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[Must read] “Pakistan believes I am pro-India. Yes, I am" Abdullah Abdullah


Jan 20, 2013
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Great read "Impressions from Kabul" here, excerpts below:

“Pakistan believes I am pro-India. Yes, I am and there are reasons for every Afghan to be pro-India.” This is how Dr Abdullah Abdullah, Chief Executive Officer of the Afghanistan’s Unity Government begins his talks after formally greeting the Pakistani delegation of Afghanistan-Pakistan Track 1.5/2 Dialogue at his palatial office in the heart of Kabul.

For the visiting Pakistani delegates, Dr Abdullah’s comments were not unusual. Their interactions with senior media persons, members of civil society, cabinet ministers and political elites had made them realise that the only issue on which all Afghans are united is ‘hatred for Pakistan’.

Any Afghan you meet in Kabul will tell you — “Pakistan is imposing Taliban on us”.

But, personally, this unprecedented hike in anti-Pakistan sentiment among the Kabulis is quite alarming. This level of mistrust and hatred was never witnessed during the previous visits to Afghan capital.


While further commenting on the popular perception in Pakistan that he is heading a pro-Indian lobby in Afghan capital, he said, “Those [Taliban] coming from Pakistan are killing innocent Afghans, imposing their ideologies and destabilising the legitimate Afghan government…”

Afghan President Dr Ashraf Ghani echoed the same sentiments while addressing the participants of the Heart of Asia Conference in Islamabad just days after our meeting with Dr Abdullah. “There had been considerable uncertainty whether Pakistan would truly acknowledge a sovereign Afghan state with its legitimate government and constitution,” said Dr Ghani, while sharing the chair of the conference with Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.


“We praise Pakistan for what? For sending terrorists, killing innocent Afghans and destabilising legitimate regimes?” he added. “And the Afghans feel that Pakistan is still working on the agenda of bringing Taliban to rule Kabul.”
Please be pro Pakistan or Pakistan will cease to exist. Lol

It is time Pakistan deal with Afghanistan not as a brother but as a neighbor that is effected by Afghan mess. Afghanistan provide safe haven to Afghan and Indian terrorists such as BLA, RAW, TTP, etc who create troubles in Pakistan.







Amount of aid aND economic assistance Pakistan has provided to Afghanistan.
Still some of them are just ungrateful bunch.
Don't want to rain on your parade but here is truth about Pakistani projects.

Rehman Baba High School Kabul which was 97% completed in 2013 but not operational as yet; Nishtar Kidney Center in Jalalabad, completed in 2010 but was not handed over to Afghan government due to lack of medical equipment; Jinnah Hospital in Kabul 85% completed in 2013; Naib Ameen-Ullah Logri Hospital in Lugar 70% completed in 2013, and Torkham -Jalalabad road.

Pakistan funded development projects in Afghanistan virtually abandoned | News Lens Pakistan
Well as a member of the Northern Alliance, he does represent the Indian segment of Afghan society.
Don't want to rain on your parade but here is truth about Pakistani projects.

Rehman Baba High School Kabul which was 97% completed in 2013 but not operational as yet; Nishtar Kidney Center in Jalalabad, completed in 2010 but was not handed over to Afghan government due to lack of medical equipment; Jinnah Hospital in Kabul 85% completed in 2013; Naib Ameen-Ullah Logri Hospital in Lugar 70% completed in 2013, and Torkham -Jalalabad road.

Pakistan funded development projects in Afghanistan virtually abandoned | News Lens Pakistan

97% 85%

Stop being such r3t@Rd out of mere hatred.

Pakistan has not taken these projects out of Afghanistan, they are still in there.
Almost every pakistani here still cheers for Taliban, whose leadership pakistan shelters in Quetta.

The same person then wonders, why are the people Taliban will hang from poles, force behind veils, shoot in football fields, make to wear yellow bands despise pakistan?

Its so innocent and cute.
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