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"My body is in exile but my soul is in Pakistan"

^ I agree, for MQM being against the Sardars and the Waderas, every Pakistan including myself (being a full blooded and True Muslim Pukhtoon and Pakistani) am also against that ...........BUT

what about all the black activities that MQM does? I swear I am not being biased, but please for your brother's sake research on these things as well :toast_sign: :smitten:
I think the point on which we all should think about is why we all want Altaf Hussain to resign as a chairman of his party? I mean it was he who formed MQM and his workers and supporters really love him. Now if we want him to resign b/c some people think that MQM is like a Nazi party etc. than we should not forget about the ‘Al-Zulfiqar’ wing of PPP. Sharif brothers have also hijacked PML(N) and they too are using voilence as a tactic to fulfill their demands, why only MQM? All the leaders should resign from their respective paty chairmanships.

well see other party leaders should also resign however, i don't recall PML(N) using violence if you have a link do provide....as for PPP well there leaders have been hung or shot so you can't make them resign!!

now the only thing in favour of leaders of PML(N) & PPP is that they at least stayed in the country and did there politics and kept there nationalities!!! and no one has ever thought of PPP as a terrorist nazi party with propaganda or PML(N) as a terrorist party....however, all such cases exist against MQM and its leaders!! in 1994 MQM leader altaf BHAI was sentenced to death however he had run away way before the judgment!!

change altaf and maybe just maybe MQM might look like a nice new party which has actually changed over time!! with him in power any words of CHANGED PARTY are jsut foolish....

well see other party leaders should also resign however, i don't recall PML(N) using violence if you have a link do provide....as for PPP well there leaders have been hung or shot so you can't make them resign!!

now the only thing in favour of leaders of PML(N) & PPP is that they at least stayed in the country and did there politics and kept there nationalities!!! and no one has ever thought of PPP as a terrorist nazi party with propaganda or PML(N) as a terrorist party....however, all such cases exist against MQM and its leaders!! in 1994 MQM leader altaf BHAI was sentenced to death however he had run away way before the judgment!!

change altaf and maybe just maybe MQM might look like a nice new party which has actually changed over time!! with him in power any words of CHANGED PARTY are jsut foolish....

Dont go far away see what tactics they used for the restoration of judges that forced Zardari to restore judges. Recall who attacked Supreme court?

In PPP it’s a monopoly of Bhutto family. Don’t you think there were people like Amin Faheem who were lot better than Zardaari and deserved to lead the party but Zardaari got the seat coz he is the Husband of BB.

Why cant we accept Altaf Hussain also? I mean he is also one of us. If he is trying to change shouldn’t we allow him to do so?
ok what tactics did the PML(N) use to restore judges...since when did long march become the same as 12TH MAY 2007!!!????

as for PPP well if it is a party of the bhuttos then i didn't see Mumtaz bhutto take over it did we...or ZULFIQAR JUNOIR take over did we.....Zardari by passed all and everyone hates zardari even the people in the party....rest assure that once zardari goes from power he is never coming back!!!

as for poor altaf BHAI being one of U and trying to CHANGE things....well i am sorry change of packing doesn't change the goods does it.....altaf BHAI is the guy who started bhatta system and is directly responsible for target killing and tortures of 1992 of Major.Kaleem....he is also the man behind 12th may 2007.....

change him bring in Mustafa Kamal and then we can talk about MQM being a reformed party.....mustafa kamal is from karachi lives in Pakistan works in karachi and has a pakistani nationality!! he is more representing of a PAKISTANI then a guy who has been living 20 years abroad and has a british passport and takes pictures with it proudly!! a guy who says pakistan was a mistake in INDIA....so yes we need Mustafa Kamal inorder to take MQM seriously and see it as a reformed party!!
1st of all, none was let to inter karachi, so stop lying. 2nd, why to register, when they don't want the aid from you guyz. what Additional burden? They were going to live with their relatives and work for karachi.. just to push their family forwards. Most of IDPs (around 60%) came to mardan, we didn't said hey 1st register then we will let you in. Some who went for the registration were looking for aid or don't had any means of income(infact we have only 6 lac registered IDPs while total number is 30 lac). IDPs are citizens of pakistan they don't need registration to go to some other city of Pakistan. & what happen, when government try to pressurize MQM, they start killing of the people in karachi. WTF

khi already has millions of Afghans "MILLIONS yeh" + bengalis + others these guys are not accounted for !! we have a major security issue all over the country ! These afghans pretend that they are Pakistanis and they have all sorts of criminal activities mainly herion and guns going behind the scenes forget police even the army has no guts to walk into their territory , Our youth is druged and forced towards a criminal path , What city in Pakistan has does so much for refugees ? and what we get is this !!?? and in my opinion Altaf or his grandad or any one has no right to stop a Pakistani entering pakistani territory he is asking to register , as we have huge number of foriegn terrorist in NWFP because of the same reason that the foriegnors were never accounted for ? so try and use your head if IDPS were not registered just how many terrorist would have walked in the city what do u see is so wrong with that ?i dont have to lie its the truth every one knows , i will advice u a trip just try your luck walking past any of these afghan bastis " and you will never be found again or may be you wil But than it will be too late because you will be a herion addict or a sucide bomber !!

Put the accomplishment wrt ur party,aside (we don't care) just tell me why what Altaf hussain says don't do? after all, how can someone leave the party when you will be killed after leaving the party. It will be suicide to get panga with the badmash, who didn't give up even after so big operation in karachi.

MQM having all the power and seats in PA and NA + local bodies never became a part of any govt ! Altaf said this for many years and proved it !!! just what party in Pak with seats stay in opposition ? all these TATU greedy morons if they win A seat will ripp apart no matter if its govt or civilians they stayed in opposition for years. FYI khis population is 18million try figure out how many zeros are there in 18 mill ! no one on the planet can BADMASHIFY that much of a crowd please try and put sensible comments next time !!

yes i call him coward..
Keep calling if it makes you happy !!!

1st of all i personally saw MQM boys asking for bhagta, i am neither choudhry, nor wader not even a millionaire. can you explain the party workers who leave the party get killed just after sometime? btw who is that famous boy who killed ASP in north nazmabad just because he arrested some boys of MQM? I will ask the name will ask you whether he is the MQM worker or not?

i dont know where u heard or saw that who leaves party gets killed you are talking absolute non sense here !! ok why dont you share your experience just what do you saw how were the MQM guys extorting this BHATA!? I have no idea about the ASP since you are so well informed about this murder of ASP why dont you enlighten all ?

for YOU GUYS MQM is the best.....good for you!!!

for the rest of us who know the TRUE FACE OF MQM....i am sorry MQM is a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION.....its a NAZI PARTY!! they use propaganda & terrorism to get things done!!

so you hold your opinon and we hold ours let's not argue if none of us are willing to discuss matters with an open mind!!

Helo Zob long time eh !! No MQM is not the best but there isnt no choice all were tried and tested Jamat , PPP, PML and others all failed miserably .... just look at past what these parties have done they have created world records in criminalisation , our country is in the top list of the criminals , MQM is the only option here because it works in the favour of people ,For eg he Ministers they are all from Middle or lower class they know the surroundings and understand the problems. We are having an open mind they did some wrong but the we the voters saw it open and clear under the circumstances and they didnt had any choice, now this is as clear as i could be , honestly i dont want to bring up the circumstances but if you or any one else wishes to we can openly discus that!
^ I agree, for MQM being against the Sardars and the Waderas, every Pakistan including myself (being a full blooded and True Muslim Pukhtoon and Pakistani) am also against that ...........BUT

what about all the black activities that MQM does? I swear I am not being biased, but please for your brother's sake research on these things as well :toast_sign: :smitten:

even if they do we suport them The sort of animals and criminals we have in khi and the no use and no good sind police being a party to the druglords and other gangsters has helped increased such activities ,only MQM has managd to counter them upto a certain extent! people were slaughtered in the name of shia /sunni MQM has managed to counter all those *** head mullahs and throw them out of the public sight. Slowly with the public confidence and trust they will finish this extremisom from their terrain , do you have the slightest idea how many young lads are on the road because of this herion and other drug addiction, These drug lords are so power full and well networked that they can littrally do any thing !

to your question why are they using those black methods!!? simply because they are dealing with the worst of mankind these animals are very well equiped with weapons and loaded with money ..... today these morons are giving a massive force like PA such a hard time in swat and other areas .. just who you think we are dealing with ... wake up please
ok what tactics did the PML(N) use to restore judges...since when did long march become the same as 12TH MAY 2007!!!????

as for PPP well if it is a party of the bhuttos then i didn't see Mumtaz bhutto take over it did we...or ZULFIQAR JUNOIR take over did we.....Zardari by passed all and everyone hates zardari even the people in the party....rest assure that once zardari goes from power he is never coming back!!!

as for poor altaf BHAI being one of U and trying to CHANGE things....well i am sorry change of packing doesn't change the goods does it.....altaf BHAI is the guy who started bhatta system and is directly responsible for target killing and tortures of 1992 of Major.Kaleem....he is also the man behind 12th may 2007.....

change him bring in Mustafa Kamal and then we can talk about MQM being a reformed party.....mustafa kamal is from karachi lives in Pakistan works in karachi and has a pakistani nationality!! he is more representing of a PAKISTANI then a guy who has been living 20 years abroad and has a british passport and takes pictures with it proudly!! a guy who says pakistan was a mistake in INDIA....so yes we need Mustafa Kamal inorder to take MQM seriously and see it as a reformed party!!

Present security and political scenario in pak is DOG EAT DOG , so we have got one as wel he is loyal and doing a good job.
Mustafa kamal or any one else if choosen will be dead and MQM ,its voters and supporters cant risk a leadeship crises we have all trust in Altaf. To deal with morons as we have in our country in every single so caled institutions you have to become one of them , he is right on their face and we luv him for that ... you carry on hating him !! Again Pak mistake was said under a different context you dont have much to say except the same repeated lines i.e major kalim and pak mistake !!!!!!!!!!!!
ok what tactics did the PML(N) use to restore judges...since when did long march become the same as 12TH MAY 2007!!!????

as for PPP well if it is a party of the bhuttos then i didn't see Mumtaz bhutto take over it did we...or ZULFIQAR JUNOIR take over did we.....Zardari by passed all and everyone hates zardari even the people in the party....rest assure that once zardari goes from power he is never coming back!!!

as for poor altaf BHAI being one of U and trying to CHANGE things....well i am sorry change of packing doesn't change the goods does it.....altaf BHAI is the guy who started bhatta system and is directly responsible for target killing and tortures of 1992 of Major.Kaleem....he is also the man behind 12th may 2007.....

change him bring in Mustafa Kamal and then we can talk about MQM being a reformed party.....mustafa kamal is from karachi lives in Pakistan works in karachi and has a pakistani nationality!! he is more representing of a PAKISTANI then a guy who has been living 20 years abroad and has a british passport and takes pictures with it proudly!! a guy who says pakistan was a mistake in INDIA....so yes we need Mustafa Kamal inorder to take MQM seriously and see it as a reformed party!!

MQM's leaders were acquitted in major kaleem case
new leader means a new face & a new approach in the party!!!

I agree with your opinion and I would like to see MQM quitting its terrorist squad but change in leadership would NOT mean change in blue-prints. Only a limited deviation from their current mindset could be expected. Who lives how long and who dies first is with God but if Altaf Hussein dies, some similar person would replace him.
i dont know where u heard or saw that who leaves party gets killed you are talking absolute non sense here !! ok why dont you share your experience just what do you saw how were the MQM guys extorting this BHATA!? I have no idea about the ASP since you are so well informed about this murder of ASP why dont you enlighten all ?

Bhagta stories :P : When i came to pakistan i was looking for the Job, then i got job in karachi (from Nov 2005 to Feb 2007), i initially spend some time in Nazmabad with my relatives, their i saw some boys were knocking door to door, i ask my relative what they are doing, he said they are MQM workers asking bhagta in the name of Altaf Hussain, i asked why he didn't come to your house? he replied that they take bhagta from the people who owns. Then i moved to Defence View, didn't see them again.. I learnt that this area belong to religion group so thats why MQM worker don't come here. after long time in ramzan, i saw some boys were talking to some fruit walla, but then run away.. I went to that fruit walla and was purchasing some fruits just inquiry them who were they. He said they are Mqm worker asking for money but then some Tableeghi jamati were coming out of the mosque so they run away.

Check this out, two mahajir who were opposite to each other still accepted both facts about bhagta & killing of their own people

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