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Mutant one-eyed cow worshipped 'as a GOD' by stunned locals after 'miracle' birth

fools are everywhere .

This can be seen in an another way. Had this happened somewhere else in villages believing superstitious, the calf would have been declared a saitan and some Maulvi or padri would ordered it to be killed and save man kind. Those who believes killing innocent animal or man is an act of bravery would have finished it off by now. Both are the cases of superstitious but people reacts differently depending on culture and value system.
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This can be seen in an another way. Had this happened somewhere else in villages believing superstitious, the calf would have been declared a saitan and some Maulvi or padri would ordered it to be killed and save man kind. Those who believes killing innocent animal or man is an act of bravery would have finished it off by now. Both are the cases of superstitious but people reacts differently depending on culture and value system.
That's true,
Extreme religious things result in bloodshed
if you had one eye do you still get 3d vision
Having 3rd eye is not same as having 3

Majority will be on the side of Dajjal & those that don't won't be able to side with anyone but trying to save themselves...

It'll be a world where even fellow Muslims won't be able to help out other Muslims so don't expect any help from others.

Edit: made some correction to make it more comprehensible
So if majority of world sides with Muslims then Muslims are siding with Dajkal ?

Let it be known that half of the Christians/Jews will not fall into the tricks of Dajjal. They will be on the side of the Muslims.
So how do you know tgat muslims are not siding with dajjal? Its all superstitious belief that every religion has inclduong islam. In Hindu they talk about kaliyug. You guys have mahdi and Dajjal. Christians talk about messiah . So on and so forth. Fact is that no one can prove existence of all this. all faith. But no more. So what you say is as true what the opposite side says. However what you choose to believe could be diametrically opposite . Just let's not ridicule other people's beliefs as right or wrong. It could be that your beliefs are also wrong
So how do you know tgat muslims are not siding with dajjal?

Because those of weak faith, whether Muslim or not will follow him.

Its all superstitious belief that every religion has inclduong islam.

That's what you think buddy. Have you ever read the Quran or the Hadith? How can I explain them to you?

It's like going back to the 10th century and telling people that Computers will exist in the future or that flight is possible. You & I know that it'll happen because we have knowledge & education of it but for the person who're illiterate in these matters, everything will seem superstitious.

A much modern example is the Flat Earth Theory, any well read person can debunk it. You & I know that the Earth is round because of the many scientific facts known/read by us. But consider the person who hasn't even read 1st grade science?

That's you when talking about Islam. You don't know it's Physics, Chemistry or Biology. So you'll consider it out of the realm of possibility. When you have read the Quran with interpretation & the thousands upon thousands of the books of Hadith (don't have to read all of them). Then you'll know what I'm talking about & we can discuss the matter. :)
That's true,
Extreme religious things result in bloodshed
That's true,
Extreme religious things result in bloodshed

That is partly true. There are religions who are totalitarian which has one book, one prophet and one god. Anything outside that is not acceptable. In India, we do have millions of gods and thousands of religious books. People choose them according to their requirements. We have families in which every members worship different god or one guy worships different gods at different time. When we were students , we used to pray goddess Saraswati for knowledge and intellect. We used to pray Lord Hanuman for strength and so on. So it is theoretically impossible for Hindus to be fundamentalist because the basic material to be fundamental and radical in absence in Hinduism. That is why you won't see genocide name on the religion in Hinduism.
So how do you know tgat muslims are not siding with dajjal? Its all superstitious belief that every religion has inclduong islam. In Hindu they talk about kaliyug. You guys have mahdi and Dajjal. Christians talk about messiah . So on and so forth. Fact is that no one can prove existence of all this. all faith. But no more. So what you say is as true what the opposite side says. However what you choose to believe could be diametrically opposite . Just let's not ridicule other people's beliefs as right or wrong. It could be that your beliefs are also wrong
Simple Nadhariyyat ma’rifiyyat Islamiyyat (Islamic science of knowledge). You have to know the concept of Yaqeen al-Ghayb (Knowledge of the Unseen). The Tahwid(Belief in one God), Mala'ikah (Angels), Kitabain (Holy Books), Anbiya (Prophets), Yawm al Qiyamah (Judgement Day), Qadar (Fate).

Believing in the coming Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (False Messiah) requires faith within at least 4 of the mentioned concepts. Not believing in one invalidates Muslim faith, but not prevents one from entering Jannah (Paradise), Inshallah (God Willing).
Because those of weak faith, whether Muslim or not will follow him.

That's what you think buddy. Have you ever read the Quran or the Hadith? How can I explain them to you?

It's like going back to the 10th century and telling people that Computers will exist in the future or that flight is possible. You & I know that it'll happen because we have knowledge & education of it but for the person who're illiterate in these matters, everything will seem superstitious.

A much modern example is the Flat Earth Theory, any well read person can debunk it. You & I know that the Earth is round because of the many scientific facts known/read by us. But consider the person who hasn't even read 1st grade science?

That's you when talking about Islam. You don't know it's Physics, Chemistry or Biology. So you'll consider it out of the realm of possibility. When you have read the Quran with interpretation & thnds upon thousands of the books of Hadith (don't have to read all of them). Then you'll know what I'm talking about & we can discuss the matter. :)
Brother, I would only say that concepts of Dajjal are there in all religions .
I really want to know how to question without hurting religious people's feelings.
If I understand you correct, you are saying that concepts in Islam is true but we are unable to understand it?
So we just follow it and if we have questions listen to interpretation From those who study Quran?
Will they accept if I strongly disagree and refute?
These are matters of faith . It doesn't matter if it's logical or right or wrong . You believe what you do . And this may sometimes lead to conflict.
E.g. listen to Zakir Naik.. he pretends to listen to your question but gives such nonsense comparisons and assumptions for answers that frankly I lose my respect for someone who doesn't bother about insulting people's intelligence.
Anyways, I need to read hadith Quran and see how it compares with Hindu texts.

What? Who said that? Reread my posts again if you don't understand them bruh.
I am using inference. You said that majority will side with dajjal. So if majority are Muslims then it means that the side which has a majority is the side with dajjal. But never mind, I don't intend to question the spirit in which u said. It's good.

your confusing me what i meant is that you need two eyes to see in 3d but the cow has one eye so it cant see in 3d.
My bad.. sorry

Simple Nadhariyyat ma’rifiyyat Islamiyyat (Islamic science of knowledge). You have to know the concept of Yaqeen al-Ghayb (Knowledge of the Unseen). The Tahwid(Belief in one God), Mala'ikah (Angels), Kitabain (Holy Books), Anbiya (Prophets), Yawm al Qiyamah (Judgement Day), Qadar (Fate).

Believing in the coming Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (False Messiah) requires faith within at least 4 of the mentioned concepts. Not believing in one invalidates Muslim faith, but not prevents one from entering Jannah (Paradise), Inshallah (God Willing).
Hmm. Ok.. matters of faith
Brother, I would only say that concepts of Dajjal are there in all religions .

Yes that's because every prophet that ever came on Earth (126,000 according to the books of Hadith & the Quran) warned his people about the Dajjal. Obviously the message got diluted over time but the motif is still there in a lot of religions.

But yea, if you study the Quran & the Hadith, especially the different books, you'll see what I'm talking about.
Yes that's because every prophet that ever came on Earth (126,000 according to the books of Hadith & the Quran) warned his people about the Dajjal. Obviously the message got diluted over time but the motif is still there in a lot of religions.

But yea, if you study the Quran & the Hadith, especially the different books, you'll see what I'm talking about.
I disagree with the concept that prophets warned of dajjal. Its just how societies deal with good and evil or what is acceptable or unacceptable behaviour. Hinduism talks about kaliyug where we are in now.
Let us just appreciate what there various religions have to offer. Ultimately religions just try to organize societies by introducing some ethics and morality that is relevant .
Thanks for your posts though.
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