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Mustafa Kamal is launched by MQM it self.

Altaf Hussain Chnd Din K Mehmaan Hain - Doctors Predictions about Altaf Hussain

Season of conspiracy theories has started, and which nation in the world has more appetite for it then us Pakistanis.

So here is another one which crept into my mind and there are solid reasons for it to be true.

Due to Altaf hussain's health conditions the minus altaf formula seems to be reality in another 6 to 8 months.

This hippopotamus due to his illness will die his own death and there is no need to make him siasi shaheeed.

So what will happen once altaf is dead, why is he not nominating any one at this time for MQM leadership.

The reason is that he has lost faith in each and every one in MQM.

He and his cronies in London have no idea who is with them and who is not.

The only grip Atlaf and London has is on the Indian and south African setup of target killers.

Activities of this setup are very well taken care and curtailed by rangers and army.

Now comes a very interesting point.

As famously quoted by Chohaan once that MQM has two factions,

One target killers and then other who come and try to calm things as pain killers.

Pain killers are going to join Mustafa, qaimkhani and ishrat in leading MQM out of the mess.

They will not create any party, its just that they are building a momentum for the next 6 to 8 months.

MQM's Karachi establishment ( pain killers ) have decided to get rid of London's control over MQM.

If you notice Mustafa didn't name any one other then altaf,

Even after repeated insistence by some anchor's he didn't criticized a single pain killer.

As this all is setup by the MQM it self from within.

Now once they will take over MQM they will ask for NRO type thing for all the target killers as hinted by kamal yesterday.

By only targeting Altaf all the blame will be put on him like Raw, killings, bhatta and all other MQM dirty work

All others involved with him in all these crimes are to be bailed out on the pretext of reconciliation and mending MQM.

This will give breathing space to pain killers as target killers will be forced to think of abandoning the setup.

In the end it will be another NRO to set free those who killed hundred and thousands of people in Karachi.

My question is we know they are killers agents enemy of state we should ban them sometimes u have to out of law to do better for country law sometimed handcuffs right things which should be done
For me it is all part of the big game, don't know and don't want to know who is behind all this but as long as Altaf is kept away and quite Pakistan till his demise, Zardari is kept out of country till he suffers a massive heart attack or his son finally gets him out of the way and ganjaz are kept busy with domestic political situations where they keep loosing their hold ...................... I am all happy.

I don't believe every Urdu Speaking Pakistani likes and wants Altaf, I am sure it was all his thuggish hold that had them held hostage for ages, as soon as this animal breathes his last breath we will see how people change and show their genuine feelings. The new face be it Kamal or Sattar as long as they don't follow that pig's footsteps I believe we will see unity and peace again.

And all those target killers, whether Raw agents or South Africa group they need to be killed no exceptions no mercy.
No urdu speaking likes altaf. They make us like him at gun point
you may be right but imho , the orders came from somewhere in the Islamabad, PTI on its own is not enough to take over PPP and the feudals --- hence you pullout the bigger guns ----

With Uzair Baloch on the scene and his statements you wrap up the PPP leadership from the interior , area surrounding Badin is already in the hands of Zulfiqar Mirza ----a strong and stable alternative would be required to replace Sa'een in 2018 elections, so here we have Re Launch of MQM ---- the saviours of Urdu Speaking
Season of conspiracy theories has started, and which nation in the world has more appetite for it then us Pakistanis.

So here is another one which crept into my mind and there are solid reasons for it to be true.

Due to Altaf hussain's health conditions the minus altaf formula seems to be reality in another 6 to 8 months.

This hippopotamus due to his illness will die his own death and there is no need to make him siasi shaheeed.

So what will happen once altaf is dead, why is he not nominating any one at this time for MQM leadership.

The reason is that he has lost faith in each and every one in MQM.

He and his cronies in London have no idea who is with them and who is not.

The only grip Atlaf and London has is on the Indian and south African setup of target killers.

Activities of this setup are very well taken care and curtailed by rangers and army.

Now comes a very interesting point.

As famously quoted by Chohaan once that MQM has two factions,

One target killers and then other who come and try to calm things as pain killers.

Pain killers are going to join Mustafa, qaimkhani and ishrat in leading MQM out of the mess.

They will not create any party, its just that they are building a momentum for the next 6 to 8 months.

MQM's Karachi establishment ( pain killers ) have decided to get rid of London's control over MQM.

If you notice Mustafa didn't name any one other then altaf,

Even after repeated insistence by some anchor's he didn't criticized a single pain killer.

As this all is setup by the MQM it self from within.

Now once they will take over MQM they will ask for NRO type thing for all the target killers as hinted by kamal yesterday.

By only targeting Altaf all the blame will be put on him like Raw, killings, bhatta and all other MQM dirty work

All others involved with him in all these crimes are to be bailed out on the pretext of reconciliation and mending MQM.

This will give breathing space to pain killers as target killers will be forced to think of abandoning the setup.

In the end it will be another NRO to set free those who killed hundred and thousands of people in Karachi.

the saviours of Urdu Speaking
Sir did you really think they are saviors of Urdu speaking aka Mohajirs ? in Punjab nearly 60% people are Mohajir but they have no issues even they dominated each and every thing and we don't have problem with this also because they deserves that. Why only Mohajirs of Karachi have problem ?
what do you guys think MQM supporters are being fooled in hands of the top members of MQM or they are smart enough to understand all the games?

They are made less fool yet themselves are blind and can't see even everything is happening in front of them. Most of the MQM supporters are made over-confident by continue brain-wash and ill feed. The fool will remain fool and the clever-fox will live as long as these fools are there.

In case, even if, for the sake of arguments, agencies would be baking every single person whosoever reveals the truth and confess the wrong doing of Anti-Pakistan elements within Pakistan and outside so to me, they should back him up and make sure his security until & unless the purpose for confessions is not served then after this guy along with Anees Qaimkhani have to face justice for allegations against them as well as their involvement in past but in no way, should be forgiven these 2 or MQM nor anyone affiliated with.
Agencies are not angels themselves nor do they bring in angels into the play. There are hard realities of Karachi politics and everyone has a skeleton in his closet. They want a change and a shakeup. MQM now understand they do not require militant wing to do its politics. Militant wing was need of Altaf to remain relevant. The insecurities of past have settled for now. Urdu speakers are dominant force in Karachi. I think MQM will slowly progress to civility and the process of Justice might not be so abrupt otherwise there may not be many people left in MQM.
strange times. cynicism is no longer out of the ordinary but the norm.
not one person as of yet has said that maybe, just maybe, there are no hands backing this and that MK and AQ came back of their own accord to clean their conscience and give back to their city?
In case, even if, for the sake of arguments, agencies would be baking every single person whosoever reveals the truth and confess the wrong doing of Anti-Pakistan elements within Pakistan and outside so to me, they should back him up and make sure his security until & unless the purpose for confessions is not served then after this guy along with Anees Qaimkhani have to face justice for allegations against them as well as their involvement in past but in no way, should be forgiven these 2 or MQM nor anyone affiliated with.

I second it.
Before setting a case against anyone, Altaf should be put on trial. Judiciary system has to play its part here. Nai? Since the guy came up on the camera and confessed all the crimes and if still there's no action against him. I feel like it's an insult of Pakistan.
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