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My Poetry !!!!


Dec 18, 2006
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Well i am not a good poet, but still when i have nothing to do sometimes i write poems, most of them in English, i thought of sharing them with you!! :)

Here it goes:

~~Graceful Arrow~~

An arrow soaring gracefully,
Through the air so menacingly,
Piercing through the gusts of wind,
As it slowly began to decend.

Staring straight back at me,
An arrow soaring gracefully,
It struck fear into my heart,
I wanted so, to run and dart.

Diving aside, just in time,
I had evaded a hateful crime,
An arrow soaring gracefully,
Missed and flew right passed me.

Standing up, my mind disheveled,
Unaware of thy fate that leveled,
Until I was struck by an entity,
An arrow soaring gracefully.


Wilco if that was written by you YOU are really a genious. Please complie your poetry and print them.

Will definately buy the book.

Hmmm...thats real deep shyt man!
Still meditating about what you wrote...:coffee:

I'll post some of my own asap.
If you dont understand my silence you will never understand my words. Come on NEO out with your pearls of wisdom
Well i am not a good poet, but still when i have nothing to do sometimes i write poems, most of them in English, i thought of sharing them with you!! :)

Here it goes:

~~Graceful Arrow~~

An arrow soaring gracefully,
Through the air so menacingly,
Piercing through the gusts of wind,
As it slowly began to decend.

Staring straight back at me,
An arrow soaring gracefully,
It struck fear into my heart,
I wanted so, to run and dart.

Diving aside, just in time,
I had evaded a hateful crime,
An arrow soaring gracefully,
Missed and flew right passed me.

Standing up, my mind disheveled,
Unaware of thy fate that leveled,
Until I was struck by an entity,
An arrow soaring gracefully.


I liked it till the last part, where I didn't get it.

If it missed you, how did it strike you?

Arrows are usual metaphors for love, so I was thinking maybe it misses you and hits someone at the back. Tragic end ;). Your love falling for someone else.

I must say your a genius. Now when i call somebody a genius, i know him to some extent to claim it! ;)
Thank you guys.

here is another one:


Memories are both wound and balm

memories are both enemy and arm

Memories make us disturb and also keep us calm

Sometimes we flee from memories, & these are memories we want.

Memories guard us against anxiety & these are the memories that haunt.

Sometimes these memories tease

Sometimes make us feel at ease.

Sometime we lost in memories

At the same time we find our true self in these.

Memories are both killing & healing.

Memories are both treasure & torture.

Memories are both weakness & power.

Ah! Memories, Memories & Memories !!!


I love both Urdu and Persian poetry but alas have no talent for writing verses myself. My hat is off to you Sir! any creative talent is worthy of praise. Your poem on arrows reminds me of a very famous verse by Hafiz of Shiraz. ( No one wrote better ghazal than Hafiz!) It says in Farsi


Hadith e Taubah dareen bazamgah makun Hafiz
keh Saqian kaman e abroo -at zanand ba teer


loosely translated it means ' Oh Hafiz dont renew your "tauba' in this place of fun and indulgence. Because pretty bar maids hit you with arrows using the eye brows ( look that kills)'.

It implies that your repentence from sin is of no use as you wont be able to resist seductive looks of the pretty girls who fill your cup with wine.

Regretfully there is no word in English which describes "Tauaba' in the real sense.

My compliments to you again dear poet.
Another one :

~~The Gray Sunrise~~

Let me know, that I'm more than a wind
Tell me that you're going to be there
I wander, wander around, wishing for someone's presence,
Wishing for someone to stay with me awhile
'Cause the new day's here-- but I'm alone?

It's not a dream, that's for sure
Bet you're been living your own life, forgetting about me
While I whirl around you like a little planet,
So close to you, but I'm far, far from you
The days, that wound from long ago,
Carrying dust and eroding my shell away

It's like an annoying fog-- and you all just don't get it
But soon you will, soon I'll flip out again
Yes, you should ask me what's wrong
Yes, I'm a bit wanting (perhaps needing?) of attention
That's only 'cause I want to be loved,
Not that hard to understand
So don't leave me alone and bitter
But then one of you said-- I'm bringing this upon myself

You're right, as I'll say
You're so true, you knew exactly what was wrong...
Just let me break out, break out, break out of what I've
Been sealed in for so long......... Longer than you've known
I'll set myself free, fly above the gray clouds
Meet you all in the light
Being re-awakened is my goal right now!



I must say your a genius. Now when i call somebody a genius, i know him to some extent to claim it!
:D. Tnx webby.

Wilco if that was written by you YOU are really a genious. Please complie your poetry and print them.

Will definately buy the book.

Tnx Neutral, but in Pakistan not many like English poetry.

Hmmm...thats real deep shyt man!
Still meditating about what you wrote...

I'll post some of my own asap.

As Iqbal said, "poetry is always deep".

Arrows are usual metaphors for love, so I was thinking maybe it misses you and hits someone at the back. Tragic end . Your love falling for someone else.

I was hoping that you elaborate this posts.

Thanks. :D
WILCO post that one which once you posted for Someone there :)
Hope you remember that one.

i can only say.......u r just simply blessed:) !!!!
i dont know much about poetry.....(n m ashamed for it)

keep up the good work!:tup:
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