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'Must-dos' to bag a great job


Jul 19, 2009
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'Must-dos' to bag a great job


In the modern corporate society, the fate of a job-seeker does not depend only upon his skill and his technical/verbal/mental abilities. Presentation and attitude play a vital role in deciding whether the person sitting on the other side of the table can really be recruited or not.

A truly smart job-seeker, before a long-awaited interview, is careful about details like formal attire, information about the company and the job he is applying for. But not everyone is so smart.

Here are some mind boggling incidents on how some "not-so-smart" job-seekers blew up their chance to get the job they were trying very hard for.​
Be professional, please


Your first impression can make or break your chance of getting the job but some 'not-so-smart' applicants don't understand the concept of dressing up formally. Some ultra-cool candidates arrived for an interview in T-shirts and jeans.

One job hopeful arrived at his interview displaying a hairy chest, medallion, strong cologne and a wad of gum in his mouth.

Now, what is worse? The applicant who wore a housecoat and slippers or the one who wore his slippers with a bathing suit and T-shirt?But even the "so-called-smart" and impeccably dressed candidates can appear very unprofessional.​
Misbehaviour at its peak - absolute no-no


You must be there on time and put your best foot forward. Be graceful and well behaved. Do not keep checking the time in your wrist watch as if you were bored of the process. One applicant asked the hiring manager to 'speed things up' so that he could catch a bus.

But the weirdest story came from a hiring manager who said, "One applicant said the company had a black aura and left." Now this kind of an attitude will not get you a job, ever!​
Nervous breakdown is in the making


Some degree of anxiety is normal - even beneficial at an interview. But according to some hiring managers, a few candidates take nervousness to the extreme.

They fumble, giggle, babble, and some even forget the job they apply for! Some wet themselves, and some faint in the reception lobby!​
Greed is the ultimate evil, BEWARE


Employee benefits are important to you and to every job seeker but asking the benefits in the initial contact is not recommended. 'Not-so-smart' job seekers are very impatient to know about salary, time off, vacations and raise such questions even before they are offered the job.

Other, more audacious candidates complain about the working hours, and some even ask, "How soon can I have your office?

"Desperate measures work only in movies.Some candidates just go across and offer interviewer gifts, money etc. Yes, we know you want the job, but wowing the interviewer with your skills and qualifications is much more effective than outright bribery.​
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