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My definition of secularism is simple, India first, Narendra Modi tells ove

He is a nationalist leader you can just listen to any of his speeches and tellthat. We truly need someone like him who can do some serious reform in our government and bring the economy back on track.
Our house maid said that mayawati belongs to BJP party and we vote for BJP :rofl: :rofl: :hitwall:
Your one sentence sums up why fringe parties with very little ideology remain dominant forces in Indian Politics.
In my area they would distribute country liqiour and ask people to press button in front of some symbol and there you go. Meanwhile an educated person would reach polling booth to find his name not being in the list or even better someone alrady having voted in his name.
Even if some people will try hard to believe that this was for propaganda, I still feel a little happy from inside, I think this is first time I'm hearing words like this from any politician in my life time.
Modi has rightly said that a person who think himself as Indian first is secular. :tup:
south asian men dont know how to drink.
first when they talk about alcohol they talk as if they are going to do something great and think its taboo.
second they think that having 1 glass of alcohol can give them any license to do anything.
third they dont know when to stop and when they say too much.
its just that they are not mature enough to have alcohol.
south asian men dont know how to drink.
first when they talk about alcohol they talk as if they are going to do something great and think its taboo.
second they think that having 1 glass of alcohol can give them any license to do anything.
third they dont know when to stop and when they say too much.
its just that they are not mature enough to have alcohol.

Go home priti you are drunk.

(you are posting in the wrong thread)
I am not so sure that I want Modi as PM. Anyways, he's unlikely to get the required numbers.
basically he found a way of palming off Hindutva idelogy without having to justify his communal credentials. and lots of people are jumping up and down like it's the revelation of the world.
basically he found a way of palming off Hindutva idelogy without having to justify his communal credentials. and lots of people are jumping up and down like it's the revelation of the world.

If saying Nation first is Hindutva, then Jai Hindutva, Hindutva Zindabad. No one should have a problem with it.
The more MODI speaks, the more I love this guy. I really hope the youth propel him to the forefront. Fuk Rahul

basically he found a way of palming off Hindutva idelogy without having to justify his communal credentials. and lots of people are jumping up and down like it's the revelation of the world.

Oh plz....but dynasty politics is fine by you for India? Get real buddy, dynasty politics means a failure of democracy. We are currently under a Banana Republic.
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