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Muslims fear rising tide of Hindu nationalism in Modi’s India


Oct 14, 2014
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Since India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power last year, the country's Muslims have expressed growing concerns about a spate of inflammatory statements made by Hindu nationalist leaders and activists.

[Read: Why a rising star of Muslim politics in India stirs hope and fear]

Some of the recent flash points:

The hanging of Yakub Memon

Last month, India hanged Yakub Memon, a Muslim accountant convicted of helping plan bombings in 1993 in Mumbai that killed 257 people. Many critics, including the Muslim lawmaker Asaduddin Owaisi, opposed the execution saying that there were other non-Muslim convicts waiting in the death row that were given clemency. More than 15,000 Muslims joined Memon’s funeral procession in Mumbai.

A call to increase birth rates to 'protect Hindu religion'

Sakshi Maharaj, a lawmaker from the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), said that Hindu women must have at least four children each to keep up with the growth in the population of Muslims in India. "The concept of four wives and 40 children will not work in India and the time has come when a Hindu woman must produce at least four children in order to protect Hindu religion," Maharaj said. Muslim account for about 14 percent of India's more than 1.2 billion people.

The beef ban in Maharashtra

The BJP government in the western state of Maharashtra banned the sale of beef because the cow is worshipped as a holy animal by many Hindus. Muslims dominate the meat industry in many parts of the country. “This is a political decision,” said Mohammed Aqil Qureshi, president of the Buffalo Traders Welfare Association in New Delhi. “They want to gratify the Hindus and harass the Muslims.” There have been calls for a national beef ban as well.

Protesters from the student wing of a Hindu nationalist group stage a rally. (AP)
The drive to convert Muslims, Christians to Hinduism

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (or the World Hindu Council, which is associated Modi’s party) launched a program called “Gharwapsi” (or Homecoming) to urge India’s Muslims and Christians to convert to Hinduism, which they said was the religion of their ancestors. The controversial debate began in December 2014 when more than 50 impoverished Muslim families in a slum in the northern city of Agra attended a simple ceremony at which they were asked by a Hindu priest to chant and throw offerings into the holy fire in front of some Hindu idols.

Celebrating Godse, the man who killed Mahatma Gandhi

In December 2014, Maharaj again fueled anger when he called the assassin of India’s revered freedom leader Mahatma Gandhi a “patriot.” Gandhi was killed by Nathuram Godse, a firebrand Hindu activist who accused Gandhi of being very tolerant of Muslims and of “appeasing” them. Godse is widely known for his extreme anti-Muslim views. Maharaj later retracted the statement.

Declaring a Hindu national scripture

At an event in New Delhi last year, Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj said the Hindu scripture Bhagwad Gita must be declared a “national scripture.” Another BJP politician, Manohar Lal Khattar, the chief minister of the northern Haryana state said Bhagwad Gita is considered more important than India’s secular Constitution.

Love jihad

Members of the World Hindu Council launched a campaign last year urging Hindu families to be on guard against what they called “love jihad” – romantic relationships between young Hindus and Muslims. They accused Muslim men of coercing Hindu women into love in order to convert them to Islam.

Muslims fear rising tide of Hindu nationalism in Modi’s India - The Washington Post
As a Hindu who votes for BJP , I will say my fellow Muslim brothers are very dear to me until they don't burst crackers on Pakistani Cricket team win over Indian Cricket team and donate generously in times of War with Pakistan which they didn't do during Kargil skirmish.
Non of the 'Indians' have to fear, as it is the rise of nationalism. Hindu is a word added to keep minorities in fear by sickulars. Vote bank ploliticians..
BTW, is there Muslim Nationalism anywhere in world?
...jamahir is a commi ..the idea long burried and mujahidind r@ped by pakis for claiming he has arab blood....he never could prove his arab blood lines... ( non Indian).o_O
Why u didn't tak guynextdoor? because he is non muslim/Indian?:azn:
...jamahir is a commi ..the idea long burried and mujahidind r@ped by pakis for claiming he has arab blood....he never could prove his arab blood lines... ( non Indian).o_O
Why u didn't tak guynextdoor? because he is non muslim/Indian?:azn:

jamahir said North Korea is better than India ........ that makes him a retard, not a commie :lol:
dont know where tht hype about modi anti muslim came from , isnt he doing this for all country man ,or all the investment or development tht happened will go only to hindus , tht retard thing,

as few a lot of new york times article are coming about modi antimuslim and on testa how she is innocent ,why these people dont write about their country wht kind of shit happening there, all these international media have made a hype about all these rapes in india and avoid going if u r single woman, wht abut there countries usa reprorts more rapes and muders then india but still india is ugly..
No need to fear... They have Pappu to save them from Modi & RSS! :p:
Ford Foundation..most probably!

Ford Foundation is one of the fronts for the CIA.

CIA represent the US govt.

End of the day, these are various machinations of the US to achieve its objectives.

Public perception manipulation via media is the oldest trick in the book. Remember WMD in Iraq ? or Osama in Afghanistan ? :P

BBC does the same thing for the UK govt. But CIA and US govt. have multiple avenues to manage perceptions and public opinions.
As a Hindu who votes for BJP , I will say my fellow Muslim brothers are very dear to me until they don't burst crackers on Pakistani Cricket team win over Indian Cricket team and donate generously in times of War with Pakistan which they didn't do during Kargil skirmish.

and what do say of bjp-supporting software engineers and call center workers ( earlier times ) whose offices have american flag or british flag and celebrate the american independence day in one way or another??

...jamahir is a commi


CIA represent the US govt

then why does modi sarkaar seek approval from the same usa government for india's permanent seat on the uno-sc??

jamahir said North Korea is better than India ........ that makes him a retard, not a commie :lol:

why don't you visit dprk and find out for yourself instead of listening to bbc and "the guardian" lies??

too lazy to find the truth??

and look who is calling someone a retard... a supporter of a ruling party which said that 5000 years ago, hindus were doing interplanetary travel and knew human in vitro growth.

but no doubt, you are very correct in approach and logic... this happens in dprk no doubt ( In suspected case of honour killing in Haryana, bodies of couple found stuffed in trunks - The Hindu )
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software engineers and call center workers
what do you have against regular hard working people ? that they work hard ? that they're not in the streets spilling blood because they want the govt. to steal money from everyone else and give it to them ?
When is the last time Modi said anything that could even remotely be construed as a Hindu nationalist remark? Every chance he gets he talks about India as one and representing all 1.25 billion Indians, I have actually been surprised at how moderate he has been in office given the hype that surrounded his nationalist tendencies in the wake of the elections.

Two times in two days major American news outlets have published overtly anti-Modi news article based on little more than misconception and myth, this tells me Modi is doing something right.
All people of sub continent are Hindus..Garv se kaho 'mein Hindu hoon'
Not me.

Total Lala land comment there by you.

You know with Modi in power, another mass murder of Indian Muslims is always on the table.
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