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My Real life struggle against Dark forces of Evil


If it is how you have said, then my take on this,

Eggs on for steps, poop smell and rotten flesh smell is definitely by your aunt. She is throwing it on your door step with most likely some black magic stuff mantra on it. The crying sounds could be her playing recordings.

Again, just my thoughts.

I'm sorry for what you are going through, but you have to understand nothing is greater than Allah. So recite ayat ul Kursi every now and then. Concentrate on your plans upon arrival to united states, what will you do, how will you progress, studies, jobs etc etc. Don't let such things drag you down. American visa will come in due time, you can't let the hopes down for nothing.
Sound's like how my life/family going through. Today I was talking to my mate he also mentioned ruqiya. I would suggest also do wet cupping that helps a lot. It improved my health for some time but in my case, I have to do it monthly but I have not been going due to health and work issues. I would suggest buy a small tape and play surahs in the house. This is common among Azad Kashmir ppl - black magic. Yesterday my uncle told me that he is going to get someone to do sav/kitab on me to find what it is.

At least I got members here relating to me and we can chat and try to solve it.
1.marriage visa issues
2.job issues
3.health issues very bad
4.sibling fight
5. arguments with parents hardcore
6. bad energy - where you attract bad ppl to you.
7.timimng of your projects or things to do is against you something will happen and you will fail.
8.brain fog or I sometimes forget simple instructions given by someone.
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Also try to learn skill, I can help you in this regard, you will be able to earn six figures monthly
Kis scheme hai bhai, Humein bhi batao :-)

what you meant by impure? impure of faith or physically impure?
Mostly you will se those performing witch craft having really ugly appearance, They actually have to do the worst things one can imagine to be able to use bad jinns, Those who perform witch craft are not some lords of jinns or something, Rather they themselves are severely under the influence of bad jinns.

So, Keeping oneself in a state of smell and dirt increases your exposure to such.

As for Faith, Depends, There is a reason “Paaki aadha imaan hai” is a Hadith of Prophet SA


If it is how you have said, then my take on this,

Eggs on for steps, poop smell and rotten flesh smell is definitely by your aunt. She is throwing it on your door step with most likely some black magic stuff mantra on it. The crying sounds could be her playing recordings.

Again, just my thoughts.

I'm sorry for what you are going through, but you have to understand nothing is greater than Allah. So recite ayat ul Kursi every now and then. Concentrate on your plans upon arrival to united states, what will you do, how will you progress, studies, jobs etc etc. Don't let such things drag you down. American visa will come in due time, you can't let the hopes down for nothing.
Once upon a time, a neighbour out of jealousy did such, I took the CCTV, And next day they were on my foot, Apologizing in front of policemen.
You are definately with shayateen and evil magic.

You need to play Surah Baqra on a speaker in your house everyday and give sadqa. You will see a change very soon In Sha Allah
You are definately with shayateen and evil magic.

You need to play Surah Baqra on a speaker in your house everyday and give sadqa. You will see a change very soon In Sha Allah

As the poster above mentioned, Surah Baqra and sadqa are very powerful in removing malign influences and jinns etc.

I’d urge you not to start any wird or wazaif to solve your problem yourself. Allah has made Quran very powerful. Every Ayat and every Surah has muwakils, and if you start reciting that ayat or Surah as a wird or wazifa, you attract their attention. Without going into too much details, this isn’t something you want.

So before starting anything, seek permission from a Wali Allah. Stay away from amil, Bangali babay and their ilk. While there are many ways to identify a Wali Allah, one convenient way is money. If you go to someone with your problem, and they ask for money to solve your problem, you know you are in the wrong place. No matter how much they scare you about how bad your situation is and how they can help, don’t listen and walk away. A Wali Allah never asks for money, because they are helping you for the sake of Allah and only they can really help you.

I know several people have made suggestions above regarding whom you should see, so I am not going to add mine and confuse you more. Good luck and may Allah solve your problems. If you wish to talk more, feel free to message me privately.
Some of the weird but random things which we experience in our home over the years ..

1) sounds of walking/Steps on the stairs , specially in the night time ( 1 am - 5 am ) very frequent and clear to hear ..
2) Random stuff such as broken eggs , burned Paper often appear on our door step ..
3) Smell of Human Poop from various parts of our house, we have tried our best to find its source from fixing all the toilets to even changing the sewerage lines but that smells comes at intervals ..
4) Random knocks of Doors and windows , young babies startled and crying like crazy by looking at a particular spot .
5) Stones and pieces of marbles randomly falls from our roof, like someone throwing it, and house next to ours is empty and other side has no young kids , plus the structure of my house is in a way that you can't throw stones or eggs to my portion door step until unless you are in my roof stairs .

I wish it was that easy for me and my family ..

The signs u show are of magic or evil stuff. Basically jinns are used to do such stuff. Now i am a science guy myself but through life experience i have come to believe that such evil stuff exist n ppl exploit it. Its mentioned in Quran too. Some ppl here say why not do this or that, actually not everything can be done with magic but mostly bad stuff, waswaas in hearts, hatred for ppl, health issues, mental stress and it goes for few years n ull go crazy. I have experienced it.
Now to the point. You can beat all this very easily by having strong faith and praying regularly and alot. Actually prayer is the key to everything. Doing waddu, praying, reciting Qur'an, all regularly repluses the effect of magic. Try n mostly be in wadduu, when ur clean, magic doznt work. I heard ppl use animal or human poop and piss to unclean the place where the target person lives. This enhances the effect of the magic done.
I am a person who doznt believe in taweez n peers, n all kept telling me to go for it when i was at my worst, but i kept my belief only in Allah and it helped me alot. At one point every morning i would find weird writing on my hands, n i used to lock my room n sleep. There is one proscribed procedure though, with leaves of bair fruit tree. Search on internet and do that. But remember the more u pray and recite Quran the weaker the magic will get. Daily recite surah Rehman, Surah yaseen, Surah mulk and 4 qul.
It will also help if u move from the area,shift to some new place, if possible.
One night after isha prayers, recite ayat ul kursi in every corner of ur house and then see if those stair walking sounds n baby sounds still remain. When u pray fajar and do zikr of Allah names after fajar for half hour, no evil or magic can be around u for the day. its tough to pray regularly but once u get used to it, its easy and it will chang and brighten ur life. Good luck.

If it is how you have said, then my take on this,

Eggs on for steps, poop smell and rotten flesh smell is definitely by your aunt. She is throwing it on your door step with most likely some black magic stuff mantra on it. The crying sounds could be her playing recordings.

Again, just my thoughts.

I'm sorry for what you are going through, but you have to understand nothing is greater than Allah. So recite ayat ul Kursi every now and then. Concentrate on your plans upon arrival to united states, what will you do, how will you progress, studies, jobs etc etc. Don't let such things drag you down. American visa will come in due time, you can't let the hopes down for nothing.

You and anyone else who is responding here must have understand how desperate a person has to be to open up his family and personal life experiences on a place full of trolls .. I did the decision to make it because I know that the person whom i call my relative or Aunt is doing something on us for year, its just first time i heard her bragging about ..

her jealously and envy is quite visible when she and other aunts try to whisper in my father to not let his son marry a Christian white American .. from all sorts of insult to all the way to calling my wife a bhanggan is the height of her desperation , she first try to make my parents divorce and now she try the same tact with me , I know this for a fact now because all she did, used to say now it all make sense .

Currently I am desperate for changes in life, It would be amazing if i get something positive out of it, either someone who can help through spiritual way ( like a Wali or Aalim ) or someone who can find or help me find a Lawyer in USA ( cheap too ) cause I have been in contact with 2 lawyers who are asking for 5k $$ for filing a mandamus lawsuit , I am hoping for the best cause honestly I have nothing else to hold on to except hope from Allah.

Kis scheme hai bhai, Humein bhi batao

Don't feed the troll ..
Yaar I don't care about my life, I lost 30 years of my precious life years because of this shit show, if our lives are ruined than it means my Aunt wins over Allah and all the worship and recitation we as family did gone to vein ..
I try my best to keep a level head throughout the day in front of the person i hate the most, but when you hear them literally talking about doing things to you and you are so helpless to even do anything to counter it ..

Hazrat Ayyub AS suffered for 7 years and lost everyone and everything around him, his wealth, and his health as well. He never once lost faith in Allah swt.

Hazrat Hussain RA suffered betrayal, pain, suffering everything for standing up to the truth. He was killed in the desert without even a drop of water or to pray a final 2 rakat. He embraced it fully and never doubted Allah swt.

Numerous examples of Rasoolullah saws.

Your faith inside needs to aspire to be this rock-solid, then you will see the difference.
Hazrat Ayyub AS suffered for 7 years and lost everyone and everything around him, his wealth, and his health as well. He never once lost faith in Allah swt.

Hazrat Hussain RA suffered betrayal, pain, suffering everything for standing up to the truth. He was killed in the desert without even a drop of water or to pray a final 2 rakat. He embraced it fully and never doubted Allah swt.

Numerous examples of Rasoolullah saws.

Your faith inside needs to aspire to be this rock-solid, then you will see the difference.

Well put brother. :)
@Starlord sorry for the delayed response, had a hectic day. I went through some tough times. I believe in black magic but I always believed that people exaggerate and blame everything on black magic. My wife forced me to speak with a sheikh, he told me I had to change my lifestyle. I had to pray 5 times a day otherwise he could not help me. Any help otherwise would produce temporary results.

You have to pray 5 times a day. Morning and evening azkar (youtube). Recite ruqya everyday (youtube). Stay in wudhu as much as possible. Recite the following on water and drink daily for 30 days:

Surah Ikhlas, Naas and Falaq 7 times

Surah Rahman 1 time

Surah Taghabun 1 time

Last 2 verses of Surah Baqarah 7 times

Surah Fatiha 7 times
@Starlord sorry for the delayed response, had a hectic day. I went through some tough times. I believe in black magic but I always believed that people exaggerate and blame everything on black magic. My wife forced me to speak with a sheikh, he told me I had to change my lifestyle. I had to pray 5 times a day otherwise he could not help me. Any help otherwise would produce temporary results.

You have to pray 5 times a day. Morning and evening azkar (youtube). Recite ruqya everyday (youtube). Stay in wudhu as much as possible. Recite the following on water and drink daily for 30 days:

Surah Ikhlas, Naas and Falaq 7 times

Surah Rahman 1 time

Surah Taghabun 1 time

Last 2 verses of Surah Baqarah 7 times

Surah Fatiha 7 times

When you know, then you know.

Nothing but experience can make you believe in alim ul ghaib.

Allah swt chooses those among us to reveal the knowledge of this world. Afterwards nothing can be the same.

@Starlord Allah swt has chosen you. Allah swt only tests those whom he loves.

When Sahabah would not get tests, they would cry and think that they are hypocrites and Allah swt gave up on them.

How far have we fallen?
When you know, then you know.

Nothing but experience can make you believe in alim ul ghaib.

Allah swt chooses those among us to reveal the knowledge of this world. Afterwards nothing can be the same.

@Starlord Allah swt has chosen you. Allah swt only tests those whom he loves.

When Sahabah would not get tests, they would cry and think that they are hypocrites and Allah swt gave up on them.

How far have we fallen?
I look back now and regret that I wasted so much time, I hope and pray that Allah will forgive me.
Sound's like how my life/family going through. Today I was talking to my mate he also mentioned ruqiya. I would suggest also do wet cupping that helps a lot. It improved my health for some time but in my case, I have to do it monthly but I have not been going due to health and work issues. I would suggest buy a small tape and play surahs in the house. This is common among Azad Kashmir ppl - black magic. Yesterday my uncle told me that he is going to get someone to do sav/kitab on me to find what it is.

At least I got members here relating to me and we can chat and try to solve it.
1.marriage visa issues
2.job issues
3.health issues very bad
4.sibling fight
5. arguments with parents hardcore
6. bad energy - where you attract bad ppl to you.
7.timimng of your projects or things to do is against you something will happen and you will fail.
8.brain fog or I sometimes forget simple instructions given by someone.


I'm ready and willing to chat with you personally, let me know and I can get a Mod to facilitate transfer of phone numbers between each other.

They key to solving the issue is finding out the root cause and killing it of completely.

For example in my family it was my uncle, to the point when I got married in Pakistan we shunned him and didn't invite him or his family. Even under pressure from extended family saying, what will the town people think and other relatives it's a form of black mail desi families use equivalent to black magic in my eyes. Few who kept pushing me, I personally threw them out, I was in a give no shit mode that day.

My brothers and I, have a total communication black out between both houses and have only the family land left to divide; which honestly if it comes that's fine if not I'm not dying over it. But at no point we will talk and neither will our children know about them. I've gone to my grand parents grave and stood silently and not even prayed for them as they gave birth to that son of a bitch.

I'm sure at times you've felt like ending your life after suffering through this as I've thought of it myself as well. It not only mentally but also physically exhausts you. I've suffered a few health issues as well that required surgery and twice within 3 years as the issue occurred again, and this to between the ear and brain area. This was during the peak of Black Magic and before taking me to my surgery the 2nd time my parents fought the night before and during the trip to the medical facility, I was just praying God take my life during the operation because I've had enough of this. Just thinking about what went on while writing this wells me up with emotions few like us could understand.

It was also during these times, I was introduced to my wife who saw I wasn't praying or anything and uttered the words telling me, "Who do you think you are walking around and not praying, you think your someone big". I grew angry at her words, but I've had a revival in faith again, and started studying hadith and many other things. Its then when I came across the hadith, "If Allah wants to do good to somebody, He afflicts him with trials" - Imam Al-Bukhari. I'm at peace when I'm in sujud, it's the time I let my feelings out and leave the affairs to the lord for retribution.

While working out, or jogging I do listen to the Quran or lectures to educate myself more -- there are times I do slip, which is human nature, but I've so far stopped questioning Allah. If he's tested his Prophets and they had patience I believe we should as well.

When you know, then you know.

Nothing but experience can make you believe in alim ul ghaib.

Allah swt chooses those among us to reveal the knowledge of this world. Afterwards nothing can be the same.

@Starlord Allah swt has chosen you. Allah swt only tests those whom he loves.

When Sahabah would not get tests, they would cry and think that they are hypocrites and Allah swt gave up on them.

How far have we fallen?

True, when Prophet Muhammad didn't hear from Angel Jibreel for 6 months and no new revelations he was depressed and he thought Allah didn't want him as a Nabi and thus revealed Surah Ad-Duha.

I'm ready and willing to chat with you personally, let me know and I can get a Mod to facilitate transfer of phone numbers between each other.

I think you are on to something , @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @StormBreaker it would be good to have conference call over that issue , maybe we will be able share experiences together and help ?
but I think what we should do is to have a oath or commitment that whatever we talk about on that call will never be discussed on PDF or any other place without the consent of the person .

Quran, Surah An Nahl verse 97-100

"Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do."

:So when you recite the Qur'an, [first] seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the expelled [from His mercy]."

"Indeed, there is for him no authority over those who have believed and rely upon their Lord."

"His authority is only over those who take him as an ally and those who through him associate others with Allah ."

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