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My “conspiracy” theory and what China should do about it

My “conspiracy” theory and what China should do about it?

OK, we all know Libya is at verge of a civil war.

We know that democratic unrests from Egypt and Tunisia have been for a while.

My question is why? Particularly why Libya?

Russia openly accused Google yesterday for stirring up democratic unrest in Egypt, where the whole chain reaction started. Ruskies made a good point which I agree – why all of a sudden Egypt, though?

Egypt might be a poor country, but it is THE leader of the Arab world. The significance is that once Cairo is under fire, the whole Arab world would then tremble.

It is then no surprise that nearby Tunisia immediately followed. And Libya is right next door.

While Tunisia is probably as poor as Egypt, Libya is a total different society.

Libya has been THE richest country in Africa as far as my memory could go. Average Libyan are better educated than their counterparts in the region. Libya was even a richer country than South Korea and likes such as Portugal at 70’s , 80’s and early 90’s.

Libya is famed for 1 thing only: OIL! It is Top 10 world’s oil producer.

Now clever ones should click here : OIL! It rings any bell?

So here is my “conspiracy” theory:

Forced by sky high debt , unemployment, falling poll numbers near the 2012 election, with Afgan control rapidly failing, Obama establishment together with Neocons in the US, have been very eager logically to look for a new “front” - a new WAR and “free lunch”, namely oil. This makes Libya a top lucrative choice.

Libya is filled with oil yet with outdated soviet style defence industry. Thus CIA operatives in the region, in combination with “Democracy Trio” - Google, Twitter and Facebook (extra hints: anyone has ever thought about that why ALL global social network sites are located in the US? And why all of them are founded and owned by Jews? What a coincidence?! ) ignited the unrest in Egypt. They know full well that Tunisia and most importantly Libya would be soon to follow.

Then some anonymous mercenaries troopers, hired and/ or possbiely infiltrated by CIA operatives, could be bought to start attacking some civilians… then logically all foreigners would be scared trying to evacuate… the country in chaos…no western media inland… preferablely some US citizens would go “missing” in the next few days … --- ALL very “natural” during evacuation chaos --- his would create a perfect environment for CIA operatives and a perfect excuse for the following US invasion, or US –led NATO invasion. – Obama just announced yesterday that the “US is considering a whole host of actions” - another hint of imminent US invasion.

Once the colour of Libya is changed, US oil firms would own Libya’s oil after their “democratic” Libyan frontman “elected” as Libya’s new president, and possiblely a US military base at the South of the country… --- the same familiar tricks allover again.

Why South? It could then create a real threat to Sub-Sahara Chinese oil and mining interests in the nearby countries…Sudan springs to my mind…

I am almost convinced that this sudden “outbreak” of democracy movements in this highly sensible region was not an accidence, but a deliberate and coordinated economical and geopolitical attempt by the desperate Obama regime.

If the reality proves that I am right days or weeks later, then what move/s China should consider, NOW, to counter the US aggression against China’s national interests in Africa? Comments?

Your whole theory that Jews started the revolotuion is actually NOT TRUE!! Isreal knows that if Mubarak stay in power, then Egypt and Isreal will have peace and Isreal will continue to dominate the area. However, now it all changed, the Muslim Brotherhood might very well gain power and lead the country and it will be VERY dangeraous for Isreal.

So, Isreal-The jews actually want Egypt to remain under Mubarak's controll.

Now it all changed.

Also, US lost a lot of influence when Mubarak step down. Mubarak is pro US and always followed US, with the new government. Everything changes. They will not be pro US anymore. Also Saudi Araba is drifting away from US as well. The king of SA is shocked by US's reaction toward Egypt. The king STRONGLY SUPPORT Mubarak. Because the Kind of SA knows that he is next. Arabs too will revolt against him.
See, the US didn't actually care about Mubarak going. The army is still there. What's 1 dictator to them, they can be replaced by any other.

I'd disagree foreign trade doesn't mean prosperous and not tin pot dictator. Phillipines has plenty of foreign trade and the whole country is a slum. Same with Egypt. Libya just had oil to pay people off. Sudan is the key.

There may be a possible war between Egypt and Sudan soon.
Your whole theory that Jews started the revolotuion is actually NOT TRUE!! ..[/B][/U]

TX for the comment. You mis-intepretated me unfortunately.

My point was NOT to emphasise that Jews started this, if you could go thru the OP again.

I did , though, took a snipe of "democratic" global networking sites - all owned by US-based Jews . But that was not OP's main aim.

2 things you (and/or Below-freezing perhaps) need to get your head around nonetheless:

1. Jews of Israel and Jews of D.C. are TWO different political animals with different main agenda of their own (some could be very different), albeit they share some same goals such as the "unconditional support of Israel". So even I implied neo-liberal D.C. Jews in the OP, it could have nothing to do with Israel.

e.g. US Jew-controlled "Democratic Trio" were under direct order of US State Dept /Ms Clinton in this attack, I suspect, exactly as what they did in "Google Inccident" in China last year. However, this may have nothing whatsoever to do with leading Jew groups in Tel Aviv or in Antwerpen, etc.

2. It seems to me that one could say with a high degree of confidence, roughly put though, that history proves there'll be Revolutions (either 19th/20th century style Comminist Revolutions , 20th century style "Human Rights" Revolutions, or 21th century style Democratic Revolutions) and hence brutal blood shed for whatever causes, whereever and whenever Jew-controlled ideology is in high demand (Disclaimer: this comment is aiming at neither racial hatred nor anti-semitism per se, only a casual observation).
No, I don't believe that this is true. Actually, even when people are rich, I mean normal people, not lazy slobs like most Arabs, they do care about their country. When they see on the internet other countries far more advanced scientifically, and their own country backward, etc, they feel angry, and the target for their anger, naturally, is their dictator, who is the TOP man and whose picture is everywhere. Also, due to the food price increase, many poor people are having a hard time. And again, who do they blame? Their leader, who is always on TV. They cannot vote every 5 years to release this anger, so their anger grows on one side. On the other side is their fear of death or being arrested and tortured. When the anger is bigger than the fear, they go on protest. Now Gaddafi has ordered to shoot protestors, he has sealed his fate, he must go.

All the Muslim leaders had ordered soldiers not to fire against the people, maybe that was a factor in the defections of the fighter jets and soldiers joining the protestors. So Gaddafi does not have any religious backing.

The looting is unfortunate, but whenever there is a breakdown in law and order, looting always happens, its unfortunate, but it happened even in America, during Katrina, and also one time when the electricity went out.

The final reason is that people always want to have a say in the running of their own affairs. In Libya, only Gaddafi and his people were in power, and normal people had no chance to influence the direction of the country. So that also added to the anger.

The Tunisia and Egypt revolts made them confident that they, too, could be successful. And they will be successful.

In the end all these factors combined to make the revolution.
This thread is a barrel of laughs.
You got that right. I always say that there are two groups in America who wish they are as 1/100th as powerful and influential as people believe: the CIA and Fox News.
You are totally right Speeder 2. The actual Arab revolt and looting are instigated by CIA and the US war criminals in view of driving out China from oil rich Libya and Sudan. China has established economic links with these countries. US War Criminals and state president terrorist in an attempt to save the US economy want to militarily invade Sudan and Libya to drive the Chinese out and have a hand on oil reserve of Libya and Sudan. CIA and the US war criminals have been very active in all hotspots of the planet including Tibet, Uigur, Latin American countries, Arab countries and now Arab North African countries by directly and indirectly killing innocent civilians. The US war criminals are also responsible for indirectly starving to death and killing of women and children in Gaza, Cuba and North Korea.
Even though i am pro-China i am afraid i must disagree with the thread starter as to his theory. The protests in the Arab world are a direct manifestation of their people's desire to be free from dictators. Even in Iran there are protests. When the people in Arab made their protest they do so for their country's freedom, not for any other country else in the world. Of course, the US might manipulate this situation to their benefit, such as invading some Arab countries to restore order and choke oil off from China, but the USA should know unlike Iraq, the people have spoken in those countries that they reject a US puppet government.
Even though i am pro-China i am afraid i must disagree with the thread starter as to his theory. The protests in the Arab world are a direct manifestation of their people's desire to be free from dictators. Even in Iran there are protests. When the people in Arab made their protest they do so for their country's freedom, not for any other country else in the world. Of course, the US might manipulate this situation to their benefit, such as invading some Arab countries to restore order and choke oil off from China, but the USA should know unlike Iraq, the people have spoken in those countries that they reject a US puppet government.

I respect your view, though you still can't answer the key question raised that why much richer and relatively more educated and more free (Gaddafi is far better than his counterparts in his neibourhood) Libyan ppl want a WAR, while others in the far worse situations NO. Even in 1989's China, ppl there didn't want a CILVIL WAR, tribal or not.

On top of that, many contradictions:

why only Chinese "robbed"? Ans "robbed"of what? Fast noodles?

Why equally large amount of Vietnamese and other Asians there were not robbered if that was economcially, or racially or religiously motivated attack?

Why much richer large amount of Europeans or Americans were not robbed?

Why only CHinese oil field equipments being burned?

Why equally large Amercian and British oil fields are OKE?


The "armed attacks" by anonymous mercenaries were very weird because it was not ramdom shoorting or arson or sth, but specifically targeting at Chinese and China 's interests there, while those of other countries are intact.


Many many things just don't add up in Libya!
You got that right. I always say that there are two groups in America who wish they are as 1/100th as powerful and influential as people believe: the CIA and Fox News.

perhaps that was why you failed the Agent Exam, but only ended up as a soilder somewhere in Montana?
perhaps that was why you failed the Agent Exam, but only ended up as a soilder somewhere in Montana?
Every other month Iran managed to find a few CIA 'agents' lurking about the country. Now it is Libya. From the way people talk, the CIA has got to be the largest employer of 'agents' in the world. The American economy is in a mess because of how much money we spend on 'agents' and paying off citizens of other countries to do our bidding. By the way, I shook hands with a CIA agent once when The Cold War was in full. He gave a shiny chrome badge that clearly says: 'CIA Secret Agent Man'. So yes, I am a CIA agent.
I completely disagree with your assessment. Libya and Qaddafi in essence is entirely cooperative when it comes to distributing oil to the West especially Europe, and this unrest hurt Europe more than anyone. It's not just as simple a situation as installing a pliable puppet, Qaddafi is already a pliable leader to Europe and most recently America. There's just no need whatsoever to install a puppet regime. As to your theory of it containing China again and gaining a foothold in Africa that's highly flawed, since it's akin to building a tower of babel just to peer over your neighbours fence, makes no sense whatsoever. Also America can't afford to go to another war, and show their true colors yet again, they won't go to war with Libya, they might try to support a Libyan leader that is cooperative, only because to get the oil flowing again. So in the purest sense it's all about the economy. Oil has hit 112 a barrel, and inflation will get out of control. If the crisis spread to Saudi Arabia, it is game over for the world economy. Inflation for every nation, and with that we will see stagflation coming from lack of productivity and growth, the whole world economy heavily reliant on oil will grind to a halt. America if anything have exposed it's weakness by being over reliant on oil in the middle east and geopolitical events there, and because of their invasion of Iraq, a huge mistake which cause oil prices to spike from 30 all the way to over 100 a barrel, they still cannot guarantee their supply of oil at all, it's all about oil oil and oil, without that, the economy drops dead, any external event like Libya is equal to another huge dent to their economic recovery, and a resulting fall back to recession which will be game over. You think the riot in Egypt was bad, wait till you see what riots in America with gun ownership will look like. And about Sudan, The South of the country is entirely dependent on the North for oil refineries and transportation, and oil is no more than 10 years away from running dry, again no gains for America whatsoever to mess with Sudan. If you talk about the nuclear option America is facing it's nuclear option right now about the stable supply of oil in the middle east. Should Qaddafi and his supporters blow up the oil pipelines in his own country, then you will see massive inflationary spike across Europe and the USA, should America start a war with Iran, you will see their economy highly dependent on oil crumbles. It's not like they could just walk into a country and take over their oilfield. Iraq have shown that you can't just do that. If oil prices goes to over 150 a barrel, kiss the economy goodbye, and welcome the world wide revolution.
Every other month Iran managed to find a few CIA 'agents' lurking about the country. Now it is Libya. From the way people talk, the CIA has got to be the largest employer of 'agents' in the world. The American economy is in a mess because of how much money we spend on 'agents' and paying off citizens of other countries to do our bidding. By the way, I shook hands with a CIA agent once when The Cold War was in full. He gave a shiny chrome badge that clearly says: 'CIA Secret Agent Man'. So yes, I am a CIA agent.

CIA agents are mostly minimum wage contractors. It can easily hire around 5000-10000 people per major language group and probably triple that in English (with major targets being Chinese, Arabic and Russian) whose sole job is to use the internet to influence public opinion. Maybe 120,000 people employed by the CIA in "Strategic Communications".
One can't underestimate Libya people in general. They are rich on average!

They are not poor revolutinary commies.

Yes, Gaddafi is no Obama or Angela Merkel, he is corrupted, but almost all developing world leaders are corrupted one way or another, and mostly tribal / different families as well with high unemplyement. If that is right "recipe" for civil wars, then why the rest of the world is OK?? Why only Libya?

Libyans have no inbedded "must" to go for freedom, even on the expense of a WAR on top of their houses and cars.

heck, even poor and unemployed Tunisians and Egyptians didn't want that.

Futhermore, when people arm up , they don't go robbing 1000 people -sized Chinese living compund, because for

much less effort, they could have easily robbed half a dozen of banks in town.

Under total chaos, any armed robber doesn't need a high IQ to compare pros & cons of those 2 scenarios:

A/ Go for cash in banks ? , or

B/ go for fast noodles of a huge Chinese living compound ( think some possible "Jackie Chens" there) ?

Or even going for a supermarket is much wothier and easier! Flat TVs, gadgets, waterbeds, etc. etc.

EVEN IF Chinese were the Public Enemy #1 in the region, why the heck there was no anonymous

mercenaries robbing Chinese in Egypt and Tunisia when they were under chaos , and driving them out of their

living compund in such a scale as they did in Libya, for God's sake ? WHY?

And someone tells me the situations in Libya are natural, "because they want freedom" ...

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