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My reply to BHarwana on Indian coronaVirus research finding thread!

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Jan 30, 2020
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@BHarwana Wrote:

This just another fake news attempt by India. The original link to the research was deleted as this news was posted.

I am not saying that Corona cannot be an engineered virus at all but what this hole info is saying is the same info that China post on their website when they decided to share the info.

If you want to see how dangerous Corona is first check a similar virus to Corona is already roaming in USA that is called influenza and it has killed more people than Corona. Corona is more similar to influenza than HIV.

The best scientist in developing such bio tech weapon are old soviet scientist who are working for different govt. Indians who are taking claim for discovering this has already been taken by Russians they have already told HIV drugs are working good against Coronavirus and China is using them.

This tweet is 5 days old so India has discovered cow dung here nothing else.

India walay bhi twitter par khabar parthay hain aur surgical Kar detay hain. Wanabe nation.

Corona has HIV like insertions? Yes it has and drugs used to treat HIV are effective on it.

Here this was said by Russians 3 days ago.

There is a much bigger game being played here. If you want to here conspiracy theories here translate this news and enjoy a fun time of conspiracy theories.

India is discovering shit today USA dispatched China HIV treatment drung and an unknown vaccine 5 days back. So they knew before India that HIV geans were in Coronavirus. No one told India or they heard the news today and claimed it their break through. Lol

Indian discovery my shit. India just copy pasted the report WHO released and claimed its own.

My reply :

Since that thread has been locked, i'm responding here.

It's since well known to the world that ncov2019 is being treated with HIV related drugs since last week. So no ,Indian scientists are making that assertion.

In fact, Indian pharmaceutical companies who are at forefront in manufacturing these drugs for long time, hence getting large orders for immediate shipment and running overtime to fulfill their commitment.

REad this :
Cipla ready with repurposed HIV drug to combat coronavirus

2. Then You have these tweets of
Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding who is Havard genetic researcher and have been talking Ncov in international media since the outbreak .

You prove your point that Indian scientists copied what is published in wHO , u put his tweets, ironically but often see here , without due diligence .

Replying to @DrEricDing

: a very intriguing new paper investigating the aforementioned mystery middle segment w/ “S” spike protein: likely origin from HIV. “Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag” from https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.30.927871v1 …

Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding@DrEricDing

17. ...WHOA- the authors said the finding was “Unexpectedly” related to genes from HIV virus. Notably there were 4 gene insertions (see figure in above post #16). And so, which HIV gene proteins were found in the new #coronarvirus? Gag protein and Gp120- key HIV proteins...

Read again above tweets, Just again, without your India phobia, Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding tweets are based on Indian research papers only and he has given the web link to those paper in his tweet too.

Indian researcher didn't copy anyone, they didn't WHO , they didn't publishing what Russian or Chinese scientist are saying. These Indian scientists are giving there findings based on their own independent research. And as seen from the Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding comments , if it means anything , it suggests they are taken seriously by genetic scientists outside India.
Lol. This @BHarwana guy went on a rant against indian scientists, so to say that white man has already come up with the theory, when the white man himself was quoting the theory of Indian scientists. That is hilarious.

Though Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding is probably of Chinese origin, hence in certain aspect would be more important than a white man in Pakistan.

Oh. True. Even then, it is a double whammy, since he is a Chinese who is working in a western set up after all. That lends even more credibility. Obviously we wouldn't trust the Chinese research by mainland Chinese on this.
Thank you for the thread. I saw the other thread locked and didn't bother. Request mods to merge.
Funny , this @BHarwana fellow, in his gargantuan India phobia carelessly quotes Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding tweets to prove Indian scientist copied already published work, while the truth is Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding is quoting Indian findings with explicit links to the papers in his tweet.

some people are always jealous of india .
I got a feeling you have absolutely no background in science that's why you're blabbering like an idiot without understanding what is being said. Your whole argument is revolving around one point that the virus has similarities with the HIV virus. Well, NO ONE here is contesting against that FACT you clown ! Offcourse it has similarities with the HIV virus as well as the HCV virus ! That's EXACTLY the reason its responding to RIBAVIRIN and LOPINAVIR in the first place ! Get this through your thick skull azzwipe, its a VIRUS, and this is completely normal for it to mutate at this rate because it is an RNA virus not a DNA virus. RNA viruses mutate at a faster rate than a DNA virus because they are unstable ...like indians !

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As part of a long-running effort to see what viruses bats harbor, researchers in China collect one from a cave in Guandong.

Mining coronavirus genomes for clues to the outbreak’s origins
By Jon CohenJan. 31, 2020 , 6:20 PM

attaaaggtt tataccttcc caggtaacaa accaaccaac tttcgatctc ttgtagatct …

That string of apparent gibberish is anything but: It’s a snippet of a DNA sequence from the viral pathogen, dubbed 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), that is overwhelming China and frightening the entire world. Scientists are publicly sharing an ever-growing number of full sequences of the virus from patients—53 at last count in the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data database. These viral genomes are being intensely studied to try to understand the origin of 2019-nCoV and how it fits on the family tree of related viruses found in bats and other species. They have also given glimpses into what this newly discovered virus physically looks like, how it’s changing, and how it might be stopped.

“One of the biggest takeaway messages [from the viral sequences] is that there was a single introduction into humans and then human-to-human spread,” says Trevor Bedford, a bioinformatics specialist at the University of Washington, Seattle. The role of Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, China, in spreading 2019-nCoV remains murky, though such sequencing, combined with sampling the market’s environment for the presence of the virus, is clarifying that it indeed had an important early role in amplifying the outbreak. The viral sequences, most researchers say, also knock down the idea the pathogen came from a virology institute in Wuhan.

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In all, 2019-nCoV has nearly 29,000 nucleotides bases that hold the genetic instruction book to produce the virus. Although it’s one of the many viruses whose genes are in the form of RNA, scientists convert the viral genome into DNA, with bases known in shorthand as A, T, C, and G, to make it easier to study. Many analyses of 2019-nCoV’s sequences have already appeared on virological.org, nextstrain.org, preprint servers like bioRxiv, and even in peer-reviewed journals. The sharing of the sequences by Chinese researchers allowed public health labs around the world to develop their own diagnostics for the virus, which now has been found in 18 other countries. (Science's news stories on the outbreak can be found here.)

When the first 2019-nCoV sequence became available, researchers placed it on a family tree of known coronaviruses—which are abundant and infect many species—and found that it was most closely related to relatives found in bats. A team led by Shi Zheng-Li, a coronavirus specialist at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, reported on 23 January on bioRxivthat 2019-nCoV’s sequence was 96.2% similar to a bat virus and had 79.5% similarity to the coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a disease whose initial outbreak was also in China more than 15 years ago. But the SARS coronavirus has a similarly close relationship to bat viruses, and sequence data make a powerful case that it jumped into people from a coronavirus in civets that differed from human SARS viruses by as few as 10 nucleotides. That’s one reason why many scientists suspect there’s an “intermediary” host species—or several—between bats and 2019-nCoV.

According to Bedford’s analysis, the bat coronavirus sequence that Shi Zheng-Li’s team highlighted, dubbed RaTG13, differs from 2019-nCoV by nearly 1100 nucleotides. On nextstrain.org, a site he co-founded, Bedford has created coronavirus family trees (example below) that include bat, civet, SARS, and 2019-nCoV sequences. (The trees are interactive—by dragging a computer mouse over them, it’s easy to see the differences and similarities between the sequences.)


Bedford’s analyses of RaTG13 and 2019-nCoV suggest that the two viruses shared a common ancestor 25 to 65 years ago, an estimate he arrived at by combining the difference in nucleotides between the viruses with the presumed rates of mutation in other coronaviruses. So it likely took decades for RaTG13-like viruses to mutate into 2019-nCoV.

Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), another human disease caused by a coronavirus, similarly has a link to bat viruses. But studies have built a compelling case it jumped to humans from camels. And the phylogenetic tree from Shi’s bioRxiv paper (below) makes the camel-MERS link easy to see.


The longer a virus circulates in a human populations, the more time it has to develop mutations that differentiate strains in infected people, and given that the 2019-nCoV sequences analyzed to date differ from each other by seven nucleotides at most, this suggests it jumped into humans very recently. But it remains a mystery which animal spread the virus to humans. “There’s a very large gray area between viruses detected in bats and the virus now isolated in humans,” says Vincent Munster, a virologist at the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who studies coronaviruses in bats, camels, and others species.

Strong evidence suggests the marketplace played an early role in spreading 2019-nCoV, but whether it was the origin of the outbreak remains uncertain. Many of the initially confirmed 2019-nCoV cases—27 of the first 41 in one report, 26 of 47 in another—were connected to the Wuhan market, but up to 45%, including the earliest handful, were not. This raises the possibility that the initial jump into people happened elsewhere.

According to Xinhua, the state-run news agency, “environmental sampling” of the Wuhan seafood market has found evidence of 2019-nCoV. Of the 585 samples tested, 33 were positive for 2019-nCoV and all were in the huge market’s western portion, which is where wildlife were sold. “The positive tests from the wet market are hugely important,” says Edward Holmes, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Sydney who collaborated with the first group to publicly release a 2019-nCoV sequence. “Such a high rate of positive tests would strongly imply that animals in the market played a key role in the emergence of the virus.”

Yet there have been no preprints or official scientific reports on the sampling, so it’s not clear which, if any, animals tested positive. “Until you consistently isolate the virus out of a single species, it’s really, really difficult to try and determine what the natural host is,” says Kristian Andersen, an evolutionary biologist at Scripps Research.

One possible explanation for the confusion about where the virus first entered humans is if there was a batch of recently infected animals sold at different marketplaces. Or an infected animal trader could have transmitted the virus to different people at different markets. Or, Bedford suggests, those early cases could have been infected by viruses that didn’t easily transmit and sputtered out. “It would be hugely helpful to have just a sequence or two from the marketplace [environmental sampling] that could illuminate how many zoonoses occurred and when they occurred,” Bedford says.


A research group sent fecal and other bodily samples from bats they trapped in caves to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to search for coronaviruses.

In the absence of clear conclusions about the outbreak’s origin, theories thrive, and some have been scientifically shaky. A sequence analysis led by Wei Ji of Peking University and published online by the Journal of Medical Virology received substantial press coverage when it suggested that “snake is the most probable wildlife animal reservoir for the 2019‐nCoV.” Sequence specialists, however, pilloried it.

Conspiracy theories also abound. A CBC News report about the Canadian government deporting Chinese scientists who worked in a Winnipeg lab that studies dangerous pathogens was distorted on social media to suggest that they were spies who had smuggled out coronaviruses. The Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is the premier lab in China that studies bat and human coronaviruses, has also come under fire. “Experts debunk fringe theory linking China’s coronavirus to weapons research,” read a headline on a story in The Washington Postthat focused on the facility.

Concerns about the institute predate this outbreak. Nature ran a story in 2017 about it building a new biosafety level 4 lab and included molecular biologist Richard Ebright of Rutgers University, Piscataway, expressing concerns about accidental infections, which he noted repeatedly happened with lab workers handling SARS in Beijing. Ebright, who has a long history of raising red flags about studies with dangerous pathogens, also in 2015 criticized an experiment in which modifications were made to a SARS-like virus circulating in Chinese bats to see whether it had the potential to cause disease in humans. Earlier this week, Ebright questioned the accuracy of Bedford’s calculation that there are at least 25 years of evolutionary distance between RaTG13—the virus held in the Wuhan virology institute—and 2019-nCoV, arguing that the mutation rate may have been different as it passed through different hosts before humans. Ebright tells ScienceInsider that the 2019-nCoV data are “consistent with entry into the human population as a natural accident.”

Shi did not reply to emails from Science, but her longtime collaborator, disease ecologist Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance, dismissed Ebright’s conjecture. “Every time there’s an emerging disease, a new virus, the same story comes out: This is a spillover or the release of an agent or a bioengineered virus,” Daszak says. “It’s just a shame. It seems humans can’t resist controversy and these myths, yet it’s staring us right in the face. There’s this incredible diversity of viruses in wildlife and we’ve just scratched the surface. Within that diversity, there will be some that can infect people and within that group will be some that cause illness.”


A team of researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the EcoHealth Alliance have trapped bats in caves all over China, like this one in Guangdong, to sample them for coronaviruses.

Daszak and Shi’s group have for 8 years been trapping bats in caves around China to sample their feces and blood for viruses. He says they have sampled more than 10,000 bats and 2000 other species. They have found some 500 novel coronaviruses, about 50 of which fall relatively close to the SARS virus on the family tree, including RaTG13—it was fished out of a bat fecal sample they collected in 2013 from a cave in Moglang in Yunnan province. “We cannot assume that just because this virus from Yunnan has high sequence identity with the new one that that’s the origin,” Daszak says, noting that only a tiny fraction of coronaviruses that infect bats have been discovered. “I expect that once we’ve sampled and sampled and sampled across southern China and central China that we’re going to find many other viruses and some of them will be closer [to 2019-nCoV].”

It’s not just a “curious interest” to figure out what sparked the current outbreak, Daszak says. “If we don't find the origin, it could still be a raging infection at a farm somewhere, and once this outbreak dies, there could be a continued spillover that’s really hard to stop. But the jury is still out on what the real origins of this are.”

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Jon Cohen
Jon is a staff writer for Science.

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Read the article. Knowing you indians, it'd go straight over your thick head but still give it a read. May he you'll learn a thing or two about viruses.

Those research paper by bunch of Indian scientists are initial findings and further investigation are needed which is accepted concluding part of the papers itself. But in the sheer explicit demonstration of jealously, people are coming out with disparaging theories like they copied from wHO or copied from scientist of other nation.

Oh bhai, Indian pharma exports drugs around the world stood at 22B$ last year.

It's has a dozen top line biotech and Genetic science schools and research labs.
You stupid piece of shit. The reason indian drugs are preferred is not because they're more efficacious but because they're dirt cheap...just like you. You know how I know this? Because i am related to the field.
Assessing the validity of the work is a different matter. This paper isn't published yet and all discussion is while keeping this in mind.

I haven't expressed my opinion yet, and in my opinion, their conclusion about it not being fortuitous was unnecessary, at the absence of specific proof. They risked their own otherwise seemingly valid piece of work with this statement. They should've left it to the media.
I got a feeling you have absolutely no background in science that's why you're blabbering like an idiot without understanding what is being said. Your whole argument is revolving around one point that the virus has similarities with the HIV virus. Well, NO ONE here is contesting against that FACT you clown ! Offcourse it has similarities with the HIV virus as well as the HCV virus ! That's EXACTLY the reason its responding to RIBAVIRIN and LOPINAVIR in the first place ! Get this through your thick skull azzwipe, its a VIRUS, and this is completely normal for it to mutate at this rate because it is an RNA virus not a DNA virus. RNA viruses mutate at a faster rate than a DNA virus because they are unstable ...like indians !
Errr... about that. The portions that were reported were 100% conserved. Meaning, those were found same across multiple variants and generations.
Thank you for such information. Many things are coming, more expansion = more learning
hat's EXACTLY the reason its responding to RIBAVIRIN and LOPINAVIR in the first place
Errr... Again no.

http://archcid.com/en/articles/13823.html , this is a study from 2017, way before current variant of this virus was found with HIV inserts.
Lopinavir; A Potent Drug against Coronavirus Infection: Insight from Molecular Docking Study

It essentially built upon the idea of inhibiting 3C like protease using HIV-1 protease inhibitor.


So, no, you are wrong because the reason Lopinavir is being used in china is not because they found inserts of HIV amino acids in the envelope of 2019 Coronavirus. It is because previous research on blocking 3C protease had shown promise for SARS.
Seems like it’s been practically all out war around here lately
Your whole argument is revolving around one point that the virus has similarities with the HIV virus.
Thats not the point actually.

The point is rather different. The 2019 Coronovirus showed 4 new subsequences of amino acid that are 100% conserved throughout variants and generations (even with mutations in genome). The authors of that work then searched those subsequnces using pBLAST in other virus protein databases and found them in HIV-1 for all four conserved sequences. It raises question of how they ALL got there. Was it some kind of inter-species recombination which are pretty rare or was it done by someone?

The study however is a pre-print and yet not peer reviewed, so its complete validity is not established.

That said, I did the pBLAST as well and atleast the results were what the authors claimed. Though I found another bit which makes me suspect the quality of their research.
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