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Mutant one-eyed cow worshipped 'as a GOD' by stunned locals after 'miracle' birth


Dec 6, 2018
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Mutant one-eyed cow worshipped 'as a GOD' by stunned locals after 'miracle' birth

7 Jan 2019 | https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/we...ow-worshipped-miracle-God-bizarre-India-video

A DEFORMED cow that has been born with one huge eye is being worshipped as the reincarnation of a God.

Bizarre footage has emerged of the calf which has sent a town into frenzy.

In the clip, the mammal can be seen with one large eye in the middle of its face.

It does not appear to have a nose and the calf can be heard struggling to breathe.

The footage was captured in West Bengal, India.

Locals say the animal was rejected by its mother but locals have stepped in to care for it.

Some witnesses have gone one step further, with sources claiming it is being worshipped as a God.

A source said: "Ever since the calf was born, the people have crowded to see the bizarre calf.


MUTANT: A cow has been born in India with one eye and no nose (Pic: SWNS)

"They are now considering it to be a miracle of God and have started worshipping it.

"The cow had been discarded by its mother and the women are feeding the cow.

"The people think that worshipping the cow is going to bring luck and prosperity to the family of whoever worships it."


'MIRACLE': The calf has been worshipped by locals as a 'miracle of God' (Pic: SWNS)

But there is a different explanation for this.

The calf has cyclopia, a rare congenital disorder that can occur in both humans and animals.

It develops in the womb when the left and right hemispheres of the brain do not separate as they are meant to early in the pregnancy.

This leads to the creation of a single central cavity with one eye, or sometimes partially fused or separate eyeballs.

There is also a complete absence of eyelashes and eyelids are absent.

The nose is also deformed, as in this calf, with an underdeveloped upper jaw.

Creatures with the condition are normally stillborn or die shortly after due to breathing and brain problems.

This is not the first time mutant animals have been found recently.

A two-headed calf was born alive in China last month.

While a water creature with no eyes left locals in Argentina stunned.
if you had one eye do you still get 3d vision

nvm found the answer

Strictly speaking, seeing in 3D requires both eyes. However, depth can be sensed with one eye as most cues to depth are monocular, that is occurring to one eye. ... Having true depth perception requires that you have two images (two eyes) that your brain uses to give you stereopsis (3D vision).


It does not appear to have a nose and the calf can be heard struggling to breathe.

how is it breathing

how is it breathing

stupid question.. mouth
I think Indian hindus will be first to start worshipping dajjal once he arrives
I think Indian hindus will be first to start worshipping dajjal once he arrives

It's already everywhere, plus One Eye or the psychological notion of "One Eye" has been imbued firmly in the common masses, through a lot of sources among which the most powerful is media. And anyway, who cares for truth? Below, is perhaps the most realistic image of Dajjal (False Messiah).
View media item 17807
It's already everywhere, plus One Eye or the psychological notion of "One Eye" has been imbued firmly in the common masses, through a lot of sources among which the most powerful is media. And anyway, who cares for truth? Below, is perhaps the most realistic image of Dajjal (False Messiah).
View media item 17807

The hair type isn't correct, neither is the skin type or the eyes. Piercings? lol.....Looks a lot more Arab than what he's portrayed like in the Hadiths. He's also supposed to be well built & stout. This guy looks like average height or tall from facial structure & neck type.

He probably might not also have a beard...
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only indians are supa samrt enough to worship a beast!
Dajjal worshippers are in every community.
Let it be known that half of the Christians/Jews will not fall into the tricks of Dajjal. They will be on the side of the Muslims.
Let it be known that half of the Christians/Jews will not fall into the tricks of Dajjal. They will be on the side of the Muslims.

Majority will be on the side of Dajjal & those that don't won't be able to side with anyone but trying to save themselves...

It'll be a world where even fellow Muslims won't be able to help out other Muslims so don't expect any help from others.

Edit: made some correction to make it more comprehensible
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