Could you stop pushing an Israeli agenda everywhere you go? Bringing it up everywhere doesn't make your arguments seem any better, and all it does is feed the narrative that says Israelis want to push their agenda everywhere. It's counterproductive for your own cause.
I'm not an Israeli. I realize pushing this causes you stress. But it's hard to argue that if Israel was accepted that wouldn't be a huge blow to terrorism everywhere, yes?
Come on, be honest - you can't, in any way, demonstrate that all Israeli actions are legal. Some of them may be, but then that's a logical fallacy. Some actions being legal doesn't make them all legal, and especially not the clearly illegal ones.
My comment was indeterminate so your objection is a red herring.
I never expected the fanatics to listen to reason - what I did intend to do is stop people from becoming fanatics in the first place. If people are exposed to arguments against fanaticism before they are brainwashed, they will be a lot less likely to fall into that trap.
Important, yet you can't always count on people learning the right stuff the first time. You have to concentrate on changing minds, teaching the importance of unlearning and relearning. Doing so will open minds and of itself help reduce fanaticism.
Of course, doing so requires decreasing or eliminating the
hubris inculcated into Muslims for generations - that Muslms have rights/are right because they are Muslim, not because of what they do/didn't do, facts, etc. It's this factor that's much more difficult to deal with than anything else. Charlie Henbo, the Twin Towers, the success of Jews free of Muslim domination, these are all blows to some Muslims' pride and that's what drives them to kill and others to condone/apologize for their acts.
The UN diplomats won't create an army of brainwashed murderers if left alone for a while - they'd probably kill themselves with paper cuts before they can reach that position.
On the contrary, UNRWA has followed a terror-building agenda for generations; it's just that men like yourself will yourselves not to acknowledge this. You don't get that by legitimizing injustice against a minority you've legitimized it at home, too, since anybody can be cut out from the crowd and labelled a minority. Why bother traveling to Israel and serving a terror group there when you can establish your own at home and seek to lord over "enemies" you really hate because you see they have wronged you?