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Muslims in Indian economy: interview with Dr. Omar Khalidi


Nov 14, 2007
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Dr. Omar Khalidi is the author of well-researched book 'Muslims in Indian Economy.' This book is a study of conditions of Muslims at all levels of economic ladder and from Muslim dynasties to the post-independent India. Editor of TwoCircles.net Kashif-ul-Huda interviewed him recently about Muslims in Indian economy from past to present.

TCN: What was the status of Muslims under 'Muslim-ruled' India?

OK: At that time Muslims were divided into three groups economically. One was the family of the ruler or the ruling dynasty members at the top of the pyramid. After that was the group consisting of courtiers, landlords, and jagirdars etc. This second group had most wealth, they had land ownership and other resources. The third group at the bottom is where majority of Muslims were. These were peasants, craftsmen, lower rungs of soldiers. So in other words just because Muslims dynasties were ruling does not mean that all Muslims were prosperous.

TCN: Did general Muslims benefit in anyway under these Muslim dynasties that would have encouraged people to convert to Islam?

OK: No, they did not benefit directly. They had to work as hard as anyone else. They were not privileged group during the so called Muslim rule of India. Even when people converted to Islam they remained economically were they were, there was no upward mobility. As a result of their conversion they did acquire social mobility because curse of untouchability was lifted. Disabilities arising as being part of Hindu caste system was no longer relevant. But it did not mean an upward economic mobility.

TCN: What was the effect of introduction of English under company raj on Muslims?

OK: Most of the Muslim members of the elite did not take English education as fast as upper caste Hindus did. As a result, the were left behind in the path of modernization that lead to greater prosperity to the upper caste Hindus. Muslims could not progress because they were reluctant to acquire modern scientific education. Muslims being part of the old nobility wanted all the benefits and the British have no reason to please them. As a result Muslim elites did not accept English education and they were left behind.

TCN: After independence of India, the fewer number of Muslim officers in the bureaucracy was reduced as a result of a large number of them migrating to Pakistan. How much of this migration was due to idealogical reason and how much was economic or other reasons?

OK: After the formation of Pakistan, those who went there initially were top most officials who were in the top most positions of bureaucracy, military and so forth. They thought Pakistan was a land of opportunity. Even then it was not quite sudden, often younger brothers went and older brothers or parents remained behind. So migration was gradual and it was not uniform everywhere. Migration happened mostly in UP, Bihar and obviously Punjab and surrounding areas of Pakistani borders. Bhopal and areas south to that was less affected by migration to Pakistan. Hyderabad was affected after Operation Polo of September 1948. Lot of Bombay businessmen moved because they saw better opportunity in Pakistan because Pakistan did not have much of an industry. So flow of migration was uneven.

TCN: How much discrimination or lack of education should be blamed for lower representation of Muslims in government services?

OK: I believe that primarily it is the lack of modern scientific education. India is still a very poor country with fewer opportunity. We have to see that India is poor and Muslims are less educated, therefore Muslims are less able to compete.

There are geographic differences as well. India is not uniform and Muslims in India are not uniform. Most well off Muslims in India are in Tamilnadu comparable to upper caste Hindus. But if you go to the eastern UP and Bihar, then the Muslim condition is comparable to Dalits. So, we have to see India in segments, an all India picture can be very misleading.

With regards to discrimination, yes it exists but it is subtle and hard to establish in courts. But discrimination in of itself does not explain Muslims lower representation.

TCN: What are your recommendations for improving Muslims socio-economic condition?

OK: My strongest recommendation is for the government to open good schools on a massive way in Muslim concentration areas. If the primary education is strengthened then it will enable Muslims to compete successfully with the rest of the nation in acquiring high paying modern jobs. In other words, problem must be attacked at the root and root is education at the primary level.

Muslim private organizations can supplement the efforts of the government. They can not establish a parallel system of education, that's not possible and that's not right either. As taxpayers, we are entitled to educational advancement at the expense of the state. Muslim organizations can play a supplementary role to advance it further.
Muslims in Indian economy: interview with Dr. Omar Khalidi | Indian Muslims
This Dr.Omar Khalidi is probably one of those people who is so rich that he doesn't see poor people around him. Indians(Hindus) must accept the fact that they cant lie to the world. Muslims in India are in a very bad condition. Now their are no doubt many rich Muslims in India but the fact remain that many of the are poor and the Hindu Government Burecracy is very bias towards them. Now as far as the part about Pakistan being the promised land for Muslims I would like to say it definitely is. When a British journalist questioned the Quaid-I-Azam whether the Muslims would be poor in this Pakistan or rich. He said that the Muslims are a very lean and hardy people, if Pakistan means that they will have to work a bit harder they will not complain. For Muslims Pakistan was a place where they would be in a majority, Pakistan did not mean that the Muslims would be rich. And we all know the attempts which were made by India to strangle us at birth. India refused to give Pakistan its rightful share of assets, but still we have overcome those differences.
This Dr.Omar Khalidi is probably one of those people who is so rich that he doesn't see poor people around him.

Dr. Omar Khalidi is the author of well-researched book 'Muslims in Indian Economy.' This book is a study of conditions of Muslims at all levels of economic ladder and from Muslim dynasties to the post-independent India.

Indians(Hindus) must accept the fact that they cant lie to the world. Muslims in India are in a very bad condition. Now their are no doubt many rich Muslims in India but the fact remain that many of the are poor and the Hindu Government Burecracy is very bias towards them.

See India is not Hindu.. I am a Sikh.. I am an Indian.. so there you go..

Now as far as the part about Pakistan being the promised land for Muslims I would like to say it definitely is. When a British journalist questioned the Quaid-I-Azam whether the Muslims would be poor in this Pakistan or rich. He said that the Muslims are a very lean and hardy people, if Pakistan means that they will have to work a bit harder they will not complain. For Muslims Pakistan was a place where they would be in a majority, Pakistan did not mean that the Muslims would be rich.

yeah Pakistan is the promised Land..
But in the present political turmoil is it still is??

And we all know the attempts which were made by India to strangle us at birth. India refused to give Pakistan its rightful share of assets, but still we have overcome those differences.

In spite of the Pakistani aggression in Kashmir, Gandhiji fasted to compel the government of India to release an amount of Rs. 55 crores due to Pakistan.
The Assasination of Gandhi
Now I know that India has many people of many religions, but you have to look at the facts that India is controlled by Hindus. The Hindus are a very aggressive group of people. You mustn't forget the fact how Sikhs were massacred by Hindus after the assissnation of Ms.Gandhi.

Muslims in Pakistan are no doubt better off then Muslims in India. despite our political turmoil we know that it is better than living in India.

As far These Rs. 55 cores are concerned, I would just like to say thats it. At the time of independence India had 1 billion sterling-pounds in its account and we only got this much.

Pakistan commited no agression in Kashmire, the Kashmiris wanted us to come their. YOu mustn't forget the India agression on Pakistani territories. Jundagh had formally signed the letter of accession to Pakistan but India annexed it from us, Hyderabad was also on the verge of doing the same but again India annexed it. Hyderabad even filed a complain with the United Nations and till date it is pending. India also used agression when they annexed Goa. If India is the democracy you say it is then why didn't it accept the wishes of the people.
Now I know that India has many people of many religions, but you have to look at the facts that India is controlled by Hindus. The Hindus are a very aggressive group of people. You mustn't forget the fact how Sikhs were massacred by Hindus after the assissnation of Ms.Gandhi.

Muslims in Pakistan are no doubt better off then Muslims in India. despite our political turmoil we know that it is better than living in India.

As far These Rs. 55 cores are concerned, I would just like to say thats it. At the time of independence India had 1 billion sterling-pounds in its account and we only got this much.

Pakistan commited no agression in Kashmire, the Kashmiris wanted us to come their. YOu mustn't forget the India agression on Pakistani territories. Jundagh had formally signed the letter of accession to Pakistan but India annexed it from us, Hyderabad was also on the verge of doing the same but again India annexed it. Hyderabad even filed a complain with the United Nations and till date it is pending. India also used agression when they annexed Goa. If India is the democracy you say it is then why didn't it accept the wishes of the people.

There are answers to all your questions just read the threads in all the forums.
But I thought you were damn serious about Economy ?
Now I know that India has many people of many religions, but you have to look at the facts that India is controlled by Hindus. The Hindus are a very aggressive group of people. You mustn't forget the fact how Sikhs were massacred by Hindus after the assissnation of Ms.Gandhi.

Well I can tell you the number of sikhs killed in Delhi was bad, but the revenge killings of over 50,000 Hindus by Sikhs was infinitely worse.. :hitwall:

Muslims in Pakistan are no doubt better off then Muslims in India. despite our political turmoil we know that it is better than living in India.

I agree and disagree..
The Pakistani Muslims belong/belonged to the top layer of the Muslim society...
the Muslims in India are/were on an average from lower strata...

though IMO Choora Mussalman in India and Pakistan has similar fate in both places..

As far These Rs. 55 cores are concerned, I would just like to say thats it. At the time of independence India had 1 billion sterling-pounds in its account and we only got this much.

Dunno..but imaging the hate b/w the 2.. giving 55 crores was also unjustified.. made political sense not giving, ethical dunno..:smokin:

Pakistan commited no agression in Kashmire, the Kashmiris wanted us to come their. YOu mustn't forget the India agression on Pakistani territories. Jundagh had formally signed the letter of accession to Pakistan but India annexed it from us, Hyderabad was also on the verge of doing the same but again India annexed it. Hyderabad even filed a complain with the United Nations and till date it is pending. India also used agression when they annexed Goa. If India is the democracy you say it is then why didn't it accept the wishes of the people.

I don't have the will or time to fight this out in a Pakistan or India forum.. in a neutral perhaps.. :enjoy:
Now I know that India has many people of many religions, but you have to look at the facts that India is controlled by Hindus.

Our prime minister is a Sikh, the UPA chair person is a Christian and our X-president is a Muslim.

You mustn't forget the fact how Sikhs were massacred by Hindus after the assissnation of Ms.Gandhi.
Why should Hindus kill Sikhs? Speak with a logic. Those were not Hindus but Congress fanatics who could not think beyond their party affiliation.

Muslims in Pakistan are no doubt better off then Muslims in India. despite our political turmoil we know that it is better than living in India.

Ofcourse better with the Lal Masjid fanatics and succide bombers. :woot:

Pakistan commited no agression in Kashmire, the Kashmiris wanted us to come their.

Could you please show me the invitation.

Jundagh had formally signed the letter of accession to Pakistan but India annexed it from us, Hyderabad was also on the verge of doing the same but again India annexed it. Hyderabad even filed a complain with the United Nations and till date it is pending. India also used agression when they annexed Goa. If India is the democracy you say it is then why didn't it accept the wishes of the people.
Yes, we did due to the compulsions of the geography of these lands.
Dr. Omar Khalidi is the author of well-researched book 'Muslims in Indian Economy.' This book is a study of conditions of Muslims at all levels of economic ladder and from Muslim dynasties to the post-independent India. Editor of TwoCircles.net Kashif-ul-Huda interviewed him recently about Muslims in Indian economy from past to present.

TCN: What was the status of Muslims under 'Muslim-ruled' India?

OK: At that time Muslims were divided into three groups economically. One was the family of the ruler or the ruling dynasty members at the top of the pyramid. After that was the group consisting of courtiers, landlords, and jagirdars etc. This second group had most wealth, they had land ownership and other resources. The third group at the bottom is where majority of Muslims were. These were peasants, craftsmen, lower rungs of soldiers. So in other words just because Muslims dynasties were ruling does not mean that all Muslims were prosperous.

That's the way all societies work, especially capitalist ones. The majority of Christians in America would be in this third group for example.

TCN: Did general Muslims benefit in anyway under these Muslim dynasties that would have encouraged people to convert to Islam?

OK: No, they did not benefit directly. They had to work as hard as anyone else. They were not privileged group during the so called Muslim rule of India. Even when people converted to Islam they remained economically were they were, there was no upward mobility. As a result of their conversion they did acquire social mobility because curse of untouchability was lifted. Disabilities arising as being part of Hindu caste system was no longer relevant. But it did not mean an upward economic mobility.

This I can agree with :enjoy:

TCN: What was the effect of introduction of English under company raj on Muslims?

OK: Most of the Muslim members of the elite did not take English education as fast as upper caste Hindus did. As a result, the were left behind in the path of modernization that lead to greater prosperity to the upper caste Hindus. Muslims could not progress because they were reluctant to acquire modern scientific education. Muslims being part of the old nobility wanted all the benefits and the British have no reason to please them. As a result Muslim elites did not accept English education and they were left behind.

So this is where he claims Muslims started to "lag" behind in Bharat. :rofl: The guy is off his head! He's saying the elites of Bharati Muslims did not learn English as fast as the upper caste Bharati Hindus! Let's assume this was the case, the question is, SO WHAT? Elite Muslims formed perhaps 4% of Bharati society, the upper caste Hindus perhaps another 7%. Total of 11% of Bharati society would have had this stratification, What happened to the other 89% of Bharati society? One can quite safely say that neither the Hindus, nor the Muslims were educated (apart from perhaps the upper castes and elites of the Muslims) to any degree whatsoever, since education in British India came to an all time low of 11%. This would have meant that only the elites of each group got an education!. Now if hes suggesting that this is the reason for the Muslims lagging behind currently in Bharat, it would need mathematical impossibilities to overcome the plain fact that total literacy in British Bharat was only 11%. The answer is noone, outside of the elites were educated. So this cannot explain why the majority of Hindus today have a better access to jobs than the majority of Muslims.

TCN: After independence of India, the fewer number of Muslim officers in the bureaucracy was reduced as a result of a large number of them migrating to Pakistan. How much of this migration was due to idealogical reason and how much was economic or other reasons?

OK: After the formation of Pakistan, those who went there initially were top most officials who were in the top most positions of bureaucracy, military and so forth. They thought Pakistan was a land of opportunity. Even then it was not quite sudden, often younger brothers went and older brothers or parents remained behind. So migration was gradual and it was not uniform everywhere. Migration happened mostly in UP, Bihar and obviously Punjab and surrounding areas of Pakistani borders. Bhopal and areas south to that was less affected by migration to Pakistan. Hyderabad was affected after Operation Polo of September 1948. Lot of Bombay businessmen moved because they saw better opportunity in Pakistan because Pakistan did not have much of an industry. So flow of migration was uneven.


TCN: How much discrimination or lack of education should be blamed for lower representation of Muslims in government services?

OK: I believe that primarily it is the lack of modern scientific education. India is still a very poor country with fewer opportunity. We have to see that India is poor and Muslims are less educated, therefore Muslims are less able to compete.

This doesn't explain why Muslims are less educated. His theory of the Muslim elites being slower to take up English than upper caste hindus, even if true, is a non starter, since this is only a minority of society.

There are geographic differences as well. India is not uniform and Muslims in India are not uniform. Most well off Muslims in India are in Tamilnadu comparable to upper caste Hindus. But if you go to the eastern UP and Bihar, then the Muslim condition is comparable to Dalits. So, we have to see India in segments, an all India picture can be very misleading.

With regards to discrimination, yes it exists but it is subtle and hard to establish in courts. But discrimination in of itself does not explain Muslims lower representation.

Then what does explain Muslim lower representation?

TCN: What are your recommendations for improving Muslims socio-economic condition?

OK: My strongest recommendation is for the government to open good schools on a massive way in Muslim concentration areas. If the primary education is strengthened then it will enable Muslims to compete successfully with the rest of the nation in acquiring high paying modern jobs. In other words, problem must be attacked at the root and root is education at the primary level.

Well that's true. Muslims aren't given the same access to educational facilities as Hindus, which is why they end up going to madrassas.
The Indians can say what they want but the fact still remains Muslims lag behind in all aspects of Indian society, not because they are poor or uneducated but because the Hindu Burecracy doesn't give them the opportunity to succeed. Those few minorities who make it to the top are just mere puppets.
The Indians can say what they want but the fact still remains Muslims lag behind in all aspects of Indian society, not because they are poor or uneducated but because the Hindu Burecracy doesn't give them the opportunity to succeed. Those few minorities who make it to the top are just mere puppets.

In that case why is Pakistan lagging behind India in terms of Literacy and Education ?
In that case why is Pakistan lagging behind India in terms of Literacy and Education ?

First of all we are a smaller country then India. We have less resources then you guys. And from the time of our birth their have constantly been attempts to strangle us. At the time of independence we did not get equal share of assets. Then for the next 60 years we were in a state of war. Soon after independence India cut off our water supply which only after much negotiations we got a piece of it back. When we got past that the world broke us up in two pieces. Then we had the Soviet-Afghan war and now this so called War on Terror. You mustn't forget that their was a time where we had a better economy then India. But nonetheless we are not where I would want us to be.
First of all we are a smaller country then India. We have less resources then you guys. And from the time of our birth their have constantly been attempts to strangle us. At the time of independence we did not get equal share of assets. Then for the next 60 years we were in a state of war. Soon after independence India cut off our water supply which only after much negotiations we got a piece of it back. When we got past that the world broke us up in two pieces. Then we had the Soviet-Afghan war and now this so called War on Terror. You mustn't forget that their was a time where we had a better economy then India. But nonetheless we are not where I would want us to be.

I doubt if your answer ever convinced you problems are deeper than this its true over all the subcontinent and most of developing countries.
In that case why is Pakistan lagging behind India in terms of Literacy and Education ?

the comparison is between the plight of Muslims in India and that of Pakistanis.

And its an open secret that Indian Muslims are in bad bad conditions there similarly we Pakistan is much much better in education than the Indian Muslims.
Now I know that India has many people of many religions, but you have to look at the facts that India is controlled by Hindus. The Hindus are a very aggressive group of people. You mustn't forget the fact how Sikhs were massacred by Hindus after the assissnation of Ms.Gandhi.

Hindus are controlling India is a good laugh.

The PM is a Sikh, the real power behind the throne is an Italian Roman Catholic origin Indian and the real power behind the economic planning is Montek Singh, a Sikh!

Interesting isn't it that even after "Sikhs were massacred by the Hindus", the country has given its Fate and Destiny to the Sikhs?
the comparison is between the plight of Muslims in India and that of Pakistanis.

And its an open secret that Indian Muslims are in bad bad conditions there similarly we Pakistan is much much better in education than the Indian Muslims.

Guess why it is so, if indeed it is so?!
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