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Muslim family has maintained this church in Pakistan for over 100 years


Sep 16, 2009
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Contrary to what some people would have us believe, the current government seems to be making a genuine effort to treat minorities with dignity and respect. At 1:20, the man says that the government has released funds to repair/maintain the church.

Contrary to what some people would have us believe, the current government seems to be making a genuine effort to treat minorities with dignity and respect. At 1:20, the man says that the government has released funds to repair/maintain the church.


Our hearts are much more pure and kind than the ones of the nation south of us which ironically accuses us of being extremists. Their hatred and small heartedness is evident here on this forum while our big heartedness is also visible.

Pakistan needs to take ownership of the narrative and broadcast such stories to the world.

Contrary to what some people would have us believe, the current government seems to be making a genuine effort to treat minorities with dignity and respect. At 1:20, the man says that the government has released funds to repair/maintain the church.

Its definitely a beautiful Church. I visited this Church with my family in March 2018, and we spent some time inside this Church. Also, the renovation/decoration of this church along with the other worship places of minorities was reflected in the annual development schemes of 2017-18 and at the time of my visit, renovation/construction work was in progress.

These three photos are from my "Better half" Cell phone, and the rest which I took with DSLR are unfortunately far away.
View media item 17756View media item 17757View media item 17755
good, now they can be targetted by extremists elements of our society.

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