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Muslim family beheads Hindu man over love affair in India

India has a 200+ million problem...namely its muslims... who secrtely are Pakistanis/Bangladeshis... and this problem is only growing. They are not loyal to mother India!

Encouraged by the vote seeking secularists...these muslims are getting bolder and turning into oppressors once again.

A Diskworld this is... a minority is oppressing the majority with daily violence of every kind.

Land of the gangeez is under attack from within by these 200+ millions....and then there are two great enemies training their guns at this sacred land, source of all Human Civlisation.

And many posters here don't appreciate the pain and agony that majority in India is feeling everyday. Instead they make fun of the poor souls. Heartless!

This is a Human Rights issue. Let us hope Mr. Modi can finally deliver the Promiseland to the Indian majority. How long such suffering can go on?

A powerful state like India can not allow these ungrateful minorities to oppress the innocent and generous majority.

@El Sidd @django @Kaptaan @war&peace @HRK @DESERT FIGHTER @Areesh @HAKIKAT
India has a 200+ million problem...namely its muslims... who secrtely are Pakistanis/Bangladeshis... and this problem is only growing. They are not loyal to mother India!

Encouraged by the vote seeking secularists...these muslims are getting bolder and turning into oppressors once again.

A Diskworld this is... a minority is oppressing the majority with daily violence of every kind.

Land of the gangeez is under attack from within by these 200+ millions....and then there are two great enemies training their guns at this sacred land, source of all Human Civlisation.

And many posters here don't appreciate the pain and agony that majority in India is feeling everyday. Instead they make fun of the poor souls. Heartless!

This is a Human Rights issue. Let us hope Mr. Modi can finally deliver the Promiseland to the Indian majority. How long such suffering can go on?

A powerful state like India can not allow these ungrateful minorities to oppress the innocent and generous majority.

@El Sidd @django @Kaptaan @war&peace @HRK @DESERT FIGHTER @Areesh @HAKIKAT

Well Hindus have been systematically oppressed and constitutionally as well in India ever since recorded history. It is unimaginable that the majority in India does not have protection of basic human rights of freedom and expression.

The secular constitution favors Muzzies in India and the helplessness of the Hindu majority is a major human rights concern. They have mastered the art of playing both the victim and the masters.

Mr. Modi has the capability to help bring salvation to Hindus in India by making India a Hindu Democracy fulfilling its destiny. Ofcourse the secular liberals who are blinded by their minority appeasement will never make it easy but Yogi if not Modi has to deliver this.

The rising Pheonix of the Hindu democracy shall not be denied.

Peace !!
Well Hindus have been systematically oppressed and constitutionally as well in India ever since recorded history. It is unimaginable that the majority in India does not have protection of basic human rights of freedom and expression.

The secular constitution favors Muzzies in India and the helplessness of the Hindu majority is a major human rights concern. They have mastered the art of playing both the victim and the masters.

Mr. Modi has the capability to help bring salvation to Hindus in India by making India a Hindu Democracy fulfilling its destiny. Ofcourse the secular liberals who are blinded by their minority appeasement will never make it easy but Yogi if not Modi has to deliver this.

The rising Pheonix of the Hindu democracy shall not be denied.

Peace !!

A valid, keen observation indeed.

If the West can be a Christian Civlisation. And all of the Muzzies...as you call them, take pride in their Muzzieness... why this great injustice is inflicted on a billion Hindus... that India is not officially a Hindu country? For Hindus, by Hindus...of Hindus...

You got your Pak for yourself, haven't you?

From the very beginning the collaborating Indian political elite has favoured these Muzzies and wrote laws in favour of them... yet this minority can never be appeased fully... as its lust for power and advancement is unending.

Look at their social development, their vast wealth and power in India... a 200+ million is oppressing a Billion people. What more they desire?

These minorities have been taking advantage of the generosity of 1 Billion Hindus... look at the HDI, jobs, real estate, living and working conditions of these 200+... all those social benefits...and it is still not enough for them.

For how long such great injustice could carry on?

Yes, the selfless Yoggi is the new Hope... he has all the makings of The Great Leader.

Mr. Modi could have been a Great Leader.... but he appears to have gone into appeasement mode.

Or perhaps after 2019 election he will finally deliver Greatness. He has already taught China a lesson... so there is hope.

Regardless, let us hope that the Gangees Civlisation can survive...and be the Source of all Human Advancement once again. In these Dark Days... the Humanity needs a Hindu India.

Without the liberation of majority India cann't be a global leader. This is imperative.

Muslim family beheads Hindu man over love affair in India
By News Desk
Published: February 3, 2018


Hundreds crowded the streets to witness a Hindu man being allegedly stabbed and beheaded in public because he had fallen in love with a Muslim girl in India.

The incident took place on Thursday evening, according to the local media. The girl’s family members are the main suspects behind the murder of her boyfriend.

Police have arrested the girl’s father, mother and uncle in connection with the murder.

The victim known as Ankit Saxena, had a relationship going on with the unidentified 20-year-old women since the last three years and the couple planned to get married soon as well. However, the girl’s family stood against the relationship as the man was Hindu.

The day Saxena was killed was the day when the 20-year-old girl planned to discuss their wedding plans but later was informed that her beloved was stabbed to death.

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“I was going to meet him and then someone told me he had been stabbed with a knife. We were going to marry. He called me and told me he wanted to marry me, so we were meeting,” she told the media.

The young women, whose identity has not been released, feels that she may possibly be killed as well or harmed by her own family members if she was at home which is why she was sent to a shelter home for protection.

The girl’s father and uncle reportedly beat the victim, who was known as a photographer by profession, before stabbing and slitting his throat while the brothers of the girls held his arms and body.

Ankit’s mother rushed to save her son, she was attacked and stopped by the girl’s mother. “I tried to stop them, but the girl’s mother pushed me to the footpath and kicked me on my chest.

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“The family accused my son of abducting their daughter. I told them my son was innocent and that they could call the police to find out. I even asked them to search my house. They refused to listen and kept beating my son,” said the victim’s mother, Kamlesh, who suffered a broken rib in the incident.

All three members of the family are sent to jail after the statement produced in the court, while the girl’s brother were sent to a correction home as they were underage.

“During the investigation, we found that they caught and stabbed Ankit in the neck. The woman’s family was against their relationship as they belonged to different communities and had warned Ankit against associating with her,” senior police officer Vijay Kumar said.

Due to this incident, people strongly reacted on Twitter.

This article originally appeared on NDTV.

Read more: Hindu Man , Killed , Latest
Honour killings are pretty common amongst Muslims, however the so called secular/liberal media of India only highlights when BJP or RSS attacks a muslim man for loving a hindu girl. Indian medias should stop promoting agendas of the Muslims.
A Muslim is not permitted to marry a Hindu.

Girl's family should have disowned her and thrown her out, if she was beyond salvation and reasoning. Killing doesn't solve anything.
I completely disagree, Muslims should marry Hindus, Jews , Christians and anyone they fall in love with and vise versa. This is the way forward, such marriages will dilute the differences and hatred between people of different religions.
Inter racial and inter religious marriages are the only way to destroy the hate that people have.
public beheading ? new low level
Honour killing is primitive and unacceptable. You may not want your son or daughter to marry into a different faith but that doesn't mean you are gonna kill them if they do so. Interfaith marriage may be wrong, but no one deserves to be killed for their personal decisions. India and Pakistan both are infested with this disease of honour killing.
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