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Muslim population grows 24%, slower than previous decade MAXIMUM RISE IN ASSAM

Virat Hindu kings fought on till their last breath to protect "Dharma"
Kings dont save Dharma. Common folks do. The terrorist jihadi bigot in your avatar committed crimes against common non believers and only a few noblemen.

My province UP has the highest population of muslims
Get real. Your province is Punjab. This is 2015. We are different people. Innit? :)
Kings dont save Dharma. Common folks do. The terrorist jihadi bigot in your avatar committed crimes against common non believers and only a few noblemen.
o_O Sanghis seem to change their goal post on a regular basis. All I heard till date from Sanghis is how their Virat Hindu kings fought to ward off the eeeeeevil barbaric moozlims and defend their Drama oops sorry its "Dharma" and now you suddenly change that folklore:devil:

Well the "terrorist jihadi bigot" in my avatar kicked the foreign @sses when those few "noblemen" were busy licking the very same @sses. Aaah I understand your pain:chilli:(How come eeeevil moozlims be so brave and outdo the virat hindu kings:angry:)
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:partay:Parivar planning:partay:
January 28, 2015, 12:00 AM IST Jug Suraiya in Juggle-Bandhi | Edit Page, India |
Sakshi Maharaj urges women step up the Hindu rate of growth and have four kids

‘Hum do, hamare do’, used to be the old family planning slogan. But if BJP Member of Parliament, Sakshi Maharaj has his way the mantra of what could be called parivar planning would be ‘Abki baar, bachche chaar’, giving a whole new gynaecological meaning to the ‘Make in India’ initiative.

The saffron spokesman has urged all married women of the majority community to bear at least four children as a sacred duty to the motherland and ensure that Hindu-stan remains what the parivar would interpret its name to suggest: a stan, or place, for Hindus.

Figures show that the minorities – particularly that minority which belongs to the ‘M’ word – are growing at a faster pace than ever before. So if the majority community doesn’t want to wake up one morning to discover that the minorities have become the majority and that it itself has become a minority, it had better pull up its socks and accelerate the Hindu rate of population growth.

However, are the four kids per wife – as recommended by Sakshi Maharaj – enough? A moot point. Many of the children born as the result of parivar planning could turn out to be daughters, some of whom could marry outside the community and in turn produce non-parivar children.

To ensure the Hindu rate of growth, the need of the hour is not just four children per couple, but four sons, who presumably will keep the faith. Assuming a 50:50 chance of begetting a male rather than a female child, the progeny quota per couple should be raised to at least eight, instead of four, in order to guarantee a sufficiency of sons.

And why should this literal labour of patriotic love be left only to women? If ancient India could perform organ transplants – as evidenced by Ganesha, the elephant-headed god – and other highly advanced surgical procedures, why can’t 21st-century India implant wombs in men, enabling them to share the burden of birth equally with their wives?

Who would be the first man to volunteer for a womb implant? The best candidate would be the proposer of the bachche banao scheme, Sakshi Maharaj himself. Who, having done the needful, might change his name to Sakshi Mata.

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