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Muslims are not safe in India

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What? Are you drunk? :rolleyes:

Actually you are right.. Pakistan has never been a single country for more than 42 years.. Karan.. You got your maths mixed up. 1947-1971 (24 years) 1971 - 2013 (42 years)
Sorry but me and @Hyperion already have that plan rolling, shall have to confer with him before coming up with a joint-strat with you. Partnership terms..what can one do?:hang2:

Im supplying missiles - in or out- --- its gonna work baby. :D
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Intifada is starting in India. Indians will cower in fear as Zaid Hamid and Akhbar Owaisi team up and gang bang these baniyas.
i am an hardcore atheist mr believer so those cow drinking and peni$ worshiping things won't work on me.
are you punjabi???
those coward ones who didn't resisted when gaznavi came???
or are you some arab or iranian? :lol:

What? Punjab back then was ruled by hindu rajas...

Also, Islam transforms even worse of humans to the level of supreme might, dignity, glory etc. Oppressed hindu punjabis of that era probably couldn't do anything...

Tell your pathetic, so-called superior hindu brahmins to mess with Muslim Punjabis and see what they get ;)

They tried in 1965, only to be beaten back with their tails in their *****....

No wonder they never invaded Pakistan again and chose a civil war to "feel good" about themselves :lol:
Intifada is starting in India. Indians will cower in fear as Zaid Hamid and Akhbar Owaisi team up and gang bang these baniyas.

:lol: Chaudhry Saab ke wet dreams :)

Keep looking at India while your own strategic assets are slaughtering your citizens and military men by dozens every week :)
Intifada is starting in India. Indians will cower in fear as Zaid Hamid and Akhbar Owaisi team up and gang bang these baniyas.

Great. ^^
News headlines -

Two Lunatics Electrocuted at Indo-Pak Border fence near Poonch
Your point is so flawed it's hilarious.

Hindus starve other Hindus.

Hindus rape Hindu women.

Hindus give Hindus HIV.

Hindus beat, torture, and kill other lower class Hindus.

More Hindus have died from starvation or Aids in India, then Pakistanis in terrorist attacks, and that too by a significant margin.

Tank u, come again.

Of course so do ...

Muslims starve other Muslims - also blow them up for good measure and other non Muslims too.

muslims rape muslims and non muslims...your mullahs issue fatwas legalizing rape of syrian women - trophy of the victorious.

Muslims give hiv and a host of other diseases too...not to forget the lices from their beards and their hair.

muslims stone, blow up, shoot, kill muslims and all and sundry that they think is legal according to Allah.

Many Pakistanis have starved to death, died of polio, died of aids, died of overdose besides regularly dying of IEDs and being pulled out of buses and lined up and shot.

I was talking of Muslim terrorists killing Muslims, non Muslims and anything possible all over the world. Muslims are the biggest danger to the world atm.
Didn't you guys remanufacture the Mirages?

We did the same with the Tornados :azn:

Ya, but they ain't the front-line- those babies are meant for precision strikes- like the Tornado.

When will they fly over Assad's palace? :angry: Russia is already putting its fleet elements in place, HURRY UP!
Its pretty much the same story everywhere in India, lets see if we can find some Indian Muslims here to tell their side of the story:

@Czar786 [MENTION=148509][Bregs][/MENTION]

Muslims are relatively safe in every part of India there is no specific Muslims targeting except some sporadic incident happening sometimes, but yes they are used as vote bank politics because they themselves allowed them to be used as votes

Coming elections they are planning to vote very tactfully to defeat the juggernaut of communal-ism as political parties are trying to polarize voters this can be seen in recent riots where simple murder of youths has taken over the role of communal riots in which thousands of Muslims have been forced to flee there homes n villages and innocents are being targeted though situation is under control now but with political overtones
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