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Mutant wheat found growing in US fallow field


Mar 19, 2013
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A patch of wheat found growing in fallow field in Oregon, USA, has sent tremors across the world with some East Asian countries cancelling wheat import orders from the US, and the 27 member European Union to raise testing levels for US imports.

The reason is that the wheat patch was found to be a genetically modified variety developed and tested by biotech giant Monsanto between 1999 and 2001 in the state. Monsanto later withdrew its application to market the modified wheat. So, what has sprouted in the 125-acre farm is an illegal variety.

Once the US department of agriculture confirmed on Wednesday that the wheat was of the Monsanto GM variety, there was swift international reaction from countries that depend on US wheat imports. Fearing a public backlash against unapproved genetically modified wheat being imported and sold in their domestic markets, Japan and South Korea cancelled parts of wheat orders from US, the European Union advised its 27 members to increase testing of wheat imports, and China and Philippines announced that they were watching the situation, waiting for investigations.

World trade of wheat is about 143 million tons of which Asian imports make up about 40 million tons, bulk of which comes from the US. Other countries that import wheat from US include Mexico, Egypt and Nigeria. Under President Obama there has been a concerted effort to push US wheat exports which consume 50 percent of US output. This year the world wheat output is expected to be about 701 million tons, a record.

In Europe, all genetically modified food crops are prohibited. In other countries there is considerable public skepticism about such crops. In the US, most of corn, soya, canola and alfalfa crops use GM seeds. But most of the production of these crops goes for animal feed. Monsanto's attempt to introduce GM wheat was abandoned in 2005 after the company found that the consumers were wary of it.

The unidentified Oregon farmer had last sown his wheat crop in 2011 winter and harvested it in 2012. He was planning to leave his farm unplanted for a year. Finding some wheat plants sprouting on the bare field he sprayed them with Roundup, a Monsanto weedicide. To his surprise, the wheat plants survived the lethal glyphosate spray which kills everything except the genetically modified 'Roundup Ready' variety of GM wheat.

The farmer consulted with the Oregon State University, which analysed the plants and found that they were Monsanto's GM wheat plants gone rogue. Later the USDA confirmed this finding.

"We are taking this situation very seriously and have launched a formal investigation," said Michael Firko, acting deputy administrator for USDA's regulatory wing in a statement. "Our first priority is to as quickly as possible determine the circumstances and extent of the situation and how it happened.

In a statement posted on its website, Monsanto said that they were cooperating with the USDA investigation.

"The company's internal assessments suggest that neither seed left in the soil or wheat pollen flow serve as a reasonable explanation behind this reported detection at this time" the statement said.

Mutant wheat found growing in US fallow field - The Times of India
the US government looks like very secretive about these tests and experiments, there seem to be a lot hush hush various experiments on humans going on. be aware american citizens, next we will know a mutant american humans evolving into the planet earth which may well be zombies lol
To think India's govt shoves this down ppl's throats.Monsanto gets away with this **** in 3rd world nations because of corruption and easy to bribe ppl.

125,000 Indian farmers have committed suicides in the past decade. There is one suicide every eight hours in India. The transition to using the latest pest-resistant seeds and the necessary herbicides has been difficult. Farmers have used genetically modified seeds promoted by Cargill and Monsanto hoping for greater yields. Resulting debts from such gambles with genetically modified seeds have led some farmers into the equivalent of indentured servitude. More than 125,000 farmers have committed suicide, due to mounting debt caused by the poor yields, increased need for pesticides, and the higher cost of the Bt cotton seed sold by Monsanto. Traditionally we use ORGANIC REUSABLE seeds to planting GENETICALLY MODIFIED STERILE CARCINOGENIC NON-ORGANIC seeds. The Gati Sharad Pawar helped Monsanto to kill our farmers with GM seeds. Suicides are due to the ruthless drive to use India as a testing ground for genetically modified crops helped by the antinational politicians like Manmohan, Sonia Sharad pawar etc who should be tried for genocide of Indians.

Monsanto puts small farmers of India out of Business. Indian farmers committed suicides after GMO crop failures. Monsanto products pollute the entire poor nations including India with their rougue research. Monsanto block all Indian government regulations by bribing one and all. Monsanto was found guilty of false advertising and scientific FRAUD. GMO rrops do not increase yields and damage our envirounment. We should not allow any multinationals in to our agriculture. No GMO labeling laws in USA and we should avoid all US food products. There is a total lack of adequate FDA / USDA safety testing. Bovine growth hormone rBGH in milk products. Monsanto controls US soy market and Indians should avoid all soy items. It is found that Monsanto's GMO foods cause new food allergies. India has now transformed as a vassel state of multinationals. Our medical colleges becomes donation collages that produces fake doctors and hospitals have become business centres.

ICRISAT IS DOING CANCEROUS RESEARCH IN INDIA in the outskirts of Hyderabad. Employees and residents of the area are having cancer after living in that area. It is so easy to do what these criminalised Western co want in India after bribing our corrupt b@stards like Sharad pawar that the public should kill our politicians once they reach the age of 60 along with their whole families.

Try convincing our Government who thried throwing these seed down the throat of Indians saying they are safe. Meanwhile India is closely looking at europe and Japan to see how they react because they dont have any clue as to what is happening as already many monsanto variety of seeds are being sold without proper testing.
Mutant wheat found growing in US fallow field

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...nd-growing-us-fallow-field.html#ixzz2V2DYTCU3

How it is related to Indian defence? @mods please move this thread.

Are you serious? Food Security is National Defence Issue.....make no mistake about it

Mods plz consider this, wars that have been fought always relied on starving ther enemy. The destruction of crops while not thru war is still a huge threat that can cause massive instability in a nation like India.
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Are you serious? Food Security is National Defence Issue.....make no mistake about it

Mods plz consider this, wars that have been fought always relied on starving ther enemy. The destruction of crops while not thru war is still a huge threat that can cause massive instability in a nation like India.

:rofl: good one!!!
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