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Muslim lawyer calls to take up arms, asks minorities to sell Property & buy weapons

That's why every Indian Muslim I have met in the UK in person has been painting a very concerning picture of life back home.

How they use Hindu surnames, speak Hindi instead of Urdu, refrain from eating eat even on big Eid.

Have little of no rights under the Indian rss governance system and live in fear of genocide from the fascist Hindus who are foaming at their mouths for a nazi style mission to purify their land of Muslims.

Victims like yourself who have now become cowards after realising their dreams of equal rights have diminished and now feeling a sense of agreement with the RSS who blame their raging bigotry on the creation of the state of pakistan.

Sad times.. Pakistan has the difficult choice of either helping your liberation or ending the envitable rape and mass murder of Indian Muslims by nuking them.

Jashree raam!

Start repeating it daily and then hourly...it may just save your life in the coming days and months
Oh really? So masjids should be closed in Indian Punjab too?

You darpoks could not stay in Muslim majority Jammu bordered by an Islamic country. And here you are calling Muslim Indians coward. We have more guts than you.
Anyone picking up weapons against the nation will be considered terrorist and will be dealt with force.
To all the those neighbours jumping up and down. Do you want a intake of much larger crowd than during the US-Afghan conflict?
So you will not give them rights then everything can happen
Wake up it is hard for you to control Kashmir.
The World’s biggest so called democracy which cannot protect minorities. The World is starting to see the true colors


And it's coming true ... a couple of years down the line?

Cheers, Doc
What a waste of time your conversations are answer for everything but really lack anything. Just tit for tat and you can keep on going in this way.
What a waste of time your conversations are answer for everything but really lack anything. Just tit for tat and you can keep on going in this way.

He is very fond of rendering enigmatic narratives, with an ample use of symbolism and allegory.
So you will not give them rights then everything can happen
Wake up it is hard for you to control Kashmir.
The World’s biggest so called democracy which cannot protect minorities. The World is starting to see the true colors

What a waste of time your conversations are answer for everything but really lack anything. Just tit for tat and you can keep on going in this way.

It was a private conversation with someone who understood well what was said.

I'm sorry to have bored you with the same.

And a big rolling lol at not being able to "control" Kashmir ... you haven't seen control yet. You've only seen a state apparatus taking as much care of its citizens as it can to avoid unnecessary collateral damage.

Cheers, Doc
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It was a private conversation with someone who understood well what was said.

I'm sorry to have bored you with the same.

And a big rolling lol at not being able to "control" Kashmir ... you haven't seen control yet. You've only seen a state apparatus taking as much care of its citizens as it can to avoid unnecessary collateral damage.

Cheers, Doc
Thanks for keeping the civility wish you can spread everywhere
Don't worry about me.

Just keep your desi threats for a desi. I've seen and met enough of you to actually know how tough you really are.

Cheers, Doc
big words from someone who left his land :D . most probably due to fear.
big words from someone who left his land :D . most probably due to fear.

Dude, I come from a line of people who were the first true superpower of the world.

I just get amused when a little brown boy lectures me ... from a land that was the bondooks of our empire ... but do continue. :-)

Cheers, Doc
Dude, I come from a line of people who were the first true superpower of the world.

I just get amused when a little brown boy lectures me ... from a land that was the bondooks of our empire ... but do continue. :-)

Cheers, Doc
i came from here i came from there blah blah blah .... while in reality you were thrown away.
isnt that the same land got conquered by the army of small different tribes of Arabs?
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i came from here i came from there blah blah blah .... while in reality you were thrown away.
isnt that the same land got conquered by the army of small different tribes of Arabs?
Burn burn doc @padamchen *** burned. You teach him lesson sir....
Dude, I come from a line of people who were the first true superpower of the world.

I just get amused when a little brown boy lectures me ... from a land that was the bondooks of our empire ... but do continue. :-)

Cheers, Doc
True superpower.....:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Please man.

Kids need to earn the right to play.

You have. Over years.

Cheers, Doc

So if someone speaks the truth, true superpower starts begging to keep them quiet

You can claim whatever you want Col.

That is no reason to face genocidal Indian extremists.

You claimed the Land not the people. Gimme my 10 percent from the Land man. Gimme my money !!
I would promise to give you some land but i am afraid this true superpower will try to take it from us

i came from here i came from there blah blah blah .... while in reality you were thrown away.
isnt that the same land got conquered by the army of small different tribes of Arabs?
Indians have a very short memory and very imaginative brains
Muslims didn't want a separate country in pre-partitioned india as well. They just asked their rights but were denied again and again and again. Later, Jinnah was forced to go all out and partition india after decades of treachery of indian leadership.

indian Muslims can ask for their rights all they want. But they will be oppressed and marginalized day by day by day----so its better to smell the coffee and plan ahead.

Mass movement for your rights and protections, or partition of india once more with a Muslim majority state. Ps, arm yourselves to teeth because state and police will be with hindu mobs coming to r@pe your sisters.

But you already know that, don't you :)

We are happy that now Pakistani Muslims have got their right and they are flourishing now.
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