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Muslim beggar assaulted, asked to go to Pakistan in Ajmer

And what about the rights of Muslims who form the majority in North West British Indian Empire.
What about their rights and property rights?

My Grandparents used to live in Agra and Delhi.
We are not ethnic Indians, we are Pathans.

But during partition we immigrated to Pakistan like cities such as Karachi, Lahore, and Rawalpindi.

We are Punjabinized Pathans,
How can you prove that none of your ancestors married indian women and men? How can you be so sure that you have pure pathan genes? Have a dna test and post it here.
For some reason a lot of Muhajirs in Punjab have assimilated in the Punjabi culture to the point they don't seem way too foreign

But in Karachi, the Muhajir "culture"( quatation cause I know it isn't exactly uniformed) is strong as ever, some assimilation should have happened there too
In punjab the assimilation might be due to the reason that most of the muhajirs there might be from indian punjab who share culture,language with west punjab.
Will you also propose constructing a temple in India which will have a remembrance representation for the 300,000+ Indian farmers who committed suicide just between 1995 and 2017
Will you create a Temple for the thousands killed by Communist Terrorists in the Red Corridor keeping that area poor? Communist rats are the reason India is still poor!

FYI, Odisha's GST collection has exceeded that of West Bengal. The horrible things that Communism does to a state!! WB's population is almost three times greater than that of Odisha.

Communist Model
Chattisgarh, Kerala and Haryana have similar sized population. But Chhattisgarh (Victim of decades of Communist terrorism) has higher GST collection than Communist Ruled Kerela And Fascist Haryana has three times more GST than Kerala.

Chhattisgarh - 2,432 (Population = 2.9 crore)
Kerala - 1,675 (Population = 3.5 crore)
Haryana - 5,330 (Population = 2.5 crore)

Source PIB - GST Revenue collection for July 2021

No one gives a flying F for your Stalinomics.
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Will you create a Temple for the thousands killed by Communist Terrorists in the Red Corridor keeping that area poor?

Why not say tens of thousands even ? :rolleyes:

Communist rats are the reason India is still poor!

But Capitalist idiots will happily claim India to be currently the 6th largest economy in the world. Of what use is that number ?

And all in all you have put out no empathy for the suicides of those farmers, for the situation and culture because of which they committed suicide.
But Capitalist idiots will happily claim India to be currently the 6th largest economy in the world. Of what use is that number ?

And all in all you have put out no empathy for the suicides of those farmers, for the situation and culture because of which they committed suicide.
India is growing, you won’t become developed overnight, and ya do tell me why is GST collection so low in Communist states? And then you’ll give excuse ohh, they should follow real communism.
India is growing, you won’t become developed overnight

Yeah, "growing" only for Hum do hamaare do.

Remember that migrant laborer woman from last year who died of hunger at a Bihar railway station when she was going back to her hometown during the lockdown ? She died because she had no money. Ambani having a two billion dollar 27-storey "house" did not quite magically produce money for that woman.
Yeah, "growing" only for Hum do hamaare do.

Remember that migrant laborer woman from last year who died of hunger at a Bihar railway station when she was going back to her hometown during the lockdown ? She died because she had no money. Ambani having a two billion dollar 27-storey "house" did not quite magically produce money for that woman.
He’s creating jobs in India, we are still a 2000 USD per capita economy, and your expectations are too high, you are also living in a char deewari, feed some poor people like the Sikhs do at Gurudwaras or ISKCON does or what Akshay Patra Foundation does.

Even when food is subsidised through Ration cards yet want free atuff for life, in Free Market economy today someone is poor, tomorrow everyone prospers, in a communist regime today everyone suffers and this suffering is never ending, USSR collapsed, China trashed it’s Cultural Revolution for sensible free market reforms, Vietnam trashed it’s communism and became a free market economy, East Europe trashed communism and now Cuba is facing protests to do the same , Kerala’s GST collections are lower due to still living in the era of muh communism superb that’s why it’s people have to go to work in gulf (posterboys of capitalism).

So don’t give your knowledge here, commies are as stupid as their ideology.
He’s creating jobs in India

Right, out of those jobs he creates, 600 are employed in his 27-storey "house" but what about those many Bombayites who live in pipes and slums not too far from his "house" ? How is he employing them ? And who else is he employing ?

we are still a 2000 USD per capita economy

And that should preclude India from becoming a welfare state society ?

and your expectations are too high

Expectations about ?

you are also living in a char deewari, feed some poor people like the Sikhs do at Gurudwaras or ISKCON does or what Akshay Patra Foundation does.

Right now I am a middle class person who doesn't even have money to fund the material and human resources for the company I desire to start in some months. But I have ideas - technological, economic and political. You should read the socio-economic proposal I linked in the other thread. This proposal will prevent things like hunger, socio-economic suicides, wage slavery and economic classification. It is a simplification of previous Communist proposals. Please read it, discuss in that thread and spread the word offline. That way it will contribute to the thoughts of existing and new progressive movements and individuals. That is how revolutionary / progressive thought has always worked.

And ISKCON is a bunch of religious idiots with nefarious intention who also via their Akshaya Patra mid-day meal for schools program don't even provide egg to the students and deprive them of this wonderful and easy source of protein.

Even when food is subsidised through Ration cards yet want free atuff for life

Not all things free. Read that proposal.

in Free Market economy today someone is poor, tomorrow everyone prospers

And how has that worked in India ?

China trashed it’s Cultural Revolution for sensible free market reforms

And in Capitalist China there are stock exchanges in which citizens can gamble, lose money and jump into steel furnaces or jump off buildings.

and now Cuba is facing protests to do the same

You tell Cubans to demand removal of their free and universal, and world-renowned healthcare system, and see the reaction.

Even the otherwise Capitalist Spain nationalized its healthcare system last year and made it free and universal.

Kerala’s GST collections are lower due to still living in the era of muh communism superb that’s why it’s people have to go to work in gulf (posterboys of capitalism).

What is this GST you keep mentioning ?

And Kerala should have become industrialized, like the USSR. Are you telling me that Socialist USSR had a lower standard of living than non-Socialist India ?

So don’t give your knowledge here, commies are as stupid as their ideology.

You should tell that to the ghosts of those 300,000+ Indian farmers who committed suicide because of the non-commie, actually anti-commie, system in the country.
A commie is talking to open business, lmao. Self contradiction at best.

1. There is no Nature-imposed reason why traditional Communist theory about common ownership can't evolve in the next version of Communist society to being the material goods be owned by committees on behalf of the people but lent to a group or individual who wants to start a company.

2. About the company I hope to start, it will be arranged on collective lines, all those employees being equal partners in profit. Such a thing was also in the wonderful 2009 Hindi film Rocket Singh : Salesman of the Year. Also, a lot of the intellectual output of the company will be open source ( which concept already exists in computing, medicine etc ). This is also Communist.
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@Sudarshan, if you just want to continuously keep doing Haha reacts why are you on a discussion forum ?
@Sudarshan, if you just want to continuously keep doing Haha reacts why are you on a discussion forum ?
तुझ से पूछना पड़ेगा अब? तेरी बकवास अब झेल नहीं सकता मैं।
Thank You!!!
तुझ से पूछना पड़ेगा अब? तेरी बकवास अब झेल नहीं सकता मैं।
Thank You!!!

I am here to stay until permaban. You can exit the forum. Thank you !
1. The Taliban is definitely not the bunch to look up to.

2. Indian Muslims should listen to the right people amongst them, organize, ally with other oppressed communities in India, ally with progressive Indian movements and not be apathetic. I posted the below just yesterday :

1- they have fought their freedom.

2- good luck with that. Tweeter war, protests, etc will get you very far! Just one word of advise. If you can, learn from your own history. One word, Muslim underworld.
1- they have fought their freedom.

And accepted without murmur by the US of A, their supposed eternal enemy, and with aid and business contracts possibly coming in soon.

2- good luck with that. Tweeter war, protests, etc will get you very far!

Discussions and awareness statements do lead to action.

Just one word of advise. If you can, learn from your own history. One word, Muslim underworld.

Not only has that subsection of people been shunted out of India I also wouldn't want myself to associate with them.

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