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Muslim got attacked because of his skin color


Jun 28, 2010
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Victim's skin colour behind attack
Victim's skin colour behind attack - Crime - Canoe.ca

A woman awaiting a verdict in a violent robbery with racial overtones has pleaded guilty to a separate booze-fueled attack on a shopkeeper because she didn't like his skin colour.

Rachel Gorman pleaded guilty Wednesday to charges of assault with a weapon, causing a disturbance by being drunk and breaches stemming from the Oct. 30 2010 incident at a northwest convenience store.

Court heard Gorman became frustrated after failing to reach a taxi by phone and began lobbing merchandise from gum to lighters at Farook Azam, the lone employee in the store at the time.

At one point, court heard, she hit him in the head with her fist.

Found by police with bloodshot eyes and slurred speech a short distance away, Gorman was arrested and court heard she told a police officer she didn't like brown people.

Her lawyer Jim Lutz said it was "happenstance" the target in Gorman's "line of fire" had dark skin.

Lutz, who told court his client has no prior convictions for violence and is seeking probation in the case, said the assault with a weapon charge isn't the best way to describe what happened.

"I'm confident most of this was motivated by alcohol ... this is more of a tantrum than anything else," he said.

The Crown, however, is asking for jail term of nine to 12 months, citing aggravating factors including the racial slurs, vulnerability of the victim who was working alone and the fact that Gorman was in breach of court conditions.

Prosecutor Karuna Ramakrishnan said video showing Gorman with a look of "glee on her face when throwing things" and "eating Doritos" should also be taken into consideration.

"This was an offence motivated by hate," she told court.

"The Crown's position is nothing less than a jail sentence will suffice. "

The lanky and pale-skinned Gorman, wearing a white crucifix around her neck, apologized for the incident but did not look at her victim sitting a few feet away in the courtroom.

"I have nothing against brown people," she said. "I don't know why I said those things."

Judge Sean Dunnigan will sentence Gorman later this month on the matter. But Gorman is also awaiting a verdict to determine if she is guilty of robbery in a Feb. 2, 2010 case where she allegedly kicked cabbie Gurinder Jit Singh in the face, later telling police she disliked his skin colour and saying, "I hate them in my country."

stop the violence against people with brown skin !
stop the violence against Muslims !

I hate to say but frankly, We Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular have no or very little moral high ground when we talk about violence or racism against Muslims. That is because world knows what we do to religious minorities in our own countries.
Hafizzz its too much a innocent person is attacked because of his skin color and its racism.

But you have added Muslim in the title, it shows ur racism.

By doing this you have diluted the issue and made it muslim V/s other which is not the case.

first u decide , she was beaten coz of his skin color or coz he was Muslim....

I hate to say but frankly, We Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular have no or very little moral high ground when we talk about violence or racism against Muslims. That is because world knows what we do to religious minorities in our own countries.

good post.. eye opener
A women attacked a man, seriously, he should of defended himself at least.

You have no idea how things are in Western Countries.
For an example, if a white person yells racist slur at a visible minority he claims that he is just exercising his freedom of speech but the same freedom of speech is denied to a visible minority who wants to yell racist at a white person and if he does yell racist slur at a white person then he will be labeled as "anti-white" !!!
If the person was an Indian...then he would have said racial attack on Hindu...& might have even thanked for it by many members here...
@sad incidence but we behave the same ways with the africans in our country....
stop the violence against Muslims !

Skin colour racism understandable and its highly condemned but Muslim? Is that became special to you because he was a Muslim? Do you want to separate them?
You have no idea how things are in Western Countries.
For an example, if a white person yells racist slur at a visible minority he claims that he is just exercising his freedom of speech but the same freedom of speech is denied to a visible minority who wants to yell racist at a white person and if he does yell racist slur at a white person then he will be labeled as "anti-white" !!!

Yeah, you clearly don't know either.

If a white person yells a racist slur, then he gets his butt kicked by everyone who heard him.
He should have punch her back on her ugly face...stupid woman.. When they get over drunk then they become real jerk
And you indian peoples better comment on the incident not on the topic starter. hate crime is hate crime dont matter religous or racial or for whatever reasons
I am not being funny but even many brown skinned people choose white skin over tanned/brown which I never understood why? It's even with my mates when they talk about beauty very first word coming out of their mouth is 'gori larki', and when they speak off the opposite they will start of with 'kali'. Or the fact some countries even got creams for 'fairer skin' says enough about where the problem really lies. I guess we ourselves need to stop the silliness within ourselves before pointing fingers at others.
A women attacked a man, seriously, he should of defended himself at least.

In Great Britain, the government has all but criminalized self-defence. If someone is beating you senseless with his fists, God help you if you pull some sort of weapon and injure/kill him. The courts will say that you responded with excessive force. If you poke someone who is attacking or threatening you with your closed umbrella to get them away from you, you will be charged with using a weapon.

In the United States, many clerks in convenience stores are armed.

When I was a child, I heard one of our older neighbors referring to Europeans/Americans as "barbarians," Africans as "savages," Afghans as "animals," and East Asians as "monkeys." Of course, he also had low opinions of Shia and Kurds, and called Assyrian Christians "traitors." He would point at me, a child of 8 or 10 years and call me a "traitor."

There are intolerant people in most cultures. All we can do is be the best people we can be and be good examples to the children.
How the hek a women beat up a man? This Azam should be shame unless she is a Martial artist and he is over 50.
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