based) and also the push to accept Pakistan into the camp. Russia and Putin ignoring Pakistan and going with India has done nothing but prove the point I have already raised.

Furthermore, your idiocy is evident with your lack of mention of what happened subsequent to the 60's and since your most likely a kid of some old socialist buffoon who hasn't got the slightest clue that USSR fell and that Indian aligned itself with America , I can't necessarily help you, can I?

Indo-russia alliance has been prevalent since the 60's and china/pakistan/US haven't been able to India from it even when India's global position was nearly 10 times weaker from what it's today. Suggesting any control over bilateral issue of Indo-russia by nondescript player like pakistan is at-most laughable.
Hence they haven't done it in past 65 years, wonders which hearts US wants to publically cement it's position in.

Here we go with the failed attempt at comedy by an NRI, most likely an OFBJP nut-job with only one passport running the foreign policy of India from his living room right after scamming folks. No wonder they don't want any more Patels

The reason they have failed in the past 65 years is because of their dubious stance on the Kashmir issue and since I've made that point clear and related it to Albania (you wouldn't know where that is, it's not like its part of your wet dreams or orgies associated with Akhand Bharat). You obviously didn't get that point and not likely to get it now, either. We would need SSRS to subliminally explain that to you during yoga (oops! I forgot, you're more of a Modi-type)

How dumb is it for you to claim india has sided with Putin, India has always and will always keep russian interests in a special place. I guess you have woken from rip wan winkle pahse now to realize Indo-Russo strategic confluence .

I don't even know what to say at the complete ignorance about geopolitics when you come out making claims like Russia and India did not have a lull phase in between but like I said, don't expect you to understand anything.

Now the above statement directly implies the sham of Kashmir movement being of any indigenous revolution proactively being marketed by pakistan for three decades now

Not sure what kind of foreign movement has Indians forcing every single Kashmiri indoors, checkpoints in every street corner and controlling the entire Kashmiri population with a barrel of a gun (wait, I mean, a barrel of a half a million guns). I am sure, they are disillusioned as it makes perfect sense since the indigenous people of Kashmir purposely defy curfews to hoist the flag of Pakistan in downtown Srinagar but Hindutva extremists such as yourself aren't allowed the same right with your flag (by the police) so as to not to harm the sentiments of the local people and cause further unrest among the indigenous populace.

I am also sure, these non-indigenous revolutionaries have managed to send in housewives and kids from across the border to shower the Indian oppressive military forces (in every street corner) with pebbles and stones. Kashmir, is definitely an integral part of India, how else could India define "integral" if not by stationing close to a million forces in Kashmir and refusing to ever bring even one soldier back.

Isn't that how India deals with it's other integral parts such as the 7-sister states and how the entire world goes about dealing with its integral parts.

I remember visiting America, there were military forces stationed everywhere, in every street corner. Same with all European countries and other world powers of which India is apparently a part. I mean, you can't go past London without crossing a military checkpoint (although, I was later told it's called toll).

If it was truly an integral part of your country and the people felt that way, you wouldn't need to do what you're doing, now, would you?

Deccan plateau consist of Maharashtra, madhya pradesh parts of UP, Karnataka, all regions that vehemently fought british occupation to bring about the independence of India. Without understanding even the origins of Yugoslavian problems and their struggle and extrapolating to a maoist insurgency shows the disdain for informed logic in your argument. The maost problem in india arises from nexus of socio-economic imbalance and criminalized politics rather than any issues with nationalism.

I am sure you are very intellectual when it comes to geography but being illiterate in the field of politics, you failed to understand that "Deccan" is a reference to the Nizam's Hyderabadi region and not a literal explanation of the geographic place.

What's even more ironic is that the entire lockdown of Hyderabad went unnoticed during your OFBJP seminars when you were busy chanting slogans of Ram, a disputed, mythological figure whose birthplace is also disputed (Ram Jeth Melani's words, not mine - I am lucky for not being an Indian - if I was, I'd be arrested for "hate speech" for quoting someone else in public).

Karunanidhi once asked who was Ram and what school he went to? Hope that doesn't count as "hate-speech", but why does it matter, you can just claim that an Indian boy had a dream in the 1900s of Ram being born in any place and tear whatever place you want. I am happy no one expects Ram being born at my house, or else, there would be trishul-wielding Saffron soldiers such as yourself sneaking statues of ram into my kitchen. Definitely don't want that happening

And, the classic straw-man attack of "Maoists". I'll leave this to you and your friends to answer:

At what point did my post mention or even insinuate Maoists?

Please do go and visit the actions of Tito and then compare the same to manmohan singh, if you do find any similarities do comeback with them. As far as division of India goes, it's nothing but wet dream. Again breaking of Yogoslavia is not attributed to nato but to Milosevic Slobodan actions and the snowballing effect that led to the breakup. Do revisit the hitory.

As it is apparent, you haven't got the slightest bit of clue about history because in your eyes, Yugoslavia and Bosnia was a consequence of the massacres that took place? You must have actually lost your mind (definitely lost my interest) because what happened was an effect of the secessionists and not the cause.

It wasn't as if there were massacres that took place in the middle of the night and then, in the morning, the separatists announced their freedom. On the contrary, the latter took place first and to suppress it, we have what we would classify as genocide.

Again, in your idiocy, you failed to understand the terminology of the political spectrum in which people were calling Obama, Gorbachev of America. Are you somehow going to start arguing that USSR and USA have nothing in common and the languages are different?

You obviously lack an imagination because the slightest bit of analogies go far beyond the scope of your mental capacity.

Russia's power projection in it's own region doesn't depend on India, hence it's a logic fail. Apart from that do understand that russia still maintains military bases across the Commonwealth of Independent States

Boring and worthless point that had nothing to do with what you just said. It's even more hysterical for you to state that Russia maintains bases in CIS because if you had read the news, America has all of those bases and you were the same Indians cheering on the Americans to the use the NDN. Wonder if you even bothered to read up on that and anything about Central Asia (that's right, I forgot, the imaginary Akhand Bharat extends only as far as Kabul, sorry, this one's on me, I forgot).

Dissolution to long march of pakistan seems to be a long long jump, US forces have firm base in afganistan, doesn't make any sense of moving to pakistan as mil base anyways.

It is beyond imagination of any sane headed mind comparing the taliban government to the establishment f Iran. if nothing it just reeks of anti-Shia sentiment.

Again, here we go with the most hilarious comment I've heard and an attempt at trying to label someone as something without even the slightest bit of clue about Iran, its internal politics or foreign policy, either. I will leave Netanyahu's comment on that at the UN regarding their extremism. Google it! Apparently, that's how you became an "educator" to begin with.

As I've made clear, you have absolutely no understanding of anything and that includes Iran, it's internal politics or even the millions of Persians living in America, seeking an end to the regime (there are 60 satellite channels in Farsi, based in America denouncing Iran).

And, before I get labelled a Taliban extremist for supporting Netanyahu (apparently Taliban love the Jews), I wanted to explain to you what the "Hitler fallacy" is. Since you're already educated (in your own mind), you would know but for the masses: it's like saying that since Hitler ate only vegetables, and you are a vegan, therefore, you are a Nazi.

I would now expect for you to either make me Netanyahu, Romney or even Saudi only because I understand that they all have anti-Shia sentiment, chief among them is Romney because do the Mormons have a fight to pick with the Shia, or what. Poor little Indian attempt at trying to shove the discussion into the other person's court, force that person to become defensive and then, India is off the table and kept in the veil (BTW, if you don't wear it in Iran, you get whipped or even stoned. Read about Soraya M. It was by a Persian Shia and not an anti-Shia extremist).

That one was classic, I must hand it to you. Trying to say Irani establishment (Mullahcracy) has nothing to do with extremism. Are you sure you are living in the States or just saying that to trick people into giving you an outsourcing project?


The most unfortunate syndrome by most pakistanis on the forum is the inability to digest the fact that "India's foreign policy is not for sale, our policy has and will remain india first", We dont give a crap about anyone but us. We wont be used by any foreign nation US or any one else to contain anyone. Our first and foremost role is to secure our security and long term objectives, which means engaging various powers in the prescribed fashion to gain needed objectives. This is not some great game where there needs to be camps of power blocs, We dont see any such developments, unfortunately if something like this occurs we stay Non-alligned instead of jumping in laps of country that offers military aid.

Just a bunch of words with absolute no points being raised. Not sure what to respond to and if I should even bother considering your "not give a crap" point of view but like I said, you're just a Hindutva extremist dreaming of reinstalling the throne of Akhand Bharat's Ashoka in the person of Modi who can slaughter and kill Muslims in Gujrat and come on the high horse of the CMship.

It's ironic that the BJP MP government wasn't too kind to the Christians but we'll leave that part of the complaining to the Vatican, Americans, UN and Italy (all documented their condemnation of India's treatment of it's minorities). After all, Pakistanis shouldn't be bothered about Muslims or even Christians in India. Right?

Didn't bother to mention the Sikhs because, well, it's just boring now that you have a Sikh PM. That's how it usually works, slaughter a population and bring a leader from their community and all issues are settled immediately (nope, no atrocities took place against the Tutsis, all they have to do is bring in a Tutsi PM, and they're good).

So, keeping all of this into consideration, you're right, India definitely doesn't give a crap. The rest was just non sense and relation to others on this forum or other foolish statements that couldn't bother me to consider, let alone respond, in the slightest

Chinese doctrine is hyped more aggressive by pakistanis 10 folds that it actually is. China is more responsible state than it is assumed to be to deliberately attracting flak from the western states which is fueling its rise to prominence.

Objectivity of your analysis is evident by your rhetoric.. As i said India got its freedom after huge sacrifices, our national policies are not for sale unlike pakistan. We dont sell our national interests for few military jets of aid money. As simple as that.

Again We are an independent country which secures our national interest first and does it's bidding on international forums based on our informed opinions, we aren't lapdogs which does are hired guns for highest bidders.

Logic fail buddy!

Confusing social and national security issues here .. make up your mind!

Not sure how what I wrote has any relation to what other Pakistanis wrote and your "sacrifices" and other emotional comments make it clear that you're most likely a fan of donning khaki short shorts and carrying a laathi more than anything else. The seriousness of such individuals can be judged by their clothes but even less so by their thinking and ideologies.

Just laughable, actions of few individuals dubs the entire country as "rapists".

We said the same thing when you were enjoying calling us "terrorists" but as I said, it's just a thought amongst certain sections of Pakistanis of getting back at Indians by labeling them as "rapists". Some in the West are already worried for being called that or even potentially arrested for the image that Indians have developed for themselves in the world. Them being identified with perversion can cause a severe impact on Pakistanis who also have similar features. I mean going to the mall can be automatically an issue if women walk by as they will be extra cautious when an Indian is in sight due to the image Indians have created for themselves in the past few weeks.

These aren't my thoughts but what has been observed in social media and certain circles of Pakistani youth living abroad.

The objective reply to the haphazardly constructed rhetoric which dwells of very weakly composed mishmash of geo-politics, bilateral strategic relations and social justice, is reminiscent of rhetoric usually constructed by self proclaimed amateurish internet analysts (or under the effect of Tetrahydrocannabinol), hence my first response was actually very objective as i didn't want to beat sense onto an illogical discourse.

You are by far the most ignorant person I have come across in a long time and I do appreciate having read what you wrote as it would've done me no good just leaving it ignored because if I didn't put you in your place, your imaginary position of being an eloquent analyst and observer would have been perpetuated so as to collapse later in life when everything at life, you would've failed at, already. Also, in case you haven't been under this impression before, THC, isn't necessarily the most addicting or euphoric thing except for may be in India but given your history of projecting Hinduism and India as a hippie-friendly society and all hippies (druggies) tattooing themselves with the "Om" symbol, like with rape, you must've thought this is also a pleasant image to have.

Yes, when Russia was supporting the hippies and Black Panthers in America, India was a great route on the Hippie-trail (so was Pakistan, partially) but your fantasy or monopoly on weed is kind of gone now that it's legal is almost half the Westernized world (there was a reason I mentioned Amsterdam in the beginning).

Try to reply after you learn something and bother to click send only and I repeat, only when you think you even have the slightest bit of clue of what you're talking about or have the slightest hope of stepping up to a David vs. Goliath like battle. (Hint: David wins because it's a mystical and miraculous story, don't hope for any miracles taking place vis-a-vis your insignificant knowledge and understanding, compared to mine).

Oye let this thread run. Witness the problem within Pakistan. This mindset is their weakness.

First take care of your country first. Think of dividing India later.

Karachi is burning, Balochistan is burning, tribal belt is burning, terrorism on rise, economy down the drain, religious extremism at all time high, sectarian violence all around, corruption every where and you think you need to focus on India.

The enemy is within your country. Even Pakistan Army said that. Don't believe us, at least believe them.

I don't have to worry as long as these people keep talking and destroy their own country.


No Sandy No, don't whip someone like this. Let him enjoy his fantasies. :D

Dammit you ruined it.

@gotti Can you tell me how you will get rid of your internal problems ?

The intent with which this was posted was to get a conversation and not expect a cheerleader with pom-poms trying to do something that no one could possibly care about (that is, cheer an idiot and other idiots while making heckler-like comments).

You are welcome to add some valuable and useful input or pertinent comments.

Any stupid and borderline demented replies will be responded to in an equally abrasive tone for which I will not be responsible.
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@gotti Can you tell me how you will get rid of your internal problems ?[/QUOTE]

Long walk down the "Yamuna" ? Dude......"Facepalm" doesn't even cover the absurdity of this thread.

@Oscar @WebMaster

It is quite clear that the attitude and choice of words that you used are no different than that of a valley girl and since you're Indian and not a blonde (I purposely ignored the adjective "pretty" prior to "blonde"), your comments or any of your replies aren't worthy of consideration or a reply for that matter.

That person had "Yamuna" in the location and something to do with walk. I made a reference to that, while you came out as an attitude-filled valley girl, using words like "dude" and "facepalm".

Although, I do appreciate your fondness with American urbanized slang and lingo, I will have to request its ejection from a very serious discussion that doesn't require the slightest bit of attention from those who'd rather spend time searching TMZ and when Chris Brown and Rihanna break-up or get back again (whichever phase they are in, now, choose the opposite).

Kindly, gain some stature before making the audacious step to commenting or replying to what I write.

My take on the gotti's take-Seems more like begging America to intervene in Kashmir and gift it to Pakistan in return for using Pakistan as a base to attack Iran.

But all I see is Pakistanis protesting against Americans daily, how do you plan to convince your fellow Pakistanis first to support America stationing its troops on your soil, or do you consider selling off your sovereignity in return for Kashmir a good deal?

Fortunately, I have been able to come across one serious reply in a sea of trolls. I do feel bad that you couldn't spell sovereignty right and were unable to drive your point home with a "bang" (assuming that's what your username is referring to).

It did have some impact but not as strong as you would've liked but that doesn't mean we should discourage you from trying harder, next time.

My argument, although spun in a very twisted Indian manner, is that America will need Pakistan in order to have any influence in this region or else it will have no political existence in this region. It is also in Pakistan's interest to do the same now that Russia has made clear it's intent and China can only lobby so much for Pakistan till it realizes that it would rather have secure borders with India (not that India can ever do anything) while it has to face the wrath of the Pacific tilt. Also, a rising Russia that has historically been it's rival in the Golden Triangle states is discomforting to say the least.
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